Year: 2024

Public Library: Aggregator of Cultural Assets for Sustainability Through Shared Knowledge and Co-creation
This paper aims to extrapolate the approach initiated by Paul P. Maglio regarding the service systems theory seen as “a configuration of people, technologies and other resources that interact with other service systems to create mutual value”, through a customisation and theoretical-operational localisation in the specific field of public libraries. The concept of resilient communities …

Teaching Technical Content in Higher Education: A Comparative Analysis of Two Different Teaching Approaches
Modern technology, such as automation and learning analytics, can positively impact education by enhancing opportunities for both teachers and students, promoting self-reliant learning, and improving the efficiency of the teaching process. However, earlier studies have also found that there are many teachers who are not eager to adopt new technologies in their teaching for various …

Project-based Learning in the Elementary Setting
Project-based learning is one way to promote active engagement and naturally embed differentiation opportunities in the elementary classroom setting. Boston University Center for Teaching & Learning (2024) states that “project-based learning (PBL) involves students designing, developing, and constructing hands-on solutions to a problem. The educational value of PBL is that it aims to build students’ …

Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy Into Curricula: The Case of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Helsinki
In this study, the concept of AI (artificial intelligence) literacy is evaluated prior to the curriculum planning of the BSc Agricultural Sciences programme. The chosen methodological approach was an integrative literature review, including conceptual structuring of the review, a description of the method, and a review and critical analysis of the literature on AI literacy …

Constructing the EXPAND Core Dimensions of Admission Strategies in Taiwan Higher Education
In the context of low fertility rate and the marketization of education, the admissions of higher education have faced numerous challenges. How higher education institutions can resolve these crises and turn them into opportunities have become indispensable issues that cannot be ignored. This study aims to construct the core dimensions of admission strategies in Taiwan’s …

Teaching Data Analytics in Higher Education: The Benefits and Pitfalls of Learning Analytics
Modern organizations build their competitive advantage on digital technologies and possibilities provided by data. To succeed in this kind of modern work life, students need various digital skills, including contemporary data analytics skills. Especially there is lack of innovative learning environments and different kinds of hands-on experiences that would transform the teaching of statistics and …

Characterization of Self-Regulation of Learning as an Executive Function in Students Within Virtual Learning Environments
Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) are part of the academic offerings of higher education institutions, defined as the space created through information and communication technologies where a series of environments converge to facilitate analysis, reflection, and appropriation of knowledge (Ramírez García et al, 2021). In these environments, self-regulation of learning is relevant for satisfactory academic performance. …

Methods for Developing Sustained Attention and Selective Attention in 14-17-year-old Adolescents in Sport: A Scoping Review
The purpose of this overview review is to identify methods and interventions used to develop sustained and selective attention in adolescent athletes. The review included studies that looked at quantitative design research. The research participants are adolescents (14 – 17 years, +/- 3 years) who are involved in sports and/or physical activities. Researches were conducted …

Early Childhood Political Education: The Role of Media in Shaping Democratic Awareness
Democracy thrives on participation (Endeward et al., 2016). The active engagement of citizens in society depends on their political understanding, which requires both knowledge and political awareness. This awareness is cultivated from childhood (Marci-Boehncke et al., 2023), as “childhood is not a politics-free zone, and children’s lives are by no means apolitical” (Belwe, 2005). Children …

Framework for Entrepreneurial Education: Integrating Experiential and Transformative Learning in Vocational Institutions
Entrepreneurial education is essential for promoting an entrepreneurial culture, stimulating socio-economic development, and fostering innovation in all countries. In the academic literature, experiential learning, which integrates experience into educational processes, is considered an effective approach to developing entrepreneurial skills. Transformative learning, on the other hand, focuses on changing students’ thinking structures and beliefs by providing …

Towards an Evaluation of the Spatial Literacy
Where is the main character of the story? What objects are around him? These questions can emerge in the minds of readers led to read a passage containing a description of the place, the environment. These different questions call for spatial notions that are often useful in the global understanding of history and in the …

Challenges in Higher Legal Education: Preparing Children’s Rights Lawyers for a Sustainable Society
A sustainable society requires investing in children and effectively implementing their rights, which involves not only a solid legal framework and well-developed system support but also professionals who grasp the complexities of applying the principles of children’s rights in various contexts. Ensuring access to justice requires children’s rights lawyers who possess practical knowledge and a …

Research Communication at the Crossroads of Cultural Flows: Perspectives From Practice
Research Communications is an integral component of Research practice, enabling the amplification of societal impact. The epistemic frameworks of this practice have been long set and provide useful guidelines, often set in the language of ‘best practices.’ An important layer in understanding research communication is to also reflect on inherent tensions that emerge in the …

Impacts of the University-Society Linking Process: The Case of the Locality ‘El Valle’, Ecuador
The management of university education is based on three fundamental pillars: teaching, research and university-society links. This last process emerged in the mid-19th century because of the research dynamics in developed countries and the need to interact with the environment in a way that was not limited to training, but also promoted the transfer of …

From Barriers to Bridges: The Role of Community-Based Preparatory Institutions as Pathways to Higher Education
Educational participation is shaped by social factors, impacting access and mobility (Chanana,1993; Filmer et al., 1998; Hasan & Mehta, 2006). Multiple interventions have addressed this, including enabling easier access and providing added support within institutions, among others. This paper particularly looks at how identity and community-based preparatory institutions support higher education access for marginalised students …

Does Practice Make Perfect? Teaching Technically Demanding Content in Distant Mode in Higher Education
This paper presents experiences of teaching technically demanding content in online and higher education context by utilizing learning analytics. The aim is to study how students learn technically demanding content in an online course in the light of learning analytics. The results of this paper are based on a pilot course implementation. The pilot course, …

