Conference: AGen2019

Neighbourhood Environment and the Elderly’s Ageing-in-place Experiences in Singapore Public Housing – A Case Study of Boon Teck Neighbourhood

To confront ageing challenges and opportunities, “ageing-in-place” (AIP) is promoted by public policy and preferred by the elderly. Neighbourhood is where the elderly’s daily needs and preferences are accommodated. Although there are large volumes of literature about AIP, the majority are divorced from places of ageing. Taking Boon Teck neighbourhood as a case study, this

Quality of Life and Psycho-affective Supervision of Elderly in Accommodation Facilities for Dependent Elderly People in Cameroon: A Cross-sectional Study

Ageing is accompanied by the loss of autonomy in some people, forcing families to use appropriate structures for their care. In Cameroon, accommodation facilities for dependent elderly people (AFDEP) are requested to cope with the lack of social and family supervision. Unfortunately, the supervision given to the aged persons (AP) in these structures raises questions

Study Case of Elderly Nutrition Status for Improvement Long Term Care Program’s Planning in Nursing Home, Salatiga

In Indonesia, the number of older persons significantly increases every year. In 2017, there are an estimated 22.66 million older persons and will continually grow to 49.19 million in 2025. Government and society need to help older people regarding their vulnerability on experience chronic conditions, functional degradations and limitation to do daily activity. Government resolves