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In Search of an Effective Online Campus for Online-only Universities

This is an interim report on an investigation into the psychological and social problems in online campus life at online-only universities. The immediate goal of this research is to search for an effective communication platform for the online campus at the Tokyo Online University (TOU), which has opened its doors to student in April, 2018.


Online Learning Perceptions and Online Learning Self-efficacy: Do Students’ Characteristics and Access to Technology Matter?

While online learning has become the delivery mode of choice to facilitate flexible or distance learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic, this alternative approach to instruction has challenged the entire educational system in the Philippines. This descriptive study examined the online learning perceptions and online learning self-efficacy of 2027 students at a private college in Manila.


Assessing Online Study Abroad: Assessing Japanese University Students’ Online Study Abroad and the Future of Study Abroad Post-Corona

This study reflects on the experiences of students and instructors on the online international exchange program at a Japanese university during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a mixed methods approach incorporating both survey and interview data, I report on student and instructor perceptions and reflections of distance learning experiences of courses held online at a Japanese


Navigating Online Identities: Language Learners’ Narratives in Online Spaces

This research investigates the construction of Saudi university English language learners’ identities in online spaces, such as discussion boards and social media, analyzing how these digital environments influence their learning processes and identity formation. The primary objective is to understand the relationship between online interaction and language learning, focusing on the negotiation of identity through


Online Flipped Learning for Engineering Students

The integration of digital tools into language teaching has increased with the COVID-19 pandemic. In parallel, online learning has become popular, resulting in a substantial amount of online courses. In addition, nowadays, it is preferred over traditional face-to-face learning in emergency situations. All of this has led educators and researchers to explore ways to improve


Online Language Learning in the Time of COVID: Instructor and Student Perspectives

While computer assisted language learning has been a long-established form of instruction (Chapelle, 2005; Lim & Aryadoust, 2022), this mode of learning surged during the recent pandemic when in-person instruction was rapidly shifted online. While the process of planning for online language instruction has been studied in detail (Pawan et al., 2016), the sudden migration


The Relationship Between the Online Learning Difficulties and Self-Efficacy Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in Taiwan During the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the pandemic, all educational institutions, including senior education centers, closed. To support the physical and mental health of the elderly, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education Taiwan urged active aging centers to develop online courses. This study explored the difficulties and self-efficacy of middle-aged and older adults transitioning to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Drawing


Teacher Self-Efficacy and Emergency Online Teaching and Learning During COVID-19

This mixed methods study sought to measure and understand teacher efficacy and experience of teaching online one year into the transition to emergency remote online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study builds on our earlier work (Dolighan & Owen, 2021) that measured teachers’ sense of efficacy for teaching online at the initial stages of


Predicting Consumer’s Intention to Buy Local Specialty Online

The purchases of local specialties were usually seen in conventional physical stores in the past. The potential consumers were the tourists who visited the stores. Renowned products did not necessarily imply big business in this pattern of trading. With the imposition of “free independent travel” for Mainland China tourists, and the introduction of “one town


Comparing Online Learning Experiences Between University Students With and Without Special Educational Needs During COVID-19

The aim of this study is to examine the online learning experiences of university students with Special Educational Needs (SEN), and how their experiences might differ from their typically developing peers. Fifty typically developing students (mean age = 22; 29 females) and 31 students with SEN (mean age = 22; 15 females) from a local


The Online Training to Create an Online Society That Connects Tourism for Employment and Preparation for Future Work

This research aims to: 1. construct an online training system to convey knowledge and the production process of tourist media to communities and people during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic; and 2. examine people’s access to online training systems. Examine the performance of the online trainees. The findings demonstrated that: 1. The developed online


Development and Integration of Freely Available Technology into Online STEM Courses to Create a Proctored Environment During Exams

The current coronavirus pandemic has left many universities and their instructors in a sudden requirement of online education. For small private universities this creates an even more precarious situation as funds for online proctors or the purchase of software for online assessment monitoring is frequently insufficient. In addition, online assesments for STEM courses are often


Using Biometrics to Fortify E-learning Platforms Security

E-learning is here to stay. During the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 1.2 billion students were educated through online learning. Platforms such as Zoom, Webex, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, etc. were among the most popular ones during that period. However, these platforms suffer from various vulnerabilities that make them susceptible to cyberattacks, including Man-in-the-Middle attacks


To Explore the Relationship Between Socio-demographic Factors and Online Social Capital Among Undergraduate Students in Hong Kong

Along with the development of information technology, the concept of social capital has been extended to the online perspective. Major limitations of the offline social capital include the information was most often describing the socio-economic status of parents rather than the children per se. The main objectives of the study was to examine the current


Online Discussion Using Facebook Module Versus Moodle Forum Module in a Moodle Platform: Feedback From Secondary Students in Tonga

Students engagement in online discussion sometimes defines their learning attitudes. However, the tools that is being used for online discussion may also frame the attitudes of the students in online discussion. Facebook(R) has been considered by some researchers as a great platform for online discussion. Students engagement and attitudes is part of their objectives. Many


Assessing College Students’ Readiness for Online Learning

Advancements in technology and pedagogy with respect to distance education have highlighted the need for higher education institutions to adapt to these changes and embrace online learning as an alternative approach to instructional delivery. To assess students’ readiness to this non-conventional modality, the current study utilized the Online Learning Readiness Scale (OLRS) by administering an


The Normal Habits and Environmental Governance of Online Advertisements

When an advertisement meets a network, it actually transfers the use of human weakness to its emergence. The support of technology for releasing of human weaknesses inevitably brings changes in normal habits of online advertisement. And the changes of the ecological environment of online advertisements leads to the vulgarization of it. Due to factors such


The Effectiveness of Self-Paced Online Language Courses With Gamification Elements in the University Setting

Self-paced learning is a crucial approach for fostering students’ intrinsic motivation to delve deep into understanding a given subject. However, motivating students to learn through self-access online courses outside the classroom is not an easy task. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of two self-paced online language courses offered to all undergraduate students at


Nursing, Health Technician and Midwifery Students’ Perceptions of Their First Fully Online Learning Experience During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study

This paper examines undergraduate nursing, health technician and midwifery students’ perceptions of their first fully online learning experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Online learning was a solution for several countries during the COVID-19 pandemic to pursue studies and protect students. Understanding nursing students perceptions of their experiences related to the online learning is crucial


I-City, or a New Classroom for EFL in Times of Change: Its Theory and Practice

The purpose of this presentation is to present an idea to address education inequality stemming from economy and geography, especially in English education as a foreign language, a report of a lesson practice, and issues to challenge. Schools in small islands in Japan serve very small numbers of students. While they have advantages in English


Students Perceptions of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning on Chinese Language Learning

The discussions on second language learning in higher education facilitated by computer supported collaborative learning have increased over the past decades. To generate learners’ communications in the target language is the purpose of practicing CSCL for L2 learning. However, few studies have done to understand Chinese L2 learners’ perception on computer supported language learning. In


Transcending Borders and Building Bridges: Creating A Technological Infrastructure to Support a Community of Practice across Nine Nations

Progressions in technology provide researchers with increased prospects to locate and conduct research across borders. This paper has two aims; firstly, it details the process of creating a technological infrastructure in supporting a particular community of practice as they engage with and learn from others who are distant in time and location. Secondly, the paper


Pragmatic (Im)Politeness and Group Gender Composition in Face-To-Face and Virtual Communication: Tunisian Undergraduate Students as a Case Study

Although the literature on group gender composition in the classroom derives from a variety of research disciplines, including sociolinguistics and educational psychology, little attention has been paid to approaching this contextual factor pragmatically. This study, therefore, uses Brown and Levinson’s (1987) and Culpeper’s (1996) pragmatic theories of (im)politeness in investigating the impact of different group


Online Reviews in an E-Commerce Environment: Impact on Brand Trust and Consumer Equity

This study adopts a quantitative approach using a factorial between-subjects experimental design to determine the effects of online reviews on brand trust and consumer equity. Customer equity links closely with customer value, brand value and relationships unlike willingness to buy. An online user discussion forum was purpose-built to conduct experimental research for this study, using