ChatGPT in Research: Variable Extraction and Researcher Protection in the Context of Child Sexual Abuse
In the context of research on childhood sexual abuse (CSA), researchers face significant challenges due to the emotionally distressing nature of sensitive data (Williamson et al., 2020). The use of ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2023) offers valuable support in this area. This artificial intelligence (AI) tool facilitates efficient data processing while maintaining emotional distance by converting qualitative …

Behavioural Change Policies and Strategies for Quality Regulation in Nigeria’s Education Sector
Efforts at tackling the phenomenon of corruption in Nigeria date back several decades, but success and progress have been minimal due to the conventional approach of technical fixes using the law- and-order approach. Consequently, the Nigerian Institute of Social & Economic Research (NISER) in the last couple of years has curated a body of knowledge …

Designing Math Problems for Primary Education: A Comparation of Outdoor Mathematics and National Testing
In the contribution, we focus on the process of creating math problems for pupils of all grades of primary schools. We focus on comparison math problems created with different trend, namely math problems designed for outdoor mathematics and math problems designed for national wide testing. Outdoor mathematics is implemented by a math trail, during which …

Impact Evaluation of APPGM SDG Solution Project: Empowering Communities in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur Through Sustainable Urban Development
Since the 1970s, the rapid urban expansion of Kuala Lumpur (KL) has transformed this city into a bustling metropolis. This rapid urbanisation, while creating economic opportunities, has also brought significant urban challenges, including overdevelopment and its associated social issues. Cheras, one of the largest districts in Kuala Lumpur, is home to a million residents and …

Smartphones in Learning Arabic by School Students: A Comprehensive Structured Review
This comprehensive, structured review examines the impact of smartphones on learning Arabic among school students. The increasing prevalence of smartphones in educational settings offers novel opportunities for enhancing language acquisition, yet their effectiveness in learning Arabic, a language with unique instructional challenges, remains underexplored. This study aims to acknowledge this gap by systematically reviewing existing …

Assessing Economics Preservice Teachers’ Lesson Planning Through the Lens of Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated learning has been identified as an effective pedagogical philosophy that guides lesson preparation so that educators can teach effectively in inclusive classrooms. The purpose of the study is to find out if preservice teachers can prepare lessons that cater for diverse learners. A qualitative research approach was utilized to investigate preserve teachers’ knowledge of …

Internationalisation-at-Home in Chinese Universities: Contradictions and Potential Changes
Introduction: Internationalisation at Home (IaH) is a new trend in Internationalisation of Higher Education (IoHE). Starting with China’s emergence as a major international education player, the study evaluates the student experience of IaH in two Chinese higher education institutions, exploring the underlying values, purposes, and approaches. Method: Two qualitative case studies were conducted, with 29 …

Pursuing Desire: A Comparative Study of “La Peau de Chagrin” and “The Lotus Eater” and Their Relevance to Modern Life
This study presents a comparison of Honoré de Balzac’s La Peau de Chagrin and W. Somerset Maugham’s The Lotus Eater, focusing on the theme of pursuing desire and its consequences. By examining the protagonists’ motivations, life purposes, and the outcomes of their actions, the analysis reveals how each story critiques the pursuit of desires in …

Boosting STEM Engagement Through Sports-Themed Interventions: Impact on Student Competencies and Skills
Students often face difficulties with engagement and performance in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, which can have significant consequences, such as limited career opportunities and impeded technological innovation. Capitalizing on the increased interest in sports following events like the FIFA World Cup, this research aimed to assess how this enthusiasm could be used …

Development of Preferred Methods of Teaching Online English Questionnaire
COVID-19 opened new doors for educational institutions to adopt a hybrid system, combining face-to-face and online teaching. While strategies for face-to-face instruction have evolved, researchers are now focusing on developing online teaching methods. This research aimed to create an instrument to identify students’ preferred methods for learning English online and to determine the factors influencing …

Development of Storytelling Learning Activities (Role Playing) for Junior High School
The research aimed to develop learning materials that utilized role-playing as a means of storytelling instructional plan. The research is intended to further improve junior high school students’ competencies in English, particularly their speaking skills. Through the utilization of the ADDIE model, the developer designed learning activities that integrated role-playing into storytelling. Five experts who …

Fidelity in Nonfiction Motion Pictures: An Analysis of Nollywood’s Apaye
Fictional stories are easy to make and even easier to consume because apart from the fact that filmmakers get to flex their creative muscles and explore the endless array of storytelling possibilities, they are mostly entertaining. Nonfiction motion pictures however are emotional, thought-provoking cautionary tales that are based on true life events that mandate filmmakers …

Sociodemographic Analysis of the Beneficiaries of a Teacher Professionalization Program in Ecuador
The Teacher Professionalization Program of the National University of Education (UNAE) in Ecuador has been a fundamental response to the need to professionalize in-service teachers without a college degree in the field of education. The Organic Law of Intercultural Education of Ecuador from 2015 stipulated that teachers who do not meet the academic grade required …

Can Technology Save Our Education? A Critical Reading of Mohamed Hamoudou’s Work on Textbook Digitalization
In his work The Moroccan Textbook in the Digital Age: Challenges and Bets, Mohamed Hamoudou described textbook digitalization as an inevitable step toward Moroccan school reform. He claimed that textbook digitalization would contribute to Moroccan education reform and also serve as a stronger alternative to paper textbooks. The latter, the writer explained, would hardly hold …

Inclusive Making: Learning to Design With and for Neurodivergence Through Participatory Making
This paper illustrates an outreach project that explores participatory making between students of Universal design and young adults with neurodivergence, who are being trained in life-skills by a host organization. Here, making refers to the exploration of tangible materials, media and crafting techniques and is used as a methodology for being an intuitive and democratic …

Painting of Grafting: Applied Derridean Juxtaposition
This paper re-imagines the space of painting through the visual space of juxtaposed text, reflecting the expanded field of painting since the visual turn in the humanities. Drawing on Jacques Derrida’s writings, such as “Glas” and “The Postcard,” it explores a new painting practice of grafting space. Derrida’s multi-spatial text allows for the free linking …

