Category: Literature and language learning
Language Techniques in the Anthology of Short Stories ‘Klang Phung Phae Lang Hak’ (Amidst a Herd of Broken-backed Goats) by Ummisalam Umar
The objective of this article is to analyze language techniques in the anthology of short stories, “Klang Phung Phae Lang Hak (Amidst a Herd of Broken-backed Goats)” by Ummisalam Umar consisting of 10 short stories: Phu Tong Songsai (Eyes of a Child), Foon ( Dust), Nithan Khong Pho (Daddy’s tales), Klang Phung Phae (Amidst a …
Improving EFL Students’ Thesaurus-using Skills: An Action Research at a University
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L1 and L2 Attitudes and Willingness to Communicate in Taiwanese Middle School Bilingual Program
While most language learners in Taiwan are school aged children, academic research in field mostly address university level students. Considering early experiences with language affect students’ future motivation for learning Chinese (L1) and English (L2) (MacIntyre et al. 2003), this study aims to investigate Taiwanese middle school students in bilingual programs. Specifically, to (a) assess …
Educational Culture in a Synchronous Class: Case of Filipino-Chinese Interface
One key target of the global education system is the equipping of graduates exhibiting sets of core 21st-century competencies. Looking into global competencies vis-a-vis language learning, inclination to English fluency is an edge for pursuing global careers. The imperativeness of accommodating English education in China is first manifested in its Open Door Policy in 1976. …