ISSN: 2186-229X – The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities 2014 – Official Conference Proceedings
Published on: June 11th, 2014
ACAH2014, Osaka, Japan
Conference Theme 2014: Individual, Community & Society: Conflict, Resolution & Synergy
Rihga Royal Hotel, Osaka, Japan
Thursday, April 3, 2014 - Sunday, April 6, 2014
Conference Proceedings
Download a PDF version of the official conference proceedings by clicking here
Proceedings Contents
29 Days in Formosa: Colonial Era Architecture in Taiwan
Kong Ho, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
Guardians of a Shifting Cultural Industry: Current Worship Rituals of Taiwan’s Pottery Gods
Martie Geiger-Ho, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam
The Psychoanalysis of Khōra and Mother Khōra and Their Transformations of Inner-Abjection in The Reader
Ming-May Chen, Providence University, Taiwan
Wen-Yu Lai, Providence University, Taiwan
‘Norman Angell Redux: Economic Interdependence Hedging against the US-Chinese Security Dilemma'
Er-Win Tan, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Feeling the (Un)ideal Pengyou: Trauma, Monstrosity and Unhemlich in Song at Midnight
Kankan Zhang, Beijing Normal University, China
Lesbian’s Representation Evolution in Mainstream Media
Maya Schwartz, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Romania
Curriculum without Boundaries: Towards an Ecological Connection of Higher Education Curriculum
Chia-Ling Wang, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
Product Storytelling of Five-Star Local Product Champions
Wirat Wongpinunwatana, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Elites' Conflict and the Control of the Social Sphere: The Case of Egypt
Osama Abdelbary, Sharjah University, UAE
The Myth of the Second Front: How ‘the experts’ and ‘the global jihad’ Appropriate Asian Insurgencies
Tom Smith, University of Hull, UK
Effectiveness of Line Drawing in Depicting Scientific Illustrations: Linking Physical Situation and Visual Representation
Amany Ismail, Alexandria University, Egypt
Does Mother Tongue Influence have a great effect in English Pronunciation? How to reduce it in Humanistic Way as ELT
Reena Mittal, DAK Degree College, India
Discursive Representations of Older People in Taiwanese Print News
Chin-Hui Chen, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Design & Aesthetics of Traditional Sinhalese Jewellery of Sri Lanka
Hiranthi Pathirana, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
The Role of Cultural Identity in Designing Contemporary Artwork
Aysha Alessa, Princess Nora Abdulrahman, Saudi Arabia
The Korean Wave in Thai Society: The Popularity of Korean Television Dramas and Its Effects on the Lives of Thai Women
Pataraporn Sangkapreecha, Bangkok University, Thailand
In Control by Being Controlled: An Online Information Seeking Experience for Self-Directed Learning
Taweesak Sangkapreecha, Bangkok University, Thailand
Who do you think you are? Nurturing Preservice Teacher Identity in a World of Increasing Globalisation Emergent Risks
Jenny Buckworth, Charles Darwin University, Australia
A Study of Local Food Security in Southern Part of Thailand
Songsiri Wichiranon, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakorn,Thailand
W.S. Rendra’s Point of View on Gender Inequality in his Poem entitled “Kenapa Kau Taruh” (Why Do You Place)
Retnowaty, Universitas Balikpapan, Indonesia
Documentation through Participation and Self-Reflection: An Experimental Approach to Conflicts of Site in Architectural Education
Aslihan Senel, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Aesthetical Value in Egyptian Folklore Drawings between Cultural Values & Contemporary Culture
Maha Darwish, Faculty of Fine Arts, Egypt
Engaging: Creative Placemaking in Macau and Hong Kong
Carla de Utra Mendes, Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal
José Manuel Simões, University of Saint Joseph, China
The Exploration of Design Cognitive Thinking and Corporate Marketing Mix in Dynamic Logos
Fu-Ming Juang, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Ming-Chieh Hsu, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Pei-Yu Lin, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Alienation as a Phenomenological Instrument for Reconnection of Man with Physical Environment in Japanese Residential Architecture
Antonina Ilieva, Chiba University, Japan
An Ethical Approach to the Islamic Urbanism
Seyed Mahdi Khatami, The University of Sydney, Australia
Michael Tawa, The University of Sydney, Australia
Culture, Carpets and Cleanliness: The Role of the Floor in the Iranian Home
Shima Rezaei Rashnoodi, University of Sheffield, UK
Locality and Public Participation: A Case Study of "Learning Council" in Busan Biennale 2012
Dita Wulandari Utomo, Silla University, Korea