The Impact of Contemporary Social Movements (Student Movement) on the Emergence of Democracy (1997-2017)
The Iranian student movement stands as a leading advocate for democracy, playing a crucial role in advancing democratic discourse in Iran. Known for its influence on civil society, it represents diverse national demands and strives to achieve and deepen democracy through a postmodern approach. This research examines the factors impacting democratization in Iran by focusing …

Research and Development of the Virtual Academic Conference Room in the Metaverse for Promoting Digital Citizenship Under the Thailand Cyber University Initiative
This research focuses on the design and development of the virtual academic conference room in the metaverse under the Thailand Cyber University Initiative, with the aim of promoting digital citizenship behaviors. The objectives of this study were: 1) to develop the virtual academic conference room in the metaverse for academic purposes, 2) to evaluate participants’ …

The Quest for Identity in Turkish Theater Amidst Western Influences
The contemporary landscape of Turkish theater, particularly in Istanbul, is characterized by vibrancy; however, it has not yet achieved a fully realized national identity. The innovative productions frequently draw upon Western theater traditions, resulting in a challenge for the establishment of an original theatrical ethos. This predicament can be attributed to the Republic’s brief century-long …

Enhancing Engineering Education: Efficacy of a Virtual Classroom on Learning Basic Indoor Thermal Environment Engineering Concept
This study evaluates the effectiveness of a virtual classroom designed for building service engineering students, focusing particularly on Fanger’s thermal comfort model. Traditional teaching methods often fail to fully engage students in complex engineering concepts; thus, this virtual platform aims to provide a more immersive learning experience by seamlessly integrating theoretical knowledge with practical applications. …

Using Learning Portfolios to Investigate Students’ Understanding of Positive Leadership and Their Experience With Teamwork
This paper examines students’ understanding of good leadership and successful teamwork. I used learning portfolios as a reflection tool for bachelor students in geography who participated in a community-based research course, which was combined with elements of service-learning. The learning portfolios consisted of seven reflection-stimulating key questions, which were answered in writing by the 15 …

The Preliminary Analysis of the Entrance Examination Repeaters in East Asia
In East Asia, where the competition for the university entrance examination is intense, there is an option to repeat the preparation for the next year’s examination. This option, to be the examination repeaters (ER) has not been academically focused on. Now that the capacity of universities has been expanded and these countries are facing a …

Digital Literacy Training Efficacy for Improving Educators and Educational Workforces’ Digital Skill
This study investigates the effectiveness of an advocacy and mentoring program designed to enhance digital literacy among educators and educational personnel in Bandung, Indonesia. The research focuses on the program’s impact on participants’ ability to utilize the Merdeka Mengajar Platform (PMM) for improving literacy, numeracy, and character education. Employing a qualitative case study approach, the …

Final Year Students’ Perceptions of Global Citizenship and Responsible Behaviour: Implications for the Curriculum
Graduates should become culturally sensitive and gain an awareness of global issues to create a better world. This research article seeks to understand the perceptions of final year students towards global and responsible behaviour. It is imperative for final year students to understand the effects of globalization since globalisation affects citizens worldwide. Higher education institutions …

Infusing PERMAH into Education Courses: Effects on Pre-service Teacher Well-being and Social-Emotional Competence
This study examined the impact of integrating Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment (PERMA) training into undergraduate Educational Psychology and Developmental Psychology courses for 147 pre-service teachers in the Philippines during the post-COVID-19 lockdown. The intervention aimed to enhance pre-service teachers’ well-being and social-emotional competencies (SEC) amidst unique pandemic stressors. Participants engaged in weekly …

A Study of Visual Language Extraction From Uttarakhand’s Cultural and Natural Resources for Application in Ringaal Craft Design
The objective of this research is to examine the feasibility of designing a visual language that can be employed in Ringaal crafts, one of Uttarakhand’s many traditional craft forms. By examining the forms and colours found in Uttarakhand’s cultural traditions, architecture, and natural resources, the research aims to create visual design patterns for application to …

A Place for “Us” to Be Weaved: A Case Study of Zainichi Korean Kindergarten in Japan
The Convention on the Rights of the Child, established by the United Nations, explicitly prohibits discrimination and provides protection against violence. However, as a consequence of political considerations, Zainichi1 Korean schools in Japan are the only foreign schools that are not recognized by the Japanese government as ‘schools prescribed by law’. Furthermore, they do not …

Enhancing High-school Students Argumentative Writing Through Inquiry-Based Learning
This research sought to investigate the impact of inquiry-based learning on students’ ability to present arguments in writing. A quasi-experimental design was employed and the sample consisted of 23 11th-grade students at NIS PhM in Astana. An interview with students was applied to gather information on how students perform in writing. A paired t-test was …

Fostering School Continuous Improvement Through Adopting a Holistic Approach to Quality Assurance and Collaborative Self-Evaluation
An effective quality assurance mechanism enhances accountability and supports ongoing development of schools, as well as learning and teaching (Looney & Grainger Clemson, 2018). The Hong Kong Benchmark for Career and Life Development (HKBM) is designed to provide schools with a holistic school self-evaluation (SSE) mechanism for quality provision of career and life education at …

Value Methodology-Based Study of Foundational Learning Programs for Developing Effective Framework and Remediation
India has initiated nation-wide policy and programmatic measures in 2022 for achieving universal Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) by 2026. Research was undertaken for assessing impact of these measures at national level and 6 sample states. An innovative qualitative research design was developed integrating Value Methodology (VM). The VM technique involves 6-phase planning and execution, …