Five Years of Online Instruction: Lessons Learned

This paper outlines the researcher’s individual growth and evolution of online instruction over the span five years. The details of this paper include a synthesis of recent research combined with online teaching experience. The method used is autoethnography in which the author seeks to analyze personal experience within the cultural context of teaching in the


Maximising Student Engagement in Online and Blended Learning: A Survey of Learner Preferences

Blended learning is the integration of classroom face-to-face (F2F) learning with online learning experiences to engage students in a flexible learning framework. F2F lecturing is generally described as being more engaging. However, the incorporation of online resources gives students choice and flexibility in how they approach their studies, and can offer an additional tool to


The Effect of Teacher Immediacy as Leverage Technology on Online Students’ Participation, Academic Achievement and Knowledge Retention

COVID-19 pandemic has led to a major shift towards online learning, emphasizing the importance of teacher immediacy in promoting students’ participation, academic achievement and knowledge retention. The transition to online learning has become increasingly prevalent, necessitating a deeper understanding of the factors that influence students’ academic performance in environment. One such factor is teacher immediacy,


Online Comic in Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary Learning: A Case Study of Budi Utama Multilingual School in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This research aims to 1) investigate the improvement of CFL elementary-school students’ skill in learning Mandarin Chinese vocabulary through creating comic individually without online resources, creating online comics individually and collaboratively, 2) investigate the CFL elementary-school students’ attitude towards the application of online comics in learning Mandarin Chinese vocabulary, and 3) investigate the CFL elementary-school


Trusting for Authentic Friendshps in the Perceptive World of Everybody Lies Online

With the technological advancement of communication, especially the internet, more and more people no longer live life in a set of relatively fixed settings but rather they live through online societies. In online venues, it is easier for individuals to have power to manage their relationships, making it freer and expanding possibilities. As such, an


Preparing Students for Taking the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE): The Design of an Online Self-paced Courseware and Evaluation

Preparing Students for Taking the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE): The Design of an Online Self-paced Courseware and Evaluation After years of education, graduates are naturally keen to give something back and contribute to society. One of the most efficient ways is to join the civil service and serve the public. The Civil Service Bureau of


Learning and Teaching TESOL Online During the Pandemic – Experiences From Chinese International Students and Their Lecturer in New Zealand

This study focuses on challenges for students and lecturers adapting to online teaching and learning during the pandemic. The project reports on two international student cohorts from China who had expected to be immersed in an English-speaking country for their undergraduate degree but were forced to study online. In July 2019, the Bachelor of Education


University Students’ Perceptions of Social Experiences in Online Learning: A Post-COVID-19 Perspective

Since the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020, online learning has become increasingly important as an alternative to face-to-face higher education (HE) programme delivery globally, including in Malaysia and Singapore. With limited physical and social contact, communication, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing through digital tools play a large part in enhancing students’ virtual learning experience. Based on the

ISSN: 2186-5892 The Asian Conference on Education 2021: Official Conference Proceedings

ACE2021, Online from Tokyo, Japan
Thursday, November 25 – Saturday, November 27, 2021
ISSN: 2186-5892


A Study of an Online Community of Practice for EFL Learning in a Chinese University

The aim of this paper is to report the investigation of an online communication group as a supplementary media for student learning English; and to report how communication online facilitated student learning and student-teacher relationship. Drawing literature on reflection and Communities of Practice (CoPs), a case study was undertaken involving 30 students in an online


Developing an Online Knowledge Center Model to Enhance the Necessary Skills for Workers in Industrial Enterprises

The objective of this research was to develop an online knowledge center model to enhance necessary skills for workers in industrial enterprises. The development process showed that 1) there were 8 major components of this kind of online knowledge center model: concept and goal, internal/external content and internal/external courses, technology, search/information retrieval system, community/sharing, knowledge


Online Teaching Readiness of High School Teachers in Special Education

The advent of technology in the 21st century transformed the educational landscape initiating a shift from traditional face-to-face teaching to online teaching. Moving the classroom experience to digital platform poses a challenge on the online teaching readiness of teachers, more so in special education where the teachers’ intensive guidance and specialized skills are matched to


Coping Up With Online Learning During the Pandemic: Challenges for Rural Students in Bangladesh

Around 38 million students were affected due to the COVID 19 related closure in Bangladesh. Students from rural areas have faced difficulties during the pandemic to cope up with online education. The education turned virtual but there was no such framework, guidelines and need-based arrangements for a smooth operation of online learning. While the pandemic


Lecturers’ Experiences in Teaching STEM Courses Online During COVID-19: Case of a Zimbabwean University

This paper explains the university lecturers’ experiences of teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The 210 research participants were drawn from a single university in Zimbabwe, a developing country in southern Africa. While there exists literature on the online teaching approaches during COVID-19, this paper argues that there


Development and Validation of Questionnaire on Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Online Learning Environment

Covid-19 has resulted in a sudden shift in education settings, from face-to-face to online learning sessions. In view of this major change, it is necessary to study students’ self-regulation strategies in an online environment to enable the teachers to develop online materials that will guide students to become successful in their learning. This study aimed


Challenges in Technology Integration for Online Teaching and Learning for English Sessional Academics

The new norm, post-COVID-19, is characterized by the worldwide espousal of the virtual classroom. While full-time university academics are typically provided with continuous training support for their technology integration in online teaching, this is not so for sessional academics, who are inadvertently deprived of such opportunities. This would subsequently threaten the quality of online lessons,


Ethical Use of Online and Social Media in News Reporting of Thai Newsrooms

Online and social media have transformed journalism practice and newsroom has embraced a hybrid model of news reporting including newsgathering, news distribution and use of user-generated content to survive in convergence news culture. This research aims to study ethical issue on online and social media usage in news reporting, and ways to develop ethical code


The Influence of Online Social Communication Networks on the Agenda of the Front Page of Thai Newspapers

The research found that the online social media services of Facebook impacted the news agenda items of both Thairath and Matichon newspapers. Analysis of Facebook was conducted throughout the year 2011. In addition, extensive interviews were conducted with sub-editors and reporters from said newspapers. It was also found that the online media services examined helped


Engaging Online Students in Blended Synchronous Learning: An Exploratory Study

Blended synchronous learning (BSL) is an instructional approach that enables online students to participate in classroom activities from geographically separated sites using video conferencing technologies. Despite its educational benefits, maintaining and increasing the engagement of online students is challenging. In this study, some strategies were adopted in two classes (N=22 & 23) to investigate how


Students’ Reflections on Online Teaching/Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The intensive implementation of online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic creates challenges and generates innovation opportunities within higher education. This study aimed to explore students’ reflections regarding online teaching/learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the challenges students encountered due to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, the perceived benefits, and their recommendations for future


Analysis of Lecturers’ Opportunities and Challenges Regarding Formative Online Assessments at a South African Technology University

During and after COVID-19, formative online exams became widely employed at universities. Face-to-face academic activities were suspended. As a result, many institutions increased their use of information and communications technology (ICT) and adopted online assessments. University lecturers were obliged to change their pedagogical strategies, teaching and learning paradigms, and evaluation procedures. This study examined opportunities


Social Media and Online Activism in Kazakhstan: A New Challenge for Authoritarianism?

