In Bangkok, the capital and the largest city of Thailand, street food business provides local with cheap and convenient access to a variety of foods and a means of making a living. Even though, Thai foods are prepared daily in the most of every Thai households, yet, trading food has been a common economic activity since the old days. The development of street food became more functioning and part of daily consumption way of urban living, especially in the city where people spend most of the time outside their houses. Its contributions to urban life go beyond their own informal employment, as it generates demand and supply for a wide range of services provided by other informal and formal workers.This article purposes to examine the relationship between urban dining culture and food varieties in spatial planning aspect with Bangkok as an area of study. Street food business in fifty districts was investigated and analyzed into two parts: food variety and contribution in each land-use type. The initial result shows that urban dining culture relates to street food contribution, but contrasts with the government policy, which concentrates on abolition. This will lead into policy suggestion for the importance of street food in the city.
Author Information
Montouch Maglumtong, Navamindradhiraj University, Thailand
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