Forging Educational Alliances: Saudi Arabia and Japan’s Path to Excellence in Higher Education
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 seeks to elevate educational standards through innovation and global engagement. Japan’s distinguished higher education system, known for its technological advancements and international acclaim, presents a promising avenue for partnerships with Saudi universities. This study delves into university collaborations between institutions in Saudi Arabia and Japan, examining educational policies and pertinent literature. …

Reshaping Church Offering and Sense of Religious Belonging After COVID-19: A Case Study Among Liberal Mennonites in the USA
This paper examines how liberal Mennonites attempted to reshape their sense of religious belonging as they move into new contexts after the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, many Mennonite congregations had to accommodate numerous changes, such as online and modified styles of Sunday services. Many members continued to be active in the congregation, but the …

Reclaiming the ‘Bitch’: Surpanakha’s Journey to Self-Actualization in Kavita Kané’s “Lanka’s Princess”
In the intricate tapestry of Hindu epics, vilified women, particularly Surpanakha, have been persistently portrayed as embodiments of female malevolence. Within Valmiki’s Ramayana, she is depicted as both a monstrous witch, symbolizing dark femininity, and an unruly whore, representing unbridled desire and chaos. This portrayal has perpetuated a damaging archetype, leading generations of Indian girls …

A Psychosocial Profile and Experiences of Children of VAW Victims: A Premise for Intervention
The impact of abuse and violence on victims is a critical public health concern. Domestic violence, in particular, has profound effects on household members, especially children. Studies have revealed that children exposed to domestic violence are at a higher risk of enduring long-term challenges, like emotional instability, behavioral issues, and other psychological problems. Utilizing a …

Wes Anderson’s Approach of Storytelling Using Narrators With Four Short Films: “The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar,” “The Swan,” “The Rat Catcher,” and “Poison”
This research examines the unique narrational strategies used by Wes Anderson in his four short films, “The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar,” “The Swan,” “The Rat Catcher,” and “Poison” which were released on Netflix in September 2023. These films are adaptations of Roald Dahl’s stories that show us distinct narrative techniques that align closely with …

Public Education Policies: Ergonomic Aspect, Teaching Methodology and the Teaching and Learning Process
This work analyzes the influence of ergonomic aspects of classrooms on the learning process. Educational institutions have adapted their buildings to meet the needs of social, cultural development, accessibility and inclusion. The objective is to examine the comfort and accessibility of classrooms, teaching methodology and the teaching and learning process. In the school environment, there …

Digital Transformation and Teacher Competencies in Higher Education: A Post-pandemic Analysis
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the integration of Learning and Knowledge Technologies (TAC) in higher education in Colombia, following directives from the Ministry of National Education (MEN) that mandated the virtualization of academic activities. This study examines the impact of this situation on the digital competencies of educators across five key areas. A qualitative approach was …

Educational Leadership and Managment
The role of educational leadership has become very relevant and significant due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies. The main prerequisite for the quality of education is a highly qualified personnel policy. Educational leadership implies trained and committed professionals who are responsible for managing results. While the need for effective leaders is …

Bridging the East-West Divide: Unraveling Convergent Aesthetic Values Between China and Europe in Design and Art Through Expert Perspectives
This research investigates the aesthetic commonalities between the East and West in art and design. It discloses fundamental similarities by employing expert interviews and thematic analysis with blue-and-white porcelain (BWP) as an exemplar. The findings reveal that, notwithstanding historical disparities, both traditions share values in aesthetic philosophy, symbolic representation, and form-function integration, with BWP serving …

Creating Awareness About Planetary Wellness Using Projection Mapping Through “NOKTAH”
Projection mapping transforms physical objects into immersive art displays. Noktah, a research-creation project, combines art, filmmaking, and upcycling to explore the connection between artistic expression and sustainability. By using video projections, audiences experience visual narratives that showcase the beauty of the natural world, address contemporary challenges, and explore the relationship between humanity and the planet, …

Are AI-Powered Chatbots Helpful in Teacher Training? Pre-Service Teachers’ Perspective
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the use of AI-powered chatbots and AI tools in academic contexts. This study examined preservice teachers’ perceptions to explore the opportunities and challenges of AI-powered chatbots in teacher training. The study was carried out in the Faculty of Education and Culture at Tampere …

Analysis of Language Politeness on Deontic Modalities in Japanese and Javanese that Declares Permission
This research aims to contrast the lingual form, meaning and politeness between the deontic modality of the Japanese language and the Javanese language that states permission. The contrast of lingual forms, meaning and politeness is based on the classification of deontic modalities obtained from a combination of deontic modality theories from several experts, namely Sutedi …

The Legitimation Strategies by the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, in His Political Speeches Regarding the Aging Society
The former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, declared that Japan has been facing a national crisis regarding the aging society. This kind of demographic transition affects several aspects of life, namely economic, health, and social culture. This matter was delivered during his speeches when in power. The former Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, applied several …

Improvisation: A Tool to Foster Creativity in Interior Design Education
In the dynamic field of interior design education, fostering creativity among students is a central objective. Improvisation, an intricate activity built on spontaneous creativity, is seen as a way to find new, surprising, and appropriate solutions to challenges. While improvisation has been extensively studied in arts, particularly music, its application in architecture still needs to …

The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Into Journalism Practice: Perspectives From the Ghanaian Media Industry
The adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in journalism globally is characterized by a significant disparity, with Western countries exhibiting more widespread and advanced usage compared to non-Western countries. As a result, research on AI’s application in journalism has predominantly focused on developed economies, creating a substantial knowledge gap and scarcity of studies exploring AI’s …

Generative AI Pedagogy Implementation in Design Class for Creativity Cultivation in Chinese Higher Education
Gen AI can provide collective knowledge beyond individual knowledge to allow people to connect with content beyond personal creativity. The emergence of Gen AI is a good way to help students think outside the box for creativity cultivation in design education. However, there is still a lack of teaching methods for creative training in Chinese …