The internet provides new channels for citizen voices, expression of minority viewpoints, and political mobilisation. In Egypt, Russia, Syria and China, blogs, online forums, Facebook and Twitter already provide citizens with a new form of public sphere and alternative source of news and information, which are seen as a new platform for exchanging news. This


Effective Strategies for Teaching Higher Education Faculty How to Teach Online

In higher education, institutions want their faculty to have confidence going into a classroom to teach their subject, whether face to face classes, hybrid classes that are partially online, or fully online classes. How can institutions support their faculty to be effective and independent in the classroom teaching hybrid and online courses? This talk will walk


The Self on Instagram: A Study on How People With Different Hair Colors Use Instagram for Online Self-presentation

This study explores how women with different hair colors use Instagram for online self-presentation, considering how hair has been historically significant to identify a person’s status. Goffman’s framework of self-presentation was used in this study. Furthermore, he explains self-presentation through the concept of theater, in which a person performs different roles in front of an


Professional Development for Teaching Online and Hybrid Courses in Higher Education

All institutions want their faculty to have confidence going into a classroom to teach their subject, whether face to face classes, hybrid classes that are partially online, or fully online classes. How can institutions support their faculty to be effective and independent in the classroom teaching hybrid and online courses? This talk will walk through the


Instructors’ Perceptions of the Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating Technology in Crisis-prompted Online Language Instruction in the Times of Covid-19

This mixed-method study investigated higher education language instructors’ experiences during the pivot from face-to-face teaching to online teaching during the stay-at-home order in the Spring of 2020. Eleven participants discussed their approach to teaching online for the first time. The present study provided a comprehensive view of language instructors’ use of technology, their experiences, challenges,


Empathy in Action: Fostering Digital Empathy Through Intergenerational Activities Among Online Users

With the widespread adoption of online media technology, all generations have become active online users in the digital world. However, each generation’s unique experiences and perspectives can create challenges in intergenerational online communication due to a lack of digital empathy – the cognitive, emotional, and social skills to be sensitive and supportive of others’ feelings,


Exploring the Online Co-Creation Process of Design Thinking from the Perspective of Constructive Controversy Training

“Design Thinking”(DT) as a human-oriented problem-solving methodology has been widely discussed in the world. DT is becoming popular in interdisciplinary field and complex problem scope. DT workshops began to be applied around 2010 for heterogeneity team building and co-creation. However, there is still room for improvement in team performance and effectiveness during the co-creation activities


The Social Aspects of Code-Switching in Online Interaction: The Case of Saudi Bilinguals

This research aims to investigate the concept of code-switching (CS) between English, Arabic, and the CS practices of Saudi online users via a Translanguaging (TL) lens for more inclusive view towards the nature of the data from the study. It employs Digitally Mediated Communication (DMC), specifically the WhatsApp and Twitter platforms, in order to understand


Communicating Online Counseling for Mental Health: Awareness and Perceptions of PSAU Students

The general objective of this paper was to determine how online counseling for mental health is communicated to the Pampanga State Agricultural University (PSAU) students by knowing its influence on their awareness and perceptions. In determining this, 380 college students at PSAU were surveyed online using the quantitative research method. The results of the study


Evaluate the Correlation Between Online Learning Motivation and Learning Effectiveness for Students Enrolled at the Taiwan Institute of Technology During the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, following the policy of “Learning Never Stops,” schools of all levels in Taiwan adopted a flexible and interdisciplinary approach to maintain educational continuity, and online teaching became one of the main methods of achieving this goal. Our research used the ARCS model to evaluate any correlation between online learning motivation and


The Challenges and Strategies of COVID-19 Online Learning and Teaching: A Comparative Case Study of Higher Education in Afghanistan and Indonesia

The huge impact of the pandemic has altered many sectors of life, including higher education. Forcing students and lecturers to adjust themselves to online learning and teaching, the COVID-19 outbreak has created overwhelming challenges for both students and lecturers. In order to tackle the challenges and study as normally as possible, they come up with


“I’m a Different Person Now”: Online Learning as a De-Facto Higher Education Equity Pathway to Transforming Lives

In line with global trends in higher education, many Australian universities are energetically embracing the concept of flexible online learning, which has significantly increased the number of students studying university courses through online and/or open-access delivery. This mode is highly utilised by non-traditional students, and is therefore an important avenue to fulfil Australian government policies


L2 WTC and Relatedness in Social Online Classrooms: Findings from a Longitudinal Action Research Project in a Japanese University Classroom

Synchronous, video-mediated online classrooms offer a range of challenges that do not exist in traditional, face-to-face classrooms in terms of enacting L2 willingness to communicate (WTC). Social proximity, which facilitates group cohesion and relatedness, is often reduced in online spaces resulting in significant implications for L2 learners’ desire to communicate. As the second iteration of


Bridging Distance for Young Students with Disabilities in Online Learning

This virtual video presentation reviews literature on how to engage young students with disabilities in effective learning and discusses how this research can be applied to developing lessons for online teaching. Many teachers have reported their struggle to engage young children, especially children with disabilities in synchronous online learning activities. When teachers needed to take


A Method to Predict Students’ Success in Distance Online Courses

Information technologies change the entire structure of the educational process. Its aspects – academic, administrative, technical, communicative, and personal – acquire specific traits in the framework of online education. Scholars and practitioners nowadays face the task of developing new methodologies of assessing and predicting students’ success in online classes. One of such methods is described


Learning Motivation of Adult Learners During the Transition to Fully Online Learning Due to COVID-19

This paper investigates the learning motivation amongst adult learners in Singapore, during Singapore’s transition to fully online learning due to COVID-19. A mixed methods study consisting of two phases was conducted from 2020-2021: (i) Phase One is an online survey which consists of a series of Likert-scaled items that ask respondents to reflect on their


University Students’ Motivations and Attitudes Towards Online Learning in the Post-pandemic Era: A Comparative Study

With the growth of emerging technologies and the recession of the pandemic, online learning remains a crucial tool for assisting students in their academic pursuits. Despite that studies have shown that learners’ motivation and attitudes are key elements influencing student performance, especially in online learning scenarios, little is known about students’ current motivations and attitudes


Insights into Students’ Online Learning Experiences During COVID-19 Pandemic: Shaping How We Do Education Moving Forward

Teaching and learning have transitioned entirely into an online mode in response to COVID-19 pandemic in Mongolia. Online education in and of itself is not new to Mongolian higher education sector. However, transitioning into 100% online mode within a space of a month and continue doing so since February 2020 has been a challenge. This


Learning Experiences of Online English Learning With Pedagogical Redesign for Complementing Formal Face-to-Face Learning

The use of online learning in education has increased rapidly during the pandemic. Both teachers and students are more familiarized with technologies in online teaching and learning. With the readiness of technology, some educational institutes started adopting more blended learning after the resumption of face-to-face learning. However, some institutes consider the online mode as a


The Role of an Online Campus in Supporting a Sudden Shift in Students’ Preferences to Enroll at a College: Forecasting the Next Five Years in Higher Education

Overnight, the higher education community experienced a shift to remote teaching and learning. The shift benefited online-only learning institutions, as students discovered their ability to manage their time in a virtual environment. This shift has generated a need for educational institutions to recognize students’ scheduling preferences. TCC Connect Campus opened in 2014 as Tarrant County


How Can Educators Make Online Work Well?

This paper connects best practices observed and developed through experiential learning in online forums, structured as open reflective spaces, with structured feed forwards. We are all online, constantly communicating, exchanging, learning, teaching, developing and creating. In such a vast space we often lose sight of the importance of the space itself. Almost every day we


A Comparison of Student Self-Assessment in Online and Face-to-Face Learning Environments

With the recent migration to online learning due to the global pandemic, the need to foster autonomous learners in English language courses has elicited much attention. Inherent to autonomy is the ability to assess one’s process and progress in learning. However, little research in student self-assessments has reviewed how online learning can impact this practice


Scaffolding to Support Self-Regulated Online Learning

Recognising that equipping students with digital literacy is crucial for them to navigate online materials and increasing student agency are both important educational goals in the future of learning, this study explored the use of scaffolding to design online learning experiences to support student self-regulated learning through an online course on solving Chemistry data-analysis questions


Determinants of Emergency Remote Online Learning Satisfaction During a Pandemic

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused a major disruption to tertiary education around the world. With very little warning, university faculty had to convert face-to-face classes to online delivery, often without adequate guidance, training, or resources. In Japan, the situation was exacerbated by the fact that online learning in formal university education is not widespread. Therefore,


An Evaluation of Parent and Caregiver Perceptions of Online Communication in Intermediate Schooling in New Zealand: Involvement and Effectiveness

A dominant theme of the 21st century has been the rapid changes in technology and the move towards online communication. The impact of these changes has influenced how schools interact and communicate with parents/caregivers. Effective partnerships between school and home have the potential to positively impact on student outcomes. The importance of parent engagement and


Modeling Choice Behavior of Delivery Provider of Online Auctioneer

Digital technology has provided a new paradigm of our society and changed our life’s interaction with the Internet. As an efficient and flexible sales channel, companies can use auction sites to liquidate unwanted inventory, as well as to assist in pricing new products, acquiring new markets for low-margin items, and reaching markets that would be


