This study aims to explore the path of becoming Thai traditional musician expert of the notorious Phraya Bhumisevin,the royal court musician and composer. Praya Bhumisevin, also known as Jiit Jittasevi,(13 June 1894-5 January 1976) was a master of Thai classical music, particularly of the saw sam sai (three-stringed instrument), during the Rattanakosin period. He was the second son of a musician, LuangKhontuapwatee, also known as Jang Jittasevi, and began learning from his father in early childhood. Later, he studied under such well-known musicians as kluy from Praya Prasarnduriyasap (Plag Prasarnsub) and Princess ThepkanyaBuranaphim whose style and method of playing the saw sam sai originated during the reign of King Rama III. PrayaBhumisevin’s musical talent shone through from a very young age. By the age of 12, he had joined the royal MahoreePipat or court orchestra and, by 15,had won a number of prestigious musical awards. He served as a page to King RamaVI, a lover of the arts, who greatly appreciated Praya Bhumisevin’s talent.He was often called upon to lull His Majesty to sleep with the soothing sounds of the saw sam sai. When he was 31, King Rama VI bestowed upon Praya Bhumisevin the high rank of ‘Praya’. The study reflects the cultural contexts which has contributed to the growth and learning of this great musician, composer, and teacher, Phraya Bhumisevin.
Author Information
Pongsin Aroonrat, Silpakorn University, Thailand
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