Innovation in Design Education: Decoding Problem Structuring Processes of a Natural Object Driven Open-Ended Étude
Literature studies reveal that interpreting the problem-structuring process revolving around wicked problems is under explored. With an intention to address this issue, this study aims to analyze students’ problem-structuring processes through mixed methods such as quantitative, qualitative, focus group studies. This is achieved through decoding the synthesis, comprehension of students’ processes and emergent outcomes through …

Flipped Classroom and Blended Learning: How Do They Affect Design Students’ Learning Motivation in the Post-pandemic Era?
In the post-pandemic era, education has significantly transformed, moving from traditional face-to-face teaching to blended learning, which combines online and offline methods. Online education has emerged as a flexible and accessible alternative, especially during extraordinary circumstances such as pandemics. This shift has increased the demand for student-centered blended learning methodologies to address the limitations of …

A Model for Linguistic Landscape Management: A Case Study on National Language Development in Government Public Spaces
Public space is a picture of language use that is easy to observe. Public space becomes an uncontrollable language space if it is not well regulated. In Indonesia, public space has become a shared space that shows language contestation. This research seeks to describe the language of the government’s public space as well as efforts …

Environment Concept Design of 360° 2D Animated ‘Maiden Voyage’ For Fine Dining
The animation industry has helped develop an immersive and exclusive fine dining experience. Innovations are important to stand out from the competition in the market. Teams specializing in animation and culinary have specifically curated ‘Maiden Voyage,’ novel techniques with a 360° 2D animation for fine dining. A virtual reality headset or a head-mounted device allows …

Unreliable Narration and Emotional Deterioration in Jean Rhys’s Selected Short Stories
Jean Rhys’s use of fragmented perspectives in her short stories highlights the alienation of the narrator to their physical surroundings. In this paper I analyse the connection between unreliable narrators and fragmented perspectives in Rhys’s selected short stories, “Hunger”, “A Night”, and “The Sound of the River”. The stories were selected on the basis that …

Mapping as a Medium to Re-imagine Ankara With Unlost Tumuli – Ankara With Tumuli?
In the city of Ankara, which is known to have been founded by the Phrygians in the 8th century BC, there are monumental tombs called tumulus – an element of the Phrygian burial tradition – located on natural heights in the north and west of the city following the streams. These tumuli serving also as …

Integrating Lego Serious Play (LSP) to Marketing Education Pedagogy: A Mixed-Methods Study of Undergraduate Level Students
Higher education curricula increasingly incorporate playful pedagogical tools such as board games, digital games, simulations, and role-playing to enhance student engagement and learning experiences. Lego Serious Play (LSP) has emerged as a useful tool for improving teaching and learning and student engagement, knowledge co-creation, and retention. Existing research on integrating LSP into curricula is limited, …

Enhancing Media Literacy Among Older Adults for Creative Engagement: A Case Study in Khlong Sam Wa, Bangkok, Thailand
In Thailand’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, media literacy is crucial for older adults’ well-being and active participation. This study aimed to enhance media literacy among older adults in Khlong Sam Wa, Bangkok, Thailand, focusing on creative and safe digital engagement. A mixed-methods approach was employed, involving 41 participants in a six-module curriculum covering foundational media …

Acculturation and Ethnic Identity: The Case of Vietnam Around 17th-19th Centuries and Now Global Integration
Acculturation is a phenomenon that occurs when groups of people (communities, ethnicities) with different cultures interact and come into contact with each other, creating cultural changes in one or both groups. It is the combination of “endogenous” and “exogenous” factors that create richer, more diverse, and more progressive cultural development. However, the challenges and consequences …

Force and Counterforce: Ukrainian Art’s Response to Russian Colonization
Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shone the light on the ways the culture is employed in war and propaganda machines. It also sparked new discussion about the colonial ambition Russia has nurtured for centuries towards Ukraine and other countries around it. This paper focuses on ways Russia has appropriated Ukrainian art and culture, …

Hearing Gender: Re-thinking Gender, Sound and Public Space Through a Female Soundwalk Project and a Sound Installation in Hong Kong
Over the past three years, we conducted two rounds of soundwalks with Chinese female immigrants in Hong Kong’s public spaces. These soundwalks, designed to guide participants through diverse public spaces, facilitated deep listening, creative recording, and reflective practices. By documenting their auditory experiences and personal reflections, we observed the manifestation of gendered perceptions of safety, …

Stealth Advertising Awareness, Knowledge, and Perceived Ethicality in TV Patrol and 24 Oras News Programs Among Select Communication Students
Stealth advertising (Kaikati & Kaikati, 2004) is seemingly becoming prevalent in Filipino television shows and news broadcasts are no exemption. Stealth ads are characterized by covert promotional messages embedded within media content. The quantitative study investigated the news and ad literacy level of communication students towards the presence and ethicality of stealth advertisements in the …

Economics of Mediated Objective Time: Filipino Digital Immigrants’ Media Choice, Gratification, and Usage
Media compete for our attention and time; regardless of age, critical credence in the evolving digital space is a must, specifically on how one’s time is spent actively or taken passive-unconsciously. This quantitative study looked at the mediated time expenditure of Filipino digital immigrants (FDI), such as Baby boomers and Generation X, to various media …

Implementation of Public Relations Strategy to Increase Engagement Rate on Instagram at Lerep Tourism Village Indonesia
The lack of social media management in Lerep Tourism Village has resulted in weak branding and low marketing effectiveness, as reflected by an Instagram engagement rate of @desawisatalerep just 0.44% in March 2024. This study aims to design a public relations strategy to increase the Instagram engagement rate for Lerep Tourism Village. The target audience …

International Education: Intersectionality of Teacher Self-Efficacy and Intercultural Competence
This study aimed to explore the connections, if any, between teacher self-efficacy and how that related to their intercultural competence within an international and mixed ability setting. The research was focused specifically within international school settings, due to the potential higher frequency of intercultural populations within these schools. The purpose was to better understand the …