Understanding the Lived Experiences Towards Online Learning During the Pandemic

Since the COVID-19 outbreak has come leading the face-to-face classes to be suspended, online learning has started to become a learning modality for students to pursue their education. The study aims to understand the lived experiences of students and teachers from private and public schools in Metro Manila. Students were able to adjust their schedules,


Students’ Perceptions of a Designed Online Asynchronous Learning Activity Regarding the Community of Inquiry (COI) Framework

The COVID-19 pandemic situation is causing a rapid shift in higher education to be an online instruction or distance learning. This sudden change forces instructors around the globe to transform or re-design an offline course to be online instruction. In order to design an online course effectively, the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework has become


The Effectiveness of Online Teaching Activities: A Case at UFLS – UD, Vietnam

Universities have been very interested in implementing online teaching activities, which is the optimal choice in a modern society. University of Foreign Language Studies (UFLS) belonging to the University of Danang (UD), Viet Nam have focused on implementing this activity in many recent years through a variety of work such as investing in information technology


Online Learning and COVID-19 in Higher Education: A Case Study

From the beginning of 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 caused global universities to close campuses and initiate online learning. In this situation, studies of the online learning experiences in universities are important in improving practice. This case study of the online learning implementation in a university in Singapore provides such information. The study addresses the


The Value of Online News: Addressing the Problem of Online Investment Fraud Crimes in Thailand

Investment fraud is not a new type of crime, but the number of victims has increased during the Internet of Things era. This crime is recognized both nationally and internationally as a significant financial threat. Thailand too has grappled with this form of crime. This research investigates whether the mass media, which should cover news


The Effect of Online Learning on Students’ Academic Performance: A Case Study of Accounting Students in Indonesia

The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically transformed the educational landscape. Online education has become the new normal for many students worldwide. Although online learning is perceived as cost- effective, how online education impacts accounting students’ academic performance remains a subject of debate, particularly in developing countries such as Indonesia. Similar research has been extensively conducted in


International Students’ Acceptance of Online Learning During Pandemic: Some Exploratory Findings

The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020 has impacted campus life in many ways, including shifting to online mode of teaching and learning, restricting face-to-face communication and activities, and forming of new norms of education. This paper investigates impacts of the pandemic to the way international students taking class and doing research, the satisfaction level, and obstacles


Reconnecting With New Zealand: There, Online, and Back Again for English for Specific Purposes Students With a Culture Focus, 2019–2024

Many programmes taught under emergency then planned online conditions from 2020-2022 are returning to face-to-face or blended teaching modes. This article relates and reflects on student experiences before, during, and after the pandemic, in original face-to-face, emergency-online, planned online, and blended modes, on an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) programme with a special focus on


Readiness Towards Online Learning of Filipino Healthcare Students in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic

The present pandemic crisis poses a challenge to Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) compelling stakeholders such as school administration, faculty members, students, as well as parents to adopt the so-called “new normal”. It has become a trend nowadays to overhear distant learning, remote learning, online learning or e-learning. Apparently, all have the same context of being


The Present and Future of Online Distance Learning: Trends and Challenges of Virtual Teachers

In response to sustain quality education during pandemic and the need to address the needs of online distance learning, this research aims to investigate what are the trends and challenges virtual teachers experience after a year since remote learning has been implemented. This quantitative research was conducted through an adapted survey questionnaire most applicable to


400 Million Students in Asia Looking for Quality Online Degree Programs

There are an estimated 400 million early and mid-career professionals in China that are interested in getting a graduate degree. There are not enough residential universities to support this demand. Consequently, Asian students are looking to international institutions for degree options. Many Asian students that were studying abroad are now back at home due to


What Drives Parents to Be More Involved in Their Child’s Online Activities?

In recent years, information has been accumulating from various sources around the world and in Israel indicating a continuous increase in children’s accessibility to smartphones. The use of these devices, which enable access to the Internet, leads to a continuous increase in children’s exposure to various dangers arising from surfing the Internet and introduces challenges


The Use of Technology to Overcome Transitional Challenges of First Year Students From Face-to-Face to Online

Universities around the world and South Africa in particular have been involuntary forced to transit from face-to-face to online learning and teaching as a result of the nationwide lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Online learning and teaching is classified as the use of digital technology to deliver tuition in synchronous mode, meaning allowing


Phatic Communion: How It Works in Face-To-Face and Online Communications

This is a paper that demonstrates how phatic communion works in both face-to-face and online communications. Communication is the act of transferring information from the speaker(s) to the hearer(s). Phatic communion is a type of communication that occurs in social interactions. In many communicative situations, speakers intend to convey information, but in some situations, it


Perspectives of Online Professional Learning: Instructors’ Design and Teachers’ Experiences

The pandemic forces instructors and teachers to shift mindsets and embrace online professional learning (OPL). OPL refers to internet-based learning or professional growth processes that educators engage in. OPL can be formal or informal; delivered in synchronous, asynchronous, and blended forms. Instructors cannot replicate face-to-face experiences in an online context. Instructors must consider online affordances


Revitalising Indigenous Resistance and Dissent through Online Media

Indigenous peoples continue to experience exclusion from mediated mainstream public sphere debates. In Australia, recent government funding cuts suppress opportunities for Aboriginal resistance and dissent. Long-standing Aboriginal print media have ceased publication. Public broadcasters have cancelled Indigenous news services, and a 2014 Commission of Audit recommended culling the community broadcasting sector. This is in direct


Is it Cheating If Nobody’s Watching? Conflicting Beliefs about Dishonesty in Online Learning

This paper addresses part of an extensive study investigating faculty and student perceptions of academic integrity in online courses. This analysis compares the quantitative responses to the qualitative responses of a survey sent to three institutions asking 1800 faculty and students their beliefs about cheating in online courses. The conclusions drawn from this analysis of


Promoting Student Interaction in Online Educational Environments With Engageli

Online educational scenarios are characterized by major challenges concerning the promotion of interaction, both between instructors and students and among students themselves. Traditional videoconferencing tools do not favor interaction as they have been designed for a more lecture-based format. Therefore, it is necessary to look for additional technologies that encourage active learning methodologies in online


Empowerment Evaluation as a Tool for Improving an Online Graduate Student Orientation Course

The impact of COVID-19 made higher education institutions shift abruptly to online learning. The shift brought to the forefront the advantages and drawbacks of conducting courses online. As the government moves towards implementing hybrid and in-person courses for graduate students post-pandemic, it is crucial to determine whether or not delivering courses online has been helpful


Exploring Face-to-Face vs. Online Feedback Approaches in Academic Writing Courses

There are various ways in which teachers and students provide feedback in L2 academic writing courses. This has been especially true over the past four years during and after the pandemic. This research presents two dimensions—how the teacher has changed his approach to giving feedback during and post-COVID interruptions, and key differences noted in students’


Contributing Factors to the Success of English Online Learners in Vietnam

Distance learning has become an alternative for almost training institutions worldwide during the corona pandemics. With its advantages, online learning is likely to become a mainstream in the coming years. With the purpose of identifying the contributing factors to the success of English online learner, a combination of qualitative research and quantitative research has been


The Psychological Role of Orientation Sessions in the Learning Activity of Students Taking Distance Online Courses

In modern distance programs, orientation sessions (OS) are usually aimed at providing students with technical assistance in mastering new information technological tools. This research’s focus is on the less studied – psychological – aspect of creating OS for online courses. 159 graduate students participated in the research who took the author’s online course Child Development


Teacher-Learner Engagement in Online Learning Modality in a Private Catholic School: Towards the Development of Teacher Upskilling Matrix

The CoViD-19 pandemic has put an end to the prevailing ideology underlying the educational system in the Philippines. The use of interactive online classrooms as a replacement for conventional education has been a concern for both teachers and learners since they were given a limited time to learn and relearn these platforms. Teachers were obliged


The Driving Factors of Key Value Influence Online B2B Banking Satisfaction

Purpose – In the case of rapid technological progress, online business-to-business (B2B) banking services provide efficient and convenient finical services for corporate users. However, there are some problems when it comes to maintaining the value assessment and cost expenditure. For instance, companies have to consider the financial situation or enhancement of the company’s value creation.


