Category: Education, Technology and Society: Technologies, Knowledge Creation and Access

The Impact of ICT on Youths Development in Nigeria
The world today is very competitive as a result of Globalization. The rapid changes in technology have brought into focus the issue of information and communication technology (ICT) in all spheres of life. Technologies now feature in collecting, storing, editing and passing on information in various forms. Nations have recognized the importance of ICT and …

Teaching Science in the Basic Education Levels in Nigeria: Challenges and Way Forward
ABSTRACT This paper thus looked into the teaching science in the basic education levels in Nigeria: challenges and way forward. Government and other stakeholders should endeavor to improve the system in order to assist, improve and support science teaching for national development. The challenges noticed include poor funding, lack of appropriate and adequate teaching materials, …

Beyond the Bars, Breaking Barriers towards Digital Inclusion: Family Visits through ICT-Based “E-Dalaw” as Innovation in the Reformation Program of the Maximum Security Inmates of the New Bilibid Prison, Philippines
Information Communication Technologies (ICT)’s enabling power of bringing about participation fosters social and digital inclusion, and supports the Philippines’ development goal of “Inclusive Growth”. The country’s Correctional System piloted an ICT-based program called “e-Dalaw,” that enables inmates to connect to their families regularly. This is in line with modern reformation concepts, as prison visits were …

Institutional Framework of Science and Technology in Indonesia: Encourage Interaction Academics, Business, and Government
Act No. 18 year 2002 about National System of Research, Development, and Application of Science and Technology (S&T) form the basis for the implementation of S&T in Indonesia. It become an instrument in the implementation of the national innovation system (NIS) in Indonesia. NIS in the concept of Kuhlmann and Arnold (2001) has institutional element …