In today's conditions, when the level of financial literacy not only directly affects the material well-being of the population but is also a "barometer" of the social and economic situation in the country, its increase becomes a necessary element of the development of any state involved in international economic relations. To meet this problem, national strategies and programs for financial education have been implemented in Russia, as well as in other countries. However, most of the training programs implemented as part of the execution of these documents are targeted at the citizens who are at one of the stages of the education system.
In the current situation, the media becomes the most accessible tool for spreading basic financial knowledge among the adult population. At the same time, the training and level of knowledge of journalists of the social and political media, which today are the main source of financial and economic information for non-professional audience, should be constantly upgraded in accordance with the situation in professional field and changing public demand.
This study has allowed to find out with what subjects the present Russian journalists, bachelor graduates with a degree in Journalism form knowledge and skills necessary to create financial and economic materials, targeted at non-professional audience and whether the set of subjects offered to students is sufficient to carry out activities aimed at improving the financial literacy of the population.
Author Information
Olga Vikhrova, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Paper Information
Conference: EuroMedia2020
Stream: Media and Education: Training Journalists
This paper is part of the EuroMedia2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Vikhrova O. (2020) Mass Media in the System of Improving Financial Literacy of the Population and Professional Training of Journalists – Russian Practice ISSN: 2188-9643 The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film 2020: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 13-26) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-9643.2020.2
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2188-9643.2020.2
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