Has Online Media Fulfilled Journalism Ethics for News Coverage of Revenge Porn Victims?

In 2017, a girl as victim of revenge porn with the initials HA, became a trending topic on social media. Most online media made this case as their headline news, but they had not kept the secret of HA’s identity. They actually exposed the identity of HA specifically, such as her full name, her social


Leveraging Online Professional Learning Communities to Address the Challenges in Japanese Language Education: The Case of the Boston x New York Study Group

Japanese language education in the United States is currently confronted with an existential challenge: a severe shortage of teachers, as evidenced by the increasing average age of Japanese language educators and the retirement of experienced professionals (Hoogenboom, 2022). In light of this situation, it becomes crucial to explore how we can leverage online professional learning


Preparing Higher Education Teachers for Successful Online Teaching: Where Does Your Students’ Motivation Come From?

The present study aims to 1) discover the source of higher education (HE) students’ motivation and explore the basis of their motivation from their point of view, and 2) discuss the best practices and strategies employed by HE teachers to motivate their students in online or remote learning environments. The study’s objective is to listen


Online Education in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era: Improving Outcomes Through Student and Faculty Feedback

The COVID-19 pandemic and the global response have impacted people’s daily lives and traditional social norms dramatically. Higher education will be greatly impacted in the short-term, with specific policy changes still being figured out, and long-term impacts not yet known. It is impossible to predict when the COVID-19 pandemic will end, or how long each


Consumer Guilt, Online Resale and Purchase Intention

Consumer guilt is a critical factor affecting consumers’ purchase decisions. Marketers would apply various strategies to reduce the sense of guilt so consumers can be more willing to spend the money. With the popularity of online auction, consumers can easily resell unwanted online by themselves, and the return of the resale may lower their sense


Online practices for Teaching English Grammar in Higher Education: Combining the Flipped Classroom with Digital Learning Paths (DLPs)

The study aimed to investigate whether combining DLPs and flipped classrooms could help English teachers improve grammar and meet communication and social needs during the pandemic. An extensive online literature search found no research on integrating DLP (combined with flipped classrooms) in teaching English grammar in higher education. Coincidentally, the project “Sustainable Integration of Digital

“The House of Bernarda Alba” by F.G. Lorca: An Online Performance

The central theme of this presentation is the online performance of F. G. Lorca’s “The House of Bernarda Alba”, which was created in Greece by the theatre school of “Periplous Theatre” under the direction of Maria Kantife, during the 2021 quarantine. This performance, of a kind which is now known as digital theatre / performance,


Taiwanese EFL Learners’ Perceived Use of Online Reading Strategies

Reading strategies are beneficial to learners’ reading comprehension in second language learning. The strategies can be divided into different categories, such as global reading strategies, problem solving strategies and support strategies. Most previous studies investigated the importance of reading strategies in the paper-based reading. However, relatively few studies examined online reading strategies and their effects


Tradition is the Illusion of Permanence. Rethinking Online Teaching and Learning Among Cohorts in the Arts

This exploration aims to understand an initial strategy in rethinking online education, for cohorts in the arts. We propose a rethink of the ‘Community of Inquiry Model’ particularly the model’s social presence as a means to foster an authentic community of learners in a virtual space. Observations have been gathered from a case study investigation.


Prediction of Success in Online Study: Testing, Evaluation, and Interpreting Data

Distance online education has already proven to be a viable alternative to traditional education. However, the task of raising informationally competent and easily adapting to a new learning environment specialist is still far from completion. The purpose of this work is to create a method that allows in the first days of the semester to


Gamification or Game-Based Learning: Designing an Online Writing Course

The teaching of academic writing in universities tends to converge towards conventional pedagogy while the use of game-based learning is a step towards a divergent method of teaching, customizing it to undergraduates who are digital natives (Prensky, 2001). Good Writing: What and How is an online writing project initiated by the Ministry of Education (MOE)


A Conjoint Study and Segmentation on the Preferred Online Learning Attributes of Senior High School Learners Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

The educational systems were disrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has resulted in the sudden shift in the instructional implementation from face-to-face to fully online distance learning. This study examined the socio-demographic characteristics and access to technological resources, and explored senior high school learners’ preferred online learning attributes and their segmentation. The study employed


Students’ Satisfaction, Efficacy, and Achievement on Learning Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Online Course

The global pandemic has brought an unforeseen change in the field of education. Different schools have to shift to online teaching to continue the students’ education to cope with the adversity. This study explores the students’ satisfaction, self-efficacy, and academic achievement using online learning materials in the Science, Technology, and Society course. This study employed


The Elements of a Conducive Online Distance Learning Environment for Deaf Students

A Conducive Online Distance Learning Environment poses a significant element in the education structure of Deaf students during this health emergency. It comprises several components that fulfill its role in creating an environment that enriches the learning of Deaf students. This study aims to identify the elements that promote learning in an online distance learning


Recalibrating Service-Learning Program into Pure Online Activity

COVID19 pandemic has forced Higher Educational Institutions to recalibrate its syllabus into online learning. As De la Salle University (DLSU) prepares for online education, the Center for Social Concern and Action-Service Learning Program (COSCA-SLP) also must recalibrate its processes. To continuously remain relevant to society and its partner communities’ needs, it pursues its Lasallian Mission


Correlation on Mindfulness, Self Esteem and Impulsive Buying Among Female Online Shopper

As the development of technology and Internet increases, many items can be purchased online. A person no longer need to come to the place to buy a desired product while they could shop online. People do shop based on human need and motivation to buy. Feelings and emotions are influenced by human mindset, and the


Enhancing Adult Learner Interactions in Asynchronous Online Discussions: Exploring the Use of Video Timeline-Anchored Comment Tool (VTC)

This study presents research using Video Timeline-Anchored Comment (VTC) to increase learners’ interactions for asynchronous online discussions. This innovative human-computer interaction tool allows learners to watch video-based lectures while commenting on the content and peers’ thoughts or asking questions. Using Moore’s three types of interaction framework (i.e., student-content, student-student, and student-instructor), this qualitative study examines


Exploring the Challenges of Academic Fatigue and Strategies to Enhance Retention for the Determined Ones (TDOs) in Online Learning

The daily activities of educational institutions globally were affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020. The abrupt transition from on-campus to distance learning gave students and educators limited time to prepare for such a massive shift in teaching and learning. Students with disabilities (dubbed TDO students in the UAE), were negatively impact because their normal


Creating a Student Community in an Online Space: The Romance and the Reality

This study aimed to explain the romance and the reality of creating an online community for Master’s students in the COVID-19 context, and investigate the barriers and enablers to engaging in community online. In the urban university where this study was conducted, there are large postgraduate taught programmes with students who differ in their ability


Evaluation of Face-to-face and Online Learning for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Courses

Having moved predominantly online with the UK national lockdown of 2020, a comparison was made of two entrepreneurship courses at The University of Manchester, taught its first online academic year, with the previous year’s versions which were face to face. It was found that students generally adapted well to online teaching, feedback and attainment were


Exploring Online Memes as Pedagogical Tools in Health Knowledge and Behaviour

This exploratory workshop consisted of a rapid, intuitive, exploratory session around the following briefing: create a meme that displays understandable, accessible health-related content. The workshop addressed current scientific mistrust – partly due to a chasm between hermetic authoritative discourse, and the allure of subjective skepticism. Online disinformation has been pointed out as a main contributing


Can Virtual Tours be Really Experienced? Meaningful Experience and Perceived Authenticity in Online Tours

COVID-19 crises have transformed our society, and a new normal standard has been required in every aspect, including the tourism industry. To accommodate the social distancing measures and border controls put in place by government, fundamentally different approaches to providing tourism products and services were sought. Virtual tourism has rapidly attracted attention in this challenging


Online Classes: Does Increased Familiarity With the Mode of Teaching Actually Lead to Improved Learner Performance?

