Character Education is usually reflecting some good values in order to empower students to have a better development of individual growing. Hence, language teachers can expend their curricula with different disciplines for increasing their variety of teaching and training their students with some life skills. However, most of teachers in Taiwan have tried to accomplish their new curricula of interdisciplinary approach with corresponding the educational guidance. This study is an eight-lesson integrated program of Character Education and English in a real English as a foreign language classroom in one public school in Taiwan. The researcher will adopt an action research in probing the difficulties and process during administering this program. The research design will be separated into two cycles of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting for the reason of readjustment of problems encountered towards teaching process. The data will be collected in a four-point Likert scale attitude survey towards students, checklists for students’ performances of English and Character Education in this program, and two teachers’ semi-structured interviews after this program. The data will be analyzed with both quantitative by the statistical program, SPSS, and the qualitative data will be interpreted into six aspects of this integrated program according to the framework of Creswell and Creswell (2017). The findings and discussion will be reported at the end of March 2020.
Author Information
Yu-chi Chuang, National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan
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