Emergence of diverse smart devices by developing information and communications technology has affected every phase of life. These devices able us to persue various conveniences of lifestyle. The smart device learners now have an active demand and they are asking for the most appropriate learning service for technology's evolution and proliferation. With the change in smart learning environment, smart learning adaptes to working employee improvement training. Through the introduction of smart learning, more training chances will be provided for active learning of working employees and training result seems to improve. However, problem of low program quality has risen due to expansion and overproduction and criticism is being made which can lead to decrease of the education quality. Due to this problem, the exertion to reform the quality of education service by systematic management of smart content is demanded in several learning fields. Therefore, this study is trying to introduce Korean examples to increase the effectiveness of working employees' ability improvement training. This is to improve smart learning quality by making evaluation sheet and conducting pilot tests. Thus providing qualified smart learning process to training market.
Author Information
Hyeon Mi Rha, Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training, South Korea
Paper Information
Conference: ACSET2015
Stream: Education and Technology: Teaching
This paper is part of the ACSET2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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