Power, Religion and the Informational Nature of Reality


Technological advances change our view of reality. Published articles and books suggest that we live in a Matrix-like simulation or in a mathematics-created universe. Some suggest that the universe itself is a nothing more than a quantum computer made of information. There are many opinions, but do our opinions coincide with the truth at all times? Although a cherished notion, it may not be the case. What if ours is a simulation-like reality generated by a computer? Science theories and religions are seen in an entirely new light. A world made of solid material particles would need reinterpretation in an informational universe. Also, a world generated by mathematics, suggests a programmer(s). Who would that be? Religious interpretations find odd cohesion with this than current evolutionary theories might. Can materialistic processes account for an informational, programmed world? Religions have some entity or God(s) outside of our reality involved in its creation, but no one prior to the Age of Technology, would ever have referred to this entity as a programmer. Currently, “reality” is not settled science. Nor do all religions agree as it pertains to the nature of reality. Yet, is there any more important question to answer correctly while in it? The power issue enters here. So many viewpoints all presented as truth, but where does the data lead? Rigid doctrinal adherence within societies is expected in both faith and science, rather than going where the data lead. This paper examines the issues with an informational reality, faith and science.

Author Information
Juliann Smith, Evenstone Publishing, USA

Paper Information
Conference: ECERP2015
Stream: Religion - Theism and Atheism

This paper is part of the ECERP2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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