Usefulness of Bilingualism and Literacy


Bilingualism in the United States is an important topic because of extensive immigration from around the world. Children from immigrant families, especially from Mexico, are admitting to early learning school setting every year and the percentage of the immigrant children whose first language is not English is increasing yearly. As a result because of their initial development in early education US education board has taken various initiatives such as bilingual educational curriculum in early learning centre, learning of bilingualism, extensive literature education through skill-based learning and knowledge-based learning, content learning, language learning, teacher’s professional development, extensive diverse environmental training, children’s fair and extensive careful assessment etc. I am an Education student at the University of Alberta, and a Professional Child Development Educator student at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, taking online professional development courses for my educator training and development and for further studies and opportunities through the Harvard University, Bilingualism is one of the professional education course that I took in the past from Harvard Graduate School of Education and I would like to spread world-wide about its usefulness, about Harvard curriculum of child development, so that citizen of the world can aware about, this is why I have written this article.

Author Information
Ananda Majumdar, University of Alberta, Canada

Paper Information
Conference: IICEHawaii2019
Stream: Interdisciplinary

This paper is part of the IICEHawaii2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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