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a tremendous expansion in the provision of online education, especially at the tertiary level, it was a sector that was already growing pre-2019. Research from both before and after the outbreak of the coronavirus has tended to compare student satisfaction levels or results in terms of performance for


Harnessing Learning Analytics to Improve Online Quiz Equity

The use of online learning management systems (LMS) such as Blackboard, Canvas and Moodle is becoming a norm in higher education. In general, these systems provide tools to facilitate active learning such as discussion forums and student assessments such as online quizzes. Studies have shown that students who do pre-class online quizzes that encourage preparatory


The Effects of Software Interaction Mode on Nominal Group Creativity in Online Classes

When students work together in a group in an online class, often times they work in a ‘nominal group’ – a term used to address the situation when individuals work separately – rather than an actual group. This paper focuses on an electronic brainstorming task in nominal groups in online classes, where group members can


Ricoeur’s Dialectic of Distanciation and Appropriation in the Asynchronous, Online College Classroom

The digital age has brought about new dimensions of connectedness and alienation in the 21st century. New communication technologies and social media have transformed the everyday realities of human relations in many different ways, some positive and perhaps some negative. It is a legitimate question to ask what this is doing to interpersonal relationships and


Remaking Higher Education?: A Content Analysis of the Media Discourse on Online and Blended Education in India

India has the second largest higher education system in the world with 993 universities, 39931 colleges and 10,725 Stand Alone Institutions and improving higher education is a major policy priority of the government. Online education has emerged as the preferred form of education in the COVID-19 milieu. The media has served an important platform for


The Synthesis of an Online Project-based Learning Model with a Knowledge Management System by Analyzing Student’s Multiple Intelligence

The objective of this research was as follows : 1) to synthesize an Online Project-based Learning Model with a knowledge management system by analyzing student’s multiple intelligence, and 2) to evaluate the synthesized model. The research methodology consisted of 2 steps as follows : 1) synthesis of an Online Project-based Learning Model with a knowledge


Whitewashed Tombs: Emergency Online Learning Through the Experiences of Students with Disabilities at a Rural South African University

The COVID-19 pandemic has induced an enormous effect on educational institutions globally. Rural institutions are at a greater disadvantage when compared to their urban counterparts which are better resourced with systems that enable the shift to emergency online learning. Challenges were particularly compounded for students with disabilities who appear to have been alienated from these


Self-Efficacy, E-Learning and Online EFL Proficiency Test

Previous studies have reported that self-efficacy plays an important role as a predictor of learners’ motivation and learning. This study seeks to address the following questions: (1) Does self-efficacy influence EFL learners’ motivation for e-learning? (2) Does self-efficacy influence EFL learners’ online English proficiency test scores? The participants of this study were 60 EFL university


What Use a Qualifications Framework? The Impact of Qualifications Frameworks on Innovation for Online Learning in Australia and Malaysia

National qualifications frameworks (NQFs) have grown rapidly since the first generation of frameworks were established in the mid-1990s. They are designed for several purposes and uses, and are located amongst a set of other policy, socio-economic, and socio-material contexts, enmeshed in existing ideologies, systems, and practices, which shape what they can and cannot do. But


The Visual Element, Combination and Image Perception of Online Auction Photos of Female Clothing

In this study, female consumers aged 18 to 28 were selected as subjects to investigate the relationship between the presentation of online auction photos of female clothing and the perceptions of female consumers. The purpose of this study was (1) to make an analysis of the presentation of online auction photos of female clothing; (2)


Creating Design Guideline; Online Platform to Encourage Lifelong Learning Among Thai Digital Natives

A National Scheme of Thailand Education for 2017-2039 according to the Office of the Education Council of Thailand, provides a framework to follow in the development of education. One of the important considerations is to support lifelong learning for Thais with high quality and standardization of education at all levels. One of the challenges for


Local Tourism Destination Content in Online Travel Agency Promotion

Online Travel Agency (OTA) had an impact on making people ease to travel, through their mobile devices without any extra charges. Based on Alvara Research Foundation, Indonesia’s Top 5 online applications are Traveloka,, Blibli, KAI Access and, Airy. This paper is aim to describe how local tourism destination content in those application and their


The Influence of Political Communication Network on Thai Newspaper Agendas

The research found that the online media services of both Twitter and Facebook impacted the news agenda items of both Thairath and Matichon newspapers. Analysis of both Twitter and Facebook entries were conducted throughout 2011. In addition, extensive interviews were conducted with sub-editors and reporters from said newspapers. It was also found that the online


ProctorBox: The Open-Source Operative System Designed to Guarantee the Integrity & Security of Online Assessments

Computerized proctoring systems play an essential role in protecting the integrity and security of assessments in several modes of instruction, such as online learning. The most recent literature focuses on adding features that may impede the student from committing academic dishonesty and fraud by combining several elements that may protect the integrity of the remote


Stories and Experiences in the Time of Pandemic: Online Conversations of Filipino Student Affairs and Services Practitioners

The implementation of the enhanced community quarantine as preventive measure in the widespread of the COVID-19 pandemic has halted the face-to-face delivery of classes in Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) in the Philippines. Many of the institutions have resorted to continue the learning process in online platforms. Because of this, the student affairs and services (SAS)


The Use of Mathematics Modules in Supporting Self-Regulation Among Junior High School Students in a Flexible Online Learning Environment

Examining how students manage their learning through the mathematics modules in a flexible online learning setup can help educators plan and implement a curriculum in this environment. Hence, this study aims to assess the use of mathematics modules in supporting students’ self-regulation in a flexible online learning environment. This study utilized an explanatory sequential mixed


Developing Relationships in an Online Environment

Relationship building is one of the main goals for engaging students in online learning environments. Several research studies have found that student persistence in an online environment is positively correlated to student perceptions of social presence. This presentation will explain and show examples of various tools and techniques that can improve social presence in an


How Do ESL Learners Talk and Interthink in Asynchronous Online Discussions?

Education in the post-pandemic era is presented with prospects to reconfigure the mode of teaching and learning with the affordances of technology. Despite the prominence of classroom talk and its associations with students’ thinking, little is known about such effects when talk is conducted in a purely asynchronous online context among students and teachers who


A Real-time Engagement Assessment in Online Learning Process Using Convolutional Neural Network

Engagement is one of essential components in a learning process to provide personalized intervention pedagogy. Since there is a paradigm-shift on information and communications technology (ICT) in education, fostering learner’s engagement is not only for traditional classrooms but also for distance learning settings such as online learning. In this paper, we propose a practical use


Teaching Music in the Times of the Pandemic: Pedagogical Pathways for Online Learning

The online learning environment demanded by pandemic conditions in China has offered opportunities for teachers to engage internet-savvy students, but also presented serious obstacles to unmediated face-to-face teaching. The possibilities for student collective collaboration in real time, the difficulties of teachers to connect with the sheer immediacy of music performance and its physical nuances, and


The Resilience of Female Students in Math Education During a Pandemic: A Comparison Between Online and In-person Instruction

The present study examined whether undergraduate students’ academic success in math general education courses differed between synchronous online (during the Covid-19 pandemic) and in-person (before the pandemic). It also examined the extent to which students’ initial performance might predict academic success (as measured by final class grades) in online and in-person math courses, under the


The Impact of the COVID-19 on Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy and Their Attitudes Towards Online Learning

Teachers’ sense of efficacy has been pinpointed in a rich array of recent studies to determine the teachers’ readiness and success in adapting themselves to online teaching during the abrupt school closure amid the Pandemic. With attempts to ensure the quality of teaching and learning, acknowledgement of teachers’ self-efficacy and attitude towards the new form


The Management of the Teaching of Traditional Thai Folk Dances in an Online Course for Lifelong Education

The purpose of this research was to develop an online folk dance teaching management method. The study found that 1) Thailand provides teaching of national dance subjects that are scheduled to be taught from kindergarten to secondary. The contents of that courses are large, such Thai dance, drama, and folk dance. Folk dance in four


Strategies of Integration: Challenges and Possibilities in the Online Teaching of Music During the Pandemic

The pandemic crisis has ushered a new era in the teaching of music. The suddenness of the crisis and the transfer of teaching to an online setting brusquely undermined the conviction that online pedagogies were to be transient and purely instrumental to the learning environment of the classroom. “Classrooms,” indicated a music teacher, “is where