Space and Time Through the Lens: A Cinematic Exploration From Lumière, Warhol and Keiller
To gain a deeper understanding of how space and time are depicted in cinematic movement-image, this paper analyzes five seminal films: Arrivée d’un train en gare de La Ciotat (1897) by the Lumière brothers, Empire (1964) by Andy Warhol, and Patrick Keiller’s Robinson trilogy (London [1994], Robinson in Space [1997], and Robinson in Ruin [2010]). …

Revolutionary Sisterhood: the Chinese Snake Woman and the Lesbian Girl in Cindy Pon’s Serpentine and Sacrifice
This essay explores the revolutionary sisterhood depicted by Chinese American author Cindy Pon in her duology Serpentine and Sacrifice (2015, 2016), set in a mythological Chinese Xia dynasty. Recalling the famous Chinese snake sisters, White Snake and Green Snake, Pon constructs an unconventional cross-species sisterhood between Skybright, a serpentine protagonist, and Zhen Ni, a lesbian …

Investigating Mathematics Teaching Anxiety in Pre-Service Primary Education Teachers: A Case Study
Recent reports highlight a concerning increase in anxiety among university students post-pandemic, affecting two-thirds of the student body. Fernández-Rodríguez et al. (2023) found that 47.6% exhibit anxiety-related behaviors, and 21% suffer from depression across 35 Spanish universities, prompting calls for psychological support initiatives. Academic challenges are widespread, with 60% of first-year undergraduates struggling to refine …

The Enigma of the Recurring “Bodies” From Si Spencer’s Adaptation
Finding forensic science analogically revealing of conceptual or textual analysis, this paper investigates (punned intended) the concept of movement as enunciated by Yuk Hui’s Recursivity and Contingency by alluding to the extraordinary 2023 limited series created by Paul Tomalin, a titular adaptation of Si Spenser’s 2015 graphic novel. The title does not merely remind us …

Navigating Pedagogical Disparity: Faculty Approaches and Tools for Enhancing Teaching Skills
Design education is continuously evolving, especially in how educators foster creative thinking. The effectiveness of faculty in delivering quality teaching is a significant challenge within a multidisciplinary design school. Some faculty highly prioritise innovative pedagogical techniques and interactive learning environments, while others rely on traditional methods, needing more dynamism to inspire and empower aspiring designers. …

The Socio-Environmental Impact of Angklung Paglak as Cultural Artifacts in Agriculture in Kemiren Village, Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia
This research examines the role of agriculture in shaping human civilization, focusing on Indonesia as an agrarian nation. Centering on Angklung Paglak, a bamboo musical instrument from Banyuwangi, East Java, performed atop bamboo towers to celebrate the rice harvest, the study uncovers the complex indigenous knowledge linked to this practice. Angklung Paglak embodies traditional agricultural …

Sensationalism in YouTube Viral Contents: How Heavily Emotion-Loaded Contents Are Ignoring News Standards in Nepal
Sensationalism in YouTube news platforms is common in developing countries given amateur content creators having easy access to produce video contents and unhealthy competitions in going viral. This study explores how viral-going sensational stories have ignored journalistic ethical standards in Nepal. Contents of 20 mostly viewed video stories streamed in 14 YouTube news platforms were …

“Dao” and “Brahman”: A Brief Comparison of Cultivation Beliefs in China and India
The highest category in Chinese philosophy is DAO, while in Indian philosophy, it is BRAHMAN. Belonging to Eastern thought, there is a certain consistency in the concepts of cultivation in China and India: since Plato, the Western philosophical tradition has been enthusiastic about the pursuit of BEING; in contrast, the concept of DAO in Chinese …

Cartoonization Practices: The Visual Perspective of Learners With Intellectual Disabilities in a Participatory Learning Environment
Participatory learning is known as a form of teaching method that focuses on the learner, deemed suitable for learners with intellectual disabilities as it encourages engagement, attention, and flexibility in nurturing creativity, critical thinking, and awareness as a part of their cognitive ability. This mental ability can be sharpened through practice that involves the repetition …

Adaptive Architecture in Sensitive Ecological Contexts: A Case Study of Firefly Conservation in Taro Village, Bali
The concept that “nature is the best architect” is widely acknowledged in environmental design. When architects encounter design challenges, they frequently look to nature for inspiration. This practice of deriving ideas from natural examples and integrating them into architectural solutions is a well-established and effective approach within the field. However, the challenge intensifies when we …

Subterranean Encounters: Speculative Tension and the Underground Space in Takano Fumio’s “Swan Knight” and Nazlı Eray’s “Orpheus”
John L. Hennessey defines speculative fiction as a literary canon that mixes familiarity and radical alterity, utilising unrealistic elements to explore hypothetical scenarios or bring aspects of the reader’s world into sharp belief (2024). This paper reads Takano Fumio’s Swan Knight (2024) and Nazlı Eray’s Orpheus (2006) as speculative fiction, contending that both works approach …

Ephemeral Content as an Instrument to Convey Identitary Values in Masstige Fashion Brands’ Communication
During the last decades economists have noticed the increased power of middle-class consumers and call it a key megatrend. Scholars notice middle-class consumers changing their purchase habits and leaning more towards hedonic values than the utilitarian, aiming for social power and self-improvement. These changes have caused the emergency of masstige strategies among brands which refers …

Semiotic Analysis of Fan-Made Illustrations in Film Parasite Posters: Visualizing Social Inequality
The movie Parasite (Bong, 2019) made history as the first Asian film to win the Academy Award for Best Picture, inspiring fans to create unique posters. Despite the popularity of these fan-made posters, limited research in Indonesia examines them from a visual semiotics perspective. In fields like visual communication and film, posters are crucial promotional …