The Influence of Project Stakeholders on Designer's Creative Autonomy
Tzu-Chun Lo, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Hsiao-Ling Chung, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Soundscape Investigation: Exploring the Soundmap of West Central District, Tainan City, Taiwan
Wei-Ting Su, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Hui-Wen Lin, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Theatrical Hybridity, Thy Name is Conflict: A Case Study on Holo Taiwanese Opera Troupe's Tai Tzu Fu Chou (The Prince's Vengeful Plan)
Jui-Sung Chen, Mingdao University, Taiwan
Shin-Yi Lee, China Medical University, Taiwan
A Great Citizen is Still "Under-Construction": The Conflicting Self-Identity in Sayonara 1945
Shin-yi Lee, China Medical University, Taiwan
Jui-sung Chen, Mingdao University, Taiwan
Flexibility, Family and Guanxi in Indonesian Chinese Film Ca-bau-kan (2002)
Miaw Lee Teo, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Futurist Art: Ideas in a Fractal Universe and Digital Art
Claretta Pam, Walden University, USA
Conflict Irresolution: Post-Postmodernism and the Legacy of Ironic Subversion
Michael Heitkemper-Yates, Kobe University, Japan
Sense of Identity in Chang Rae Lee's A Gesture Life
Joshua M. Getz, Shih Chien University, Taiwan
Sound and Seal: Symbol and Meaning in the Mahamudra Sutra
Sara Elaine Neswald, Soochow University, Taiwan
Transnational Education: A Diasporic Experience of Self-actualisation and Neutralisation
Ricky, Yuk-kwan Ng, Vocational Training Council, Hong Kong
Erica, Tsing Lau, Hong Kong College of Technology, Hong Kong
Translating the World and Facing the Conflict Within
Muhammad Y Gamal, University of Canberra, Australia
The Narrative of the Apocalypse: Human Destructiveness, Contemporary Crises and Animated Hope
Mateja Kovacic, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Conflict and Controversy in Contemporary Australian Foreign Policy
Craig Mark, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Responsive Environment Design in Intelligence Building for Home Space Transfer Scenario
Yueh-Ying Lee, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Tay-Sheng Jeng, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Yi-Shin Deng, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Bearing Children for the Good of the Country in the 21st Century: An Analysis of Government Campaigns' Ads in the Shōshika Era
Aurore Montoya, University of the West of England, UK
Tracing the Images of Home: In the Process of Seeking for Cultural Identity in My Video Art Practices
Shu-fang Huang, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
“The Serial Designer”: Continual Elements, Connectedness and Simultaneity in Graphic Design
Melike Tascioglu, Anadolu University, Turkey
Optimizing the Media Use of Mobile Device Application Software in Transmitting Disaster Response Information
Tan-Ning Yang, Institute of Creative Industries Design, Taiwan
Yi-Shin Deng, Institute of Creative Industries Design, Taiwan
Fashion-related Exhibitions in Taipei: Implications on Museum Marketing
Dan Calinao, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Hui Wen Lin, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
The Tri-color in Iranian-Islamic Architecture of SAFAVID Dynasty: Green (Yellow + Blue), Red, Blue Considering Three Gunas of Vedic Texts
Maryam Mohammad Gholipour, IIUM, Malaysia
Tayebeh Goodarzi, IIUM, Malaysia
An Evaluation of the British Stance during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878
Fahriye Begum Yildizeli, University of Exeter, UK
Fragmented Communities -- Friendships in Dyadic Relationships between a Young Adult with a Developmental Disability and a Nondisabled Peer
Lorna Sutherland, University of Alberta, Canada
Implementing Sustainable Consumption of One-Way Bottled Water: A Linkage to Environmental- Awareness Raising in Thailand
Taksina Chai-ittipornwong, Muban Chombeung Rajabhat University, Thailand
Social Alienation and Disability: Conflict, Confusion and Community
Doaa Owais, AlAzhar University, Egypt
The Influence of Dadaist Poetry Works on Chinese and Japanese Poems from the Late 1910s till the Late 1920s
Kin Pong James Au, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
The Influence of Popular Comics on the Drawing of Taiwanese Students, in Particular with Art and Design Related Students
Li-Chiou Chen, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
The Influence of Micro-film Advertisement and TV Advertisement on Advertising Involvement and Advertising Effects
Jiaxing Lee, University of Yuan Ze, Taiwan
Lichiou Chen, University of Yuan Ze, Taiwan
Rear-Admiral Sir James Stirling: Locating the Individual
Brett White, Monash University, Australia
Improving Foundation Program Students’ Paraphrasing Skills