Exploring the New Normal: A Qualitative Study on Student Engagement, Technology Access, and the Experience of Online Learning in Post-pandemic College Education

This study digs into the evolving field of higher education, particularly in the wake of a significant transition to online learning triggered by the global pandemic. Employing qualitative research methods, it incorporates comprehensive literature reviews, informal stakeholder interviews, and observational analysis of the virtual learning environment. The research aims to unearth nuanced insights into various


A Quantitative Exploration of Academic Motivation in Online Higher Education

Academic motivation (AM), the desire for behaviors connected to academic functioning and success, determines the level of student engagement in academic activities. Due to the increase in online learning environments in universities in the post-pandemic period, it is significant to explore the AM level among students in online higher education to offer a more effective


Empowering Students through Tutor’s Feedback in Online Learning

Online learning students may encounter adjustment difficulties particularly in the early semesters. Students with lack of computer literacy and related educational background might result in withdrawal from the course of study prematurely. The current research was carried out to investigate tutor’s feedback as a means to empower online learning students, including to build autonomy, help-seeking


Online Technical Instructional Video-Generating Motivation Scale (TIVGMS): Development, Reliability and Validity Testing

More people engage in producing online technical instructional videos as a result of increased access to open video channels and the advancement of video-based technical teaching and learning. Producers are essential in the transfer of technical expertise. Their motivations and backgrounds vary widely. It raises the question of what inspires people to generate online videos.


Problems Encountered by Teachers During Online Learning at the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Catanduanes State University Experience

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, like other universities worldwide, the Catanduanes State University (CATSU), the lone state university in the island-province of Catanduanes in the Philippines, was forced to implement online and modular learning in order to be able to deliver instruction to tertiary level students. Thirty (30) out of the 235 regular


Helping Students Become Excellent Online Learners

This presentation will review best practices for students to use for learning online. Due to COVID and the mass migration of in-person courses transition to online courses, students must learn how to learn effectively online. The presentation will include the core theories in cognition and learning how to learn. Techniques such as the Pomodoro technique,


Comparative Analysis of Purchasing Behavior at Physical and Online Bookstores by University Students

This study conducts a comparative experiment on the purchasing behavior of university students at both physical and online bookstores. Recently, the spread of the Internet has changed people’s lifestyles and their purchasing behavior. Given the presence of large online bookstores, this also applies to book purchasing behavior. In particular, this study uses university students –


Blended Learning is the Future of Education

Online Learning is part of Blended learning and is a learning technique in which use of both ordinary teaching and advanced modern online teaching, online learning materials are largely used. It has been around for more than two decades however not got the approval it sought to have. It is the dissemination of e-learning module


Online Education and Adult Learners’ Engagement – A Case Study at the Open University of Mauritius

Education using technology or through technology is gaining massive interest and it is commonly agreed that the use of various education delivery approaches is vital to enable all citizens to benefit from it. Likewise, many universities are opening their doors to the adult population to enable them to earn certificates without compromising work and family


Affective Learning in Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMO)

Online Games are created by having certain content specification for users to play with each other through an imaginative virtual environment. The key elements for each game differ based on the gaming objectives that can demonstrate analytical gaming skills among users. However, previous research indicates that in comparison to successful virtual game of Massively Multiplayer


Social Factors that Facilitate the Online Collaborative Activities of Global Distributed Teams

With the ever-growing presence of online collaborative learning spaces, research on how to develop international global environments to facilitate learning has become increasingly important. Unfortunately, quantitative research is somewhat limited in exploring which specific factors contribute to student satisfaction with international collaboration online learning activities (ICOLAs). The issues of this gap in the literature are


Interracial Online Partner Shopping Experiences: Application of Bauman’s Theory on Liquid Love

The research examines the dynamics of marital relationships of heterosexual unions among Asian-American and Asian-European couples. These couples have united through digital dating platforms, prompting the researchers a to reevaluate of gender-specific preferences in seeking lifetime partners online. The study aims to shed light on whether online dating applications have reshaped traditional marriage conventions. Employing


Challenges for the Online English Curriculum

Curriculum is a control for any study; it exemplifies the teaching and learning theory including what to teach (content), how to teach (teaching pedagogy), and how to measure the results (evaluation). Online curriculum faces additional challenges both in theoretical implementation of English content and skills and by means of Information Technology. As English is important in


The Survey on Online Learning for Secondary School Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has forced nearly all students including K-12 into online education during pandemic time. This study explores how students at the secondary school reacted to the full-time online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey has been carried out in Fort Bend and nearby counties, Texas to compare students’ online learning conditions, experiences, and expectations.


Managing the Barriers to Online Learning: Towards a Framework for a Resilient and Inclusive Virtual Classroom

This paper identifies the barriers to online learning face by the students and explores the strategies they employ to manage them in the face of this international crisis. From the narratives of the learners, and the literature a framework for a resilient and inclusive virtual classroom is developed. A descriptive mixed-method design is employed. Data


Understanding the Dynamics of Online Hatred and Mental Health Issues Among Adolescents: Exploring Factors, Impacts, and Alternative Strategies

The phenomenon of hatred is a crucial problem in the digital era, particularly among adolescents. However, it remains unclear what motivates them to become more involved and how hatred impacts their mental health. This study aims to investigate phenomena associated with the causes and effects of online hatred among adolescents, as well as appropriate intervention


Improving Online Readiness in Higher Education: A Case Study

eLearning is becoming the sine qua non of higher education due to its increasing popularity and numerous Learning Experience (Lx), sociological and ecological benefits. eLearning can increase self-directed, active, social and personalized learning opportunities and reduce physical limitations, which can lead to higher student enrollment and more diverse, accessible, sustainable and scalable educational opportunities. University


Enhancing Online Education: A Practical Approach to Empower Educator in Email Communication

The global shift towards online education, precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic, has revealed critical challenges stemming from a lack of preparedness. As we approach a post-pandemic era, it is imperative to reimagine education within the digital realm to fortify our educational systems against future uncertainties. A particular concern is student engagement and interaction, requiring educators


Individualised Delivery of Content and Human Connection in Online Educational Environment: A Case from an Award-winning Course for Excellent Student

The presentation reports some the findings from an action research project in an online foundational course over a period of 2 years to enhance student engagement and satisfaction. The course, Tertiary Learning Strategies, was offered by the University of South Australia to students enrolled in Open Universities Australia (OUA), an online higher education organisation in


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Open Educational Resources (OER): An Overview of Non-Degree, Low Cost Lifelong Education Opportunities

This presentation will be an overview of resources for how to continuously learn with online resources for minimal cost. Open Educational Resources (OER) such as free online classes, digital textbooks, and YouTube channels will be reviewed. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Class Central and initiatives around COVID-19 and free classes will be reviewed. Subscription services


Emotional Impacts of Online Purchasing Behaviour During the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the routine daily habits of individuals have changed. For example, remote working has become a much more common concept, pupils carried out their classes online and various socialization habits have been moved to digital platforms. In this period, a vast number of people have become digitized. This study aimed to investigate


The Differences of Online Dating Profiles Between Gay Adults of Younger and Older Age Ranges

Recently, the use of online dating appears to be an increasingly common and effective means for single gay adults to pursue online dating for the hope to build romantic relationships. Yet, little is known about the strategies of their self-presentations for the purposes of marketing themselves and the intentions underlying the designs of photos and


Online Cinema Ticketing Industry: Impacts and Opportunities for Transformation in the Chinese Film Industry

In recent years, China’s film market has been growing rapidly. The magnet effect brought about by growing box-office sales has captured the attention of new electronic businesses and internet industries. These entities possess large capital and powerful information processing capabilities, creating major change in the structures and systems within the Chinese film industry.As electronic business


Lifelong Learning: Leveraging Open Educational Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to Continuously Learn with Minimal Financial Investment

This presentation will be an overview of resources for how to continuously learn with online resources for minimal cost. Open Educational Resources (OER) such as free online classes, digital textbooks, and YouTube channels will be reviewed. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Class Central and initiatives around COVID-19 and free classes will be reviewed. Subscription services


Online Learning Design and Policies on Education in Indonesia During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic impacts each sector of life around the world, including the education sector, namely changes in the implementation of education. The impact is related to the nationwide implementation of learning carried out online/remotely. This study intends to describe Indonesia’s online learning design, platform, and policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for primary and


