Demographic change forces companies to develop concepts for lifelong learning that focus on involving older and younger employees. Nevertheless, demographic change offers a great opportunity because older employees often have distinctive age-related competences. These are particularly relevant for failure management, where older employees, due to their knowledge gained through experience, positively influence the efficiency of work processes. One approach to use the competences of older as well as younger employees more effectively is an age-appropriate design of existing competence development measures. In an online study, competence development measures used by companies to increase their employees’ professional, methodological, social, and self-competence were examined. In addition, a literature search was conducted. The measures used in practice were then analyzed according to specific criteria concerning their age-appropriate suitability. Furthermore, recommendations for the adjustment of competence development measures were derived. As a result of this research, an enhanced age-appropriate design of competence development measures was determined. The results of the study show that e.g. 25% of the participating companies utilize mentoring to improve professional competence. But in the light of demographic change an increased use of mentoring is to be recommended. Older employees possess knowledge gained through experience as well as distinctive social competence. Therefore, they have a great potential to participate in mentoring. Combining the competences of older and younger employees offers the opportunity for companies to improve their failure management by developing their employee’s competences. Thus, they can strengthen their competitive position.
Author Information
Gerrit Meyer, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Bianca Brünig, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Paper Information
Conference: ACSET2014
Stream: Education and Technology: Teaching
This paper is part of the ACSET2014 Conference Proceedings (View)
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