Empowering Indonesian Ceramicists Through Participatory Design: Co-designing a Mobile App
Ceramics is a form of culture that carries traditional values that have existed for a long time in Indonesian society. More than 100 Indonesian ceramicists gathered in ID Ceramics community, an Indonesian ceramicist community initiated by ceramic enthusiasts in Jakarta. Every ceramicist has many ways of explorations and practices in making ceramic glazes. The iterative …

Exploring Emotional Engagement in Augmented Reality Simulation of the Seven Dyslexia Visual Distortion
Dyslexia is a phonological learning difficulty that affects an individual’s ability to process linguistic codes despite having high cognitive ability and keen vision. People with visual dyslexia also experience seven visual distortions in reading: words that jump out of the page, melt away, blurry, shaky, and others. Regardless of dyslexia’s high prevalence rate (1 out …

Enabling Children as Disaster Risk Communicators by Using Social Media Learning Kit
Children are widely recognized as one of the most at-risk groups from disasters but can also play a significant role in disaster risk reduction, including as effective communicators. Involving children in these activities and decision-making processes is crucial for enabling proactive measures and effective risk communication within families and communities. Social media can be a …

Redefining Art Spaces: Interactive Features in Digital Art Exhibitions
Art exhibitions held in digital spaces not only function as an alternative when art exhibitions cannot be held in physical spaces. Exhibitions in digital spaces offer a high level of accessibility and affordability, thus having great potential to connect individuals from different parts of the world. Digital platform art exhibitions provide artists and their creations …

From Isolation to Understanding: Leveraging Transmedia Storytelling to Foster Empathy for Infertility in Indonesia
Due to deep-rooted mythical and societal beliefs, infertility in Indonesia is heavily stigmatized, leaving affected couples feeling isolated and impacting their well-being. Although storytelling is recognized as a powerful medium for fostering empathy, it faces challenges such as shortened attention spans across generations and the cognitive effort required for empathetic engagement. This study explores the …

Photography and Visual Diary: Participatory Visual Research for Creating Educational Toys That Enhance Social Skills in Children With Disabilities
Intervention in education regarding social relations, especially understanding profiles and role tasks within the family, becomes a fundamental social issue experienced by children with mental and intellectual disabilities. Due to their limitations in communication and interaction with others, these children find it challenging to comprehend the complexity of social relations within the family. Educational toys …

Politics of Omission: the Hong Kong Film Unit in the Watershed Moment of Global Decolonization
In 1966, the British colonial government’s Hong Kong Film Unit inaugurated its longest-running series Hong Kong Today (1966-1974). Initially established in 1959 under the Public Relations Office and later renamed Government Information Services (GIS), the Film Unit was a publicity arm of the Colonial Government of Hong Kong. Tellingly, the Today series in 1966 would …

Indonesian Online Media Coverage Regarding the Thorium-Powered Nuclear Power Plant: Media Conglomeration Practices for Reporting Nuclear Issues to the Public
This research examined how media conglomeration practices made the public aware of the construction plan issue of a thorium-powered nuclear power plant on Gelasa Island, Central Bangka Regency, Bangka Islands Province through the coverage in three news articles on detikcom and as online news media platforms out of media conglomerates in Indonesia, for the …

Ceramics as a Medium for Social Critique: Artistic Reflections on Freedom and Marginalization
Modern life often generates various forms of personal anxiety, which, in turn, contribute to a broader social unease. This anxiety can stem from multiple sources, including feelings of alienation and injustice experienced by individuals within contemporary social structures. Within this conceptual framework, the author draws inspiration from the experience of caring for rescue dogs living …

Forensic Linguistics: Deception and Defamation of Digital Discourse
This study aims to review published research articles that studied digital text crimes, which are deception and defamation based on forensic linguistic point of view. The authors developed three inquiries: linguistic aspects, the selection of research design, and the trend of studies that discussed deceptions and defamations within published scientific articles. The data were twenty …

Visual Semiotics of Javanese Cultural Signs in Indonesia’s Popular Horror Film Titled “KKN Di Desa Penari”
The rapid development of horror films in Indonesia provides a perspective on the increasing trend and global interest in the entertainment industry. Many Indonesian filmmakers have gained attention from audiences and achieved viral status in 2022. One such example is the horror film titled “KKN DI DESA PENARI,” which is among the most popular horror …

Learning Basic Film Lighting in Virtual Reality Based Interactive Film “Cahaya Cinta Perlahan Menyilaukan”
“Cahaya Cinta Perlahan Menyilaukan” is a virtual reality based interactive film produced by the Film and Animation department at Multimedia Nusantara University. This film was developed specifically for learning vocational skills in a simulated film production environment for film students in vocational schools and university level. Previous research and projects that utilize virtual reality technology …

Intangible Heritage of Aci Trezza: Historical Reconstruction of the Rodolico Shipyard and Its Living Human Treasure
In the seaside village of Aci Trezza, in Sicily, the Rodolico family’s shipyard has been building boats since at least 1808. They use the “mezzo garbo” construction technique passed down orally. In 1960 the golden age for the shipyard began, Salvatore Martino, assisted by his sons and over thirty workers. He began building large wooden …

It’s Time to Podcast: Hype or Here to Stay? A Pre- and Post-pandemic Trend Study
Podcasts represent a significant media trend due to their accessibility, variety of content, and ability to reach niche audiences by offering a personalized listening experience. A scholarly study of podcast usage is critical as it provides insight into changing media consumption patterns. This study integrates Uses and Gratification Theory, which has been applied by many …

Re-think, Re-imagine, Re-purpose: A Case Study in Sustainable Use of a Single Material in Design and Technology Lessons
In this presentation I will discuss how we developed a series of projects in Design and Technology lessons with boys aged 9-13 using a single batch of donated timber. The wood was used for 2019 iconic temporary pavilion designed by Yinka Ilori and Pricegore architects at the Dulwich Picture Gallery in London. The gallery requested …

