A Practical Framework Towards Open Government “Moving Beyond Openness and the Forward-looking Walkways to Open Collaborations”


Open Government is nowadays a popular concept for public administrators and policymakers. Nevertheless, the applications on this are still varied depended on one’s interpretation. Many understand that Open Government is only about openness and transparency of the government to the people based upon "Freedom of Information" principles and "Right to know" doctrines. However, in the digital era, many public administrators and policymakers also applied Open Government as an Open Data by opening public sector’s data and information with private sectors and people sectors for further usages and analytics to leverage on the power of big data. Furthermore, Open Government can be deployed as Open Collaboration to empower citizen as well as encourage participation in public sector’s activities and even in certain government roles in order to leverage the collaborations and competencies among public sectors, private sectors, and people sectors. Therefore, in the article, these various concepts and applications will be explored to gain comprehensive understanding of Open Government in several dimension. Besides, the challenges of applying Open Government in reality will be discussed. Indeed, public sector’s information often labeled as confidential and sensitive. Moreover, citizen participation in public sectors can also be complicated due to numerous limitation. As a consequence, reluctance and resistance to open are common issues. Therefore, in the end of this section, the comprehensible framework for evaluating priority and considering stepping stones towards Open Government Initiatives will be presented.

Author Information
Kanok Karnchanapoo, Well Consulting Group, Thailand

Paper Information
Conference: ACBPP2021
Stream: Public Economics

This paper is part of the ACBPP2021 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Karnchanapoo K. (2022) A Practical Framework Towards Open Government “Moving Beyond Openness and the Forward-looking Walkways to Open Collaborations” ISSN: 2189-1001 –The Asian Conference on Business and Public Policy 2021: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-9) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2189-1001.2022.1
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2189-1001.2022.1

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