A Survey of Vocabulary Learning Strategies of English for Business Communications (EBC) Students at NUIC


This survey tries to investigate the receptive vocabulary size levels and the vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) of ninety-three Bachelor of Arts in English for Business Communications students of Naresuan University International College (NUIC), Thailand. This study identifies the most and the least frequently used VLS of the participants as well as the differences of the VLS used by participants with high receptive vocabulary size and with low receptive vocabulary size. All participants completed Nation’s vocabulary level test from 1st 1000 to 10th 1000, and the vocabulary learning strategies questionnaire. The methodology used in this study was the mixed method, and the T-test was the main statistical treatment test used in analyzing the collected data using the 0.01 level of significance. The results showed that the dictionary strategy, the autonomy strategy, and the guessing strategy were the most frequently used VLS and the least frequently used VLS were the selective attention strategy, the memory strategy, and the note-taking strategy. Since there was nobody who has a high receptive vocabulary size, so the participants with medium and with low receptive vocabulary sizes were compared. Though there were slight differences in the VLS used by both groups, but based on the statistical treatment of the data, it was found out that there was no significant difference in the use of vocabulary learning strategies between the medium-level group and the low-level group.

Author Information
Don August G. Delgado, Naresuan University International College, Thailand

Paper Information
Conference: ACAH2015
Stream: Humanities - Language

This paper is part of the ACAH2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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