Encouraged by the increasing numbers of successful cases both on Flipped Classroom approach and project-based learning around the world, the authors transformed the instructional method of an undergraduate engineering course at the fall semester of 2013. After 80% of original course slides were converted into video clips, students of the course were instructed to facilitate those course materials before the classes. In the formal course time, planned group discussions, presentations, or quiz on the course contents were undertaken by the students with help from the teacher. Two weeks of traditional lecture format were delivered for the purpose of comparison. A course project of designing an ecological-friendly urban river reach was scheduled through 8 one-hour sections supplemented by discussion sheets or PPT files. When most of the students spent half to one hour per week to pre-view the videos, the average scores of 5 group quiz at flipped weeks were close to that of the group quiz at one traditional lecture week. However, 3 quiz for individual student were apparently lower for about 20 points out of 100 scale. With questionnaire of Self Directed Learning Readiness Scale applied at the beginning and the end of the semester, the result indicated that more than 80% of the students had increased their scores. From course feedback questionnaire, over 75% of the students confirmed that both flipped-classroom approach and project-based learning had positive effects on their learning in this course.
Author Information
Chao-Hsien Yeh, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Mei-Huei Tsay, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Paper Information
Conference: ACSET2014
Stream: Education and Technology: Teaching
This paper is part of the ACSET2014 Conference Proceedings (View)
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