Act No. 18 year 2002 about National System of Research, Development, and Application of Science and Technology (S&T) form the basis for the implementation of S&T in Indonesia. It become an instrument in the implementation of the national innovation system (NIS) in Indonesia. NIS in the concept of Kuhlmann and Arnold (2001) has institutional element which is become a key of NIS implementation. Based on this premise, this study is then dissected science and technology institutions in Indonesia through Act No. 18 year 2002. To analyze the data this study using content analysis approach. Based on a content analysis of Act No. 18 year 2002 on the National System of Research, Development, and Application of Science and Technology is known that institutional of science and technology become one of the main issues in provision 6-10. Description of these article mentions that the institutional elements of science and technology in Indonesia include universities, R&D institutions, agencies and supporing institutions. This is in contrast with the institutional model introduced by Kuhlmann and Arnold (2001) by entering the political system including the legislature as an integral part in shaping the policy framework of the system. Not only was the concept developed by Kuhlmann and Arnold (2001), elements of education and research becomes an inseparable unity, whereas Act No. 18 year 2002 both roles are run separately by universities and R&D institutions. Based on these conditions this study has advised to put political system in the model of science and technology institutions in Indonesia,
Author Information
Prakoso Bhairawa Putera, Indonesia Institute of Sciences, Indonesia
Dini Oktaviyanti, Indonesia Institute of Sciences, Indonesia
Amelya Gustina, R&D Center of the Attorney General of the RI, Indonesia
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