Who Am I? Omani English Language Teachers Professional Identities


This presentation will shed some light on the concept of teacher professional identity and the impact of educational policies on the development of this identity from both theoretical and practical perspectives. The initial findings of the research conducted on Omani English language teachers professional identities will be discussed and revealed. This presentation will draw on research conducted into the area of teacher professional identity; specifically in relation to the curriculum they teach and the impact of the latter on the former. Many countries around the world centralize and prescribe their national curriculum for many reasons. The impact of centralization and prescription of curriculum on English language teachers� professional identity from both a theoretical and practical perspective forms the focus of this presentation. Participants will initially explore the concept of teacher professional identity, its definition, construction and development. Then a discussion on the research background will follow. This presentation will then present some of the initial findings reached from the research conducted on the impact of centralized and prescribed curriculum on Omani English language teachers� professional identity. The presentation will discuss a significant phase of the research, namely the initial findings. Finally this presentation will identify some of the implications for policy and practice for teacher education and curriculum design and provide opportunities for discussion. The implications will include some recommendations for practice. This presentation should provide interesting insights for both experienced and inexperienced teachers, teacher educators, curriculum developers and policy makers.

Author Information
Fawzyia Al Zadjali, Leeds Beckett University, UK

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2015
Stream: Professional concerns

This paper is part of the ECE2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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