Study on the Usage Environment of Online Games Based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Online games enrich children’s daily lives by providing places to interact with each other and fun. On the other hand, the negative aspects are also pointed out such as long-time gaming, health effects, privacy, and security issues. In light of these circumstances, UNICEF published a report “Child Rights and Online Gaming” in 2019, which states


Online Interactions of Japanese and Hungarian EFL Learners: A Critical Analysis

This presentation seeks to address how Japanese and Hungarian EFL learners co-constructed their social relations, identity and power through the use of English as a lingua franca (ELF) online. Following the principles of critical discourse analysis (Gee, 1999), I analyze ELF online interactions between six Hungarian teenagers with low socio-economic background and five Japanese university


The Design and Development of an Online Course as a Preparation for a Cambridge PET Examination for the Listening Section

This study explores and describes the effect of implementing an adapted flipped classroom model version when preparing 29 undergraduate students for a Cambridge PET examination in an online learning environment. The specific research objective was to analyze the students’ English proficiency level improvement through an online course. The study used a quantitative design method; an


From Online to Onsite: Innovating Pedagogy and Content to Nurture Creativity and Entrepreneurship During COVID-19

The Covid 19 pandemic has changed the way of teaching and learning in the past two years. While we are thankful for the technologies that make teaching possible during a time of limited mobility, we also receive complaints about the lack of engagement in online learning. The pandemic also took away students’ belonging to a


Designing Online Language Courses: Lessons Learned from Teaching Vietnamese Language and Culture for Japanese Learners

This presentation shows the lessons learned after several courses on “Basic Vietnamese language and culture” targeting Japanese university students and adult learners, which have been conducted in 2020. Influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic, the materials and methods prepared for conventional classroom have been adapted and modified in order to suit the online platform. Although intended


Replacing Traditional Classroom Teaching With Blended Learning: Is It Effective in Improving Vocabulary?

As learners enrolling in Business English Diploma course in the University of Colombo in Sri Lanka find it challenging to improve English business vocabulary, we explored whether different delivery modes influenced this outcome achievement. Three tutors taught the same content to three groups of students using face-to-face, online and blended modes over 3 months in


Better Than Not Practicing at All: Resilience and the Okinawan Martial Arts Community Online

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 has by necessity transformed how we interact with others, drastically changing every aspect of how we conduct our lives. From work to leisure, education, and fitness, much or most of what we once did in in-person groups moved fully online, but some activities could navigate this


The Development of Public Relations Media on Online Platforms for Organizational Communication of Educational Institution in Thailand, KMUTT

The Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand had a mission to communicate and publicize with a variety of target groups, including students, teachers, personnel, parents, enterprises, alumni and other agencies. Therefore, in the digital era it was necessary to rely on technology to play a role and


The Viability of Online Distribution for South African Feature Films

Distribution is an important aspect of the film value chain. Despite the growth of the South African film industry, distribution remains one of its central challenges. This can in part be contributed to the country’s political history that still affects the economic and social sphere. Issues related to poverty, unemployment, infrastructure, transport, and mobility all


The Effectiveness of Online Portfolios for Assessment in Higher Education

The use of online portfolios for both summative and formative assessment is an important part of blended learning. At Queen Mary University of London Engineering School (QMES), English Language and Professional Development Planning modules utilised portfolios as one of the ways for formative assessment. Students kept individual and group portfolios throughout the academic year to


University Students’ Awareness towards Online Access Tools: A Case Study of the University of Tsukuba

This study sought to identify students’ awareness and accessibility of the information access tools (OPAC and a MetaFind tool named, Tulips) provided by the University of Tsukuba Library. In addition, it attempted to identify whether students faced specific difficulties and challenges while using these online access tools for searching the library collection. A total number


The Lived Online Education Experiences and the E-Competencies of the Teacher Education Institutions

The sudden shift into online education has greatly affected the Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) since they were forced to move to the virtual classroom without preparations. Thus, using concurrent nested mixed-method research, this study investigated the lived experiences of 59 teachers of the 4 TEIs in their conduct of online learning. An open-ended questionnaire was


Exploring Learners’ Patterns of Using the Online Course Tool in the University Classes

Online course tools such as WebCT or Manaba+R are popularly used in university classes and enhance learners’ understanding of their course contents. In addition, teachers try to utilise these online course tools for their students such as giving their students online discussions, provide students additional materials and so forth. However, based on the authors’ observation


Enhancing Online Post-secondary Learning Experiences Through Meaningful Interactions in FSL

Interaction and active participation are key elements in any second language classroom (Hiver, P., Al-Hoorie, A. H., & Mercer, S. Eds., 2020). In an online setting, students may tend to be less engaged in their learning, which makes effective planning, teaching, and assessing more challenging for the post-secondary instructor (Khan, A., Egbue, O., Palkie, B.,


Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Technique to Explore the Core Competencies of Online-Merge-Offline Personnel

In 2016, Jack Ma proposed the “New Retail” model of online to offline (O2O) integration, making online to offline become the future development trend of the retail industry. However, the supply of talents in the e-commerce field in Taiwan’s retail industry is in short supply. Therefore, many universities have begun to offer related courses. The


Students’ Teaching Practices Using Participatory Learning Technique and Multiple Online Learning Platforms

This paper reports on an implementation of peer-participatory learning technique in reflective teaching practices in a teacher training program. The teaching practices, in addition, were enriched with educational technology engagement through the use of multiple online learning platforms namely Klasiber, Facebook, Google Hangouts, and WizIQ. Two modes of teaching (offline and online teaching practices) were


Making Assessment Engaging for Elementary/Primary Students in Online Learning

This paper identifies the two main areas of online education that cause problems for elementary/primary school teachers. This is done through the use of quantitative and qualitative data collected cross culturally in 2022. Specifically, teacher interviews and surveys were used. Through rigorous data analysis and triangulation, the two key problem areas that come out on


A Study of Consumers Purchasing Factors Through Facebook Online Live Streaming: Taking Sales of Clothing for Example

Owing to the rise of online live streaming in recent years, many socializing platforms successively introduce the live streaming services that blew up the fad of live streaming. This situation not only brings overnight fame to a lot of online ordinary people but also develops a new business model which combined ecommerce with digital marketing.


A Blended and Interactive Online Learning Courseware Enhances Bioethics Learning in Medical Education

We will discuss an interactive, multifunctional e-learning Courseware that we developed, which strongly bridges the gap between art, bioethics and medicine. First, a series of animated videos introducing selected topics of bioethics and related issues will be introduced. Then, a set of problem-based practical videos (“interactive doctor-patient role play”) along with discussion questions and online


Identifying Risk Factors Associated with Online Gaming Addiction among Female College Students in Singapore

Online Gaming Addiction (OGA) is characterized by excessive preoccupation, urge, and impaired control over internet gaming despite negative consequences. Literature has emphasized on male OGA, but studies on female OGA remain scarce. This research investigated risk factors of OGA among Singaporean female college students. 364 female college students (Range=17-20years, Mean age=19.2, SD=0.8) completed a survey


Kidnapping and Abduction Online News Reports’ Influence on Fear of Victimization and Prevention Practices

The increase in reports of kidnappings and abductions in the Philippines has been widely circulated on social media. Studies indicate frequent exposure to crime news significantly increases people’s fear of crime. Hence, this research investigated the demographics, exposure to online kidnapping and abduction news, degree of fear of victimization, and prevention practices among students at


Exploring the Effects of a YouTube-Style Video Making Task in Online English Communication Courses

This study investigated the effects of a YouTube-style video making task in an English communication course with a soft CLIL approach. The primary purpose was to explore its effects for language learning and content learning, and the subsidiary purpose was to examine its feasibility in an online format. Participants were 53 students from four English


Medical Undergraduates’ Core Performance Scores and Opinions Towards E-PBL

As a commonly used method in medical faculties, Problem Based Learning (PBL) is normally performed face-to-face. In this study, online sessions were conducted with multimedia supported (animation-based) problem scenarios. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of online PBL (e-PBL) sessions and to compare the success of the both group (face-to-face and