For decades now, academics have developed analyses for uncovering oppressive forms of power in society. These investigations often reveal conscious and unconscious prejudices lurking behind seemingly innocent and humanistic agendas. Academic research makes power structures operating in a society visible, allowing individuals to understand the ways they are subjugated so that they can resist methods of control and discipline. However, at the same time, academics sometimes lose sight of the positive forms of disciplinary power in society and misperceive and hastily judge policies, thus producing undesirable consequences. This paper recommends that social policies such as criminalization and policing be carefully considered adnd argues for a more reasonable and less rigid interpretation of power than that is typically given in higher education, that power is associated with control and the loss of freedom. In light of new and changing social situations, policies should be met with more consideration and thoughtfulness in deciding their value as disciplinary power.
Author Information
Charles Miceli, Wenzhou Kean University, China
Nicholas Costantino, Kean University, USA
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