Factors Affecting Students’ Mathematics Academic Performance in the IB MYP Programme: Basis for the Formulation of an Action Plan
Mathematics is considered one of the most important subjects around the world and plays a crucial role in the advancement of Science and Technology. This study aims to determine the factors affecting students’ Mathematics academic performance in the Tamagawa Academy – International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme. The study employed the descriptive survey in gathering the …

Learning With Generative Artificial Intelligence in Collaborative Problem Solving: A Teaching and Learning Framework for Entrepreneurship Education
The development of generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) tools has led to different reactions in the field of education arising from both the opportunities and challenges that these tools pose to learning. However, not much is known about how to effectively implement generative AI in learning and teaching environments. This research sought to develop, implement, …

Inclusive Leadership Under the Scope of the External School Evaluation Program in Portugal
In Portugal, within the framework of New Public Management, the autonomy of schools has been strengthened, and school leadership is required to assume greater responsibility in adopting inclusive responses tailored to the diversity and individuality of students. Since 2018, the 3rd cycle of the External Evaluation Program for School by the General Inspectorate of Education …

The Role of Rural Aesthetics and Cultural Practices in Promoting Active Ageing in Northern Thai Community
This study examines the impact of rural aesthetics and cultural practices on fostering active ageing in a case study village of Baan Pong Nuea, a rural community in Northern Thailand. Focusing on a high proportion of elderly residents, the research explores how the physical environment, cultural traditions, and social structures contribute to health and well-being …

In Birth Control We Trust: Analyzing Modern Contraception Behavior and Parasocial Relationships With Health Personalities Online
Family planning in the Philippines is a complex topic because of difficulties in accessing modern contraceptives exacerbated by various external factors. Because of this, Filipinos go to social media to seek reproductive health information, especially among health professional content creators. To further bridge the gap between health communication and social media, this study aimed to …

Human Resource Management Practices Towards the Performance of Teachers in the Province of Capiz
The study explored the human resource management practices and the performances of teachers among Catholic and Parochial Schools in the Province of Capiz as a basis for the development of an intervention program. The researcher assessed the demographic profile of the respondents, the human resource management practices, and the teachers’ performance. The respondents of the …

Positioning Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence in Creative Production: The Synthetic Media
This study examines the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and the creative industries, with particular emphasis on the challenges AI poses to traditional notions of authorship, creativity, and labor. Drawing on the recent Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike as a case, the research highlights the tensions between human and machine-driven production in creative fields. …

Christianity, Modernity, and Cultural Abandonment in Africa: The Example of the Ivyom Ritual Dance Performance Among the Tiv People
Historically, Ivyom ritual dance performance among the Tiv people of Nigeria have been integral to their spiritual and cultural identity, serving not only as a religious ceremony but also as a vital expression of social cohesion, identity and traditional knowledge. However, the advent of Christianity and the subsequent processes of modernisation have precipitated significant transformations …

Broadcast Media Diversity as an ‘Enabling Environment’ for Sustainable Media Democratization: A Media Ecology Perspective
This research aims to examine media diversity based on broadcasting categories and broadcast areas. Based on media ecology theory, this research focuses on the current state of the broadcast media industry in Indonesia from the perspective of media ecology and media democratization. This research uses digital methods that focus on data mining to collect and …

Collaboration, Situated Learning, and Citizenship: The Importance of Communities of Practice in a Technical Baking Course
Situated Learning Theory considers learning to be socially constructed and grounded in concrete situations, viewing knowledge not as primarily abstract and symbolic but as provisional, mediated, and socially constructed, with intersubjective meanings attributed to shared practices. This study aimed to understand, in light of the aforementioned approach, the construction of collaboration as a driver of …

Inclusive AI-Based Chatbots for Public Services in Finland: Potential of Constructivism
Despite innovative initiatives, digital gaps persist, necessitating optimal solutions for both customers and service providers, especially for multicultural societies. Grounded on the fundamental premise that every user of public services engages in ongoing digital literacy and cultural inclusion, this study advocates integrating constructivism learning theory and its principles into inclusive chatbot design for public services. …

The Dark Side of Adolescent Girls’ Minds in “The Corn Maiden: A Love Story” by Joyce Carol Oates
“The Corn Maiden: A Love Story” (2005) by Joyce Carol Oates tells the story of an 11-year-old blonde girl with a learning disability, Marissa Bantry, who is kidnapped and held captive by 13-year-old Jude Trahern and her friends. Eventually, Marissa is rescued, and Jude commits self-immolation. Other characters include Marissa’s single mother, Leah, and Mikal …

Transformation of Rituals and Movement of Mandar Sandeq Sailors Into the Creation of Theater Performance
The development of performing arts today, especially theater, has undergone a connection of events across time explored by artists. In the Indonesian context, the discourse on tradition and local cultural wisdom often becomes a primary subject on stage. The Mandar people, as an ethnic group on the western coast of Sulawesi, maintain an intimate relationship …

Follow Me! Does this Educational Material Still Motivate Modern EFL Learners to Develop Their Speaking Skills?
The use of videos has previously been examined to determine its effectiveness in language classes, especially its impact on developing listening and speaking skills. Here, it is still found to be invaluable. However, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly dominating other technology in the educational realm. Moreover, users require adequate knowledge of technology and access to …

Necropolitics in the Contemporary African Fiction: A Critique of Helon Habila’s Novels
Contemporary African politics is a realisation of the fundamentals of the Machiavellian principles about the relations of power, wherein the ‘conqueror’, a government in any guise, exercises control over the governed, to the extent of determining the quality, or even, the necessity of their existence, all determinations and perceptions emerging through shades of biases as …

Bright on the Grey Sea: Reconsider Film Poetry Through a Chinese Lens
This presentation stands between worlds. It has its roots in the beauty of the work of a Late Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin but its voice speaks into the realm of internationally considered film poetry as a form of short film