Well designed ethics classes can enchance moral competence development which plays an important role in a general personality and identity development It has been also proved that an effective way to stimulate development must put individuals in situations of cognitive conflict (Turiel, 1966). It shows how important the quality of reasoning is in the general growth. But cognitive competence is not enough. Moral learning and upbringing processes should be also based on responsible and democratic decision, for example by participating in the discussions of moral dilemmas. Konstanz Method of Dilemma Discussion - KMDD - introduced originally by Prof. Dr. Georg Lind from University of Konstanz is one of the the most effective and well-documented method for moral democratic education (fostering moral-democratic competence). Developed in international collaboration over many years of experience by one of the foremost moral education researchers, Prof. Dr. Georg Lind, this theory-based approach is scientifically-proven to improve moral-democratic competence (Lind, 2016). Within the KMDD fostering moral-democratic competence can be achieved more effectively and with less investment of costs or time than is often thought. KMDD can be offered for people of all ages (from age eight upward) and all cultures and religions. After just one or two sessions, a measurable and sustainable effect occurs. As a certified KMDD Trainee, KMDD Teacher candidate (2017) and prof. Lind's direct apprentice and follower during my workshop I would like to present a full session of KMDD to all who are interested in fostering moral and democratic competence.
Author Information
Malgorzata Stec, Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Poland
Paper Information
Conference: ECERP2017
Stream: Ethics - Ethics in Education
This paper is part of the ECERP2017 Conference Proceedings (View)
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