Hranush Ginosyan, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
The Old and New Malaya of the Colonial Days and It's Continuity in the Modern Day Malaysia
Sivachandralingam Sundara Raja, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Languaging and Ethnifying in Cyberspace: The Philippine Experience
Jerico Esteron, De La Salle University Manila, Philippines
Baja: The Yavapai Struggle to Preserve Their Place and People
Adam Tompkins, Lakeland College Japan, Japan
A Study on Trend of the Ergonomic Research Papers over the Past 20 Years in Taiwan
Chih-Long Lin, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan
Si-Jing Chen, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan
Seeking Common Ground in Comics
Peter Moyes, The Griffith Film School, Australia
Communicating Trustworthiness: Experts and Role Models in Women’s Magazines
Martina Temmerman, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
The Study of Match Degree Evaluation between Poetry and Paint
Si-Jing Chen, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan
Chih-Long Lin, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan
Runatai Lin, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan
Gender Differences in Narrating Stories on Second Graders
Hsin-Huang Huang, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Interaction Design of Crowdsourcing Disaster Response
Yu-Chen Chin, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Chia-Han Yang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Yi-Shin Deng, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Hsiao-Chen You, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
The Processes and Problems of School Organizational Restructuring from Bureaucracy to Professional Learning Community
Ming-tang Kuo, National Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan
Heterogeneous Homescape: Ping Fong Acting Troupe’s Apocalypse of Beijing Opera
Shu-Mei Wei, Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
A Study on the Construction of Curriculum Mapping- The Case of Department of Education of NPUE
Ya-Ting Lee, National Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan
Shin-Feng Chen, National Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan
Syu-Wei Shu, National Pingtung University of Education, Taiwan
Estranged Subjectivity: An Investigation of the Live-action/animated Hybrid Characters
Fabia Lin, National Chengchi University, Taiwan
Politics of Landscape: Rethinking Donggwoldo and Okhojeongdo in the Early 19th Century Korea
Myeongjun Lee, Seoul National University, Korea
Junghwa Kim, Seoul National University, Korea
The Student Teacher’s Reflection on the Model Teacher from Classroom Observation
Praphalphan Minpraphal, Kasem Bundit University, Thailand
Gender Communication in Life-Storytelling Narratives: A Gendered Discourse or an Obasan Talk?
Riki Yen Che Lo, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
The Hakka Proficiency Test Studied by the Methods of Semantics
Wanchun Tang, National Hsinchu University of Education, Taiwan
Dilemma in the Preservation Practice of Traditional Malay Houses
Nurul Syala Abdul Latip, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Norhafizatullakmar Sulaiman, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Zumahiran Kamarudin, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Mazlina Mansor, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Nor Zalina Harun, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Timelines along the Vågen: A Studia humanitatis on the Narratives of Urban Images through Mnemic Residues
Konstantinos Ioannidis, University of Stavanger, Norway
Tokyo's Ueno Station in Japanese Cultural Memory
Charles Laurier, Lakeland College, Japan
Eynergizing Common People and Government Responders towards Crowdsourcing for Disaster Management Preparedness
Mohd Zaidi Abd Rozan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Mohammad Riazi, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Alias Abdul Rahman, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Mohd Iskandar Ilyas Tan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Sharif Idros, Pasir Gudang Emergency Mutual Aid, Malaysia
Construction of the Garden House: The Scene That the DIY Text Does Not Describe
Naokata Okajima, Minami Kyushu University, Japan
Resolving Conflict through Emotional Unity: Bihu Songs as a Cohesive Force of Assamese Subnationalism
Myithili Hazarika, University of Hyderabad, India
Sriparna Das, University of Hyderabad, India
Hidirellez : A Synergy and Integration of Different Cultures in Istanbul
Meliha Pinar Sagiroglu, Yıldız Technical University, Turkey
Primordial Intuition in the Sundanese Local Culture Branding
Monica Hartanti, Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia