Students engagement in online discussion sometimes defines their learning attitudes. However, the tools that is being used for online discussion may also frame the attitudes of the students in online discussion. Facebook(R) has been considered by some researchers as a great platform for online discussion. Students engagement and attitudes is part of their objectives. Many other educators have conducted research by using Facebook platform for online discussion. Several studies have proven Facebook as an effective platform for online discussion. On the other hand, Moodle(TM), a free open source Learning Management System (LMS) is widely used by many learning institutions across the world. Moodle has a module for online discussion. In this study, we evaluate students attitudes in using two methods of online discussions in a Moodle platform 2.4.3. The first method of online discussion is a Facebook module that allows students and teachers to participate in an online discussion using Facebook Comment Social plugin developed as a Moodle module. The second method is using the available Moodle module for forum discussion. The two methods were evaluated through a questionnaire. The results of the survey was analyzed and evaluated.
Author Information
Hans Tobias Sopu, Kumamoto University, Japan
Yoshifumi Chisaki, Kumamoto University, Japan
Tsuyoshi Usagawa, Kumamoto University, Japan
Paper Information
Conference: ACSET2015
Stream: Education and Technology: Teaching
This paper is part of the ACSET2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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