This proposal focuses on the development of a Palestinian Liberation Theology as a consequence to the establishment of the sovereign State of Israel. In particular, the paper examines the ecumenical efforts set forth by Sabeel a liberation theology movement established in 1990 near Jerusalem. This center addresses both the question of promoting an inclusive non-Zionist interpretation of the scriptures and using the Bible as a tool for justice, peace, and nonviolence. This proposal will thus discuss the agency of this Christian movement, which operates both at individual level by offering a fresh interpretation of the Bible and its message to the believers, as well as at community level by establishing a modality of behavior for the Arab Christian communities in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict. We suggest that the development of a Palestinian Liberation Theology represents a creative religious action enacted by a Christian minority in order to address the theological and social challenges raised by the establishment of a sovereign state which uses the Hebrew Bible, shared in part both by the Christians and the Jews, to legitimize it’s presence and expansion.
Author Information
Elisa Farinacci, University of Bologna, Italy
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