Weaving the Traditions for the Future: Building a Sustainable Support Framework for Iranian Traditional Hand-Woven Textile Arts


Iran has been notably applauded for its luxurious hand-woven textile art of the Persian carpets which has been a tremendous part of Iranian art, heritage and export. However, little attention has been paid to other kinds of Iranian hand-woven textile traditions such as Kaarbafi, Daraibafi and Shaarbafi to name a few both domestically and internationally, which have been inherited from generation to generation and are now seriously facing the danger of extinction due to the modernization and economic and political reasons. In this presentation, I will illustrate my project in progress of providing a sustainable support framework for artisans of these textile traditions in danger by raising a financial support through charity exhibitions in order to maintain the traditions for the future. In particular, I will report the process of the charity exhibition and sales that I held in Tokyo in the summer of 2014 and discuss issues that arose from the exhibition. I argue that it is significantly necessary to develop a sustainable support framework by respecting the knowledge and skills of the artisans and giving market values to their textile products in order to save their weaving traditions. This presentation will resonate with one of the conference themes, “Power”, in that it describes how an individual has power to bring differences to help dying traditions and their artisans.

Author Information
Kaya Kikuchi Munakata, Independent Researcher, Iran

Paper Information
Conference: ACAS2015
Stream: Middle Eastern Studies (including Assyria

This paper is part of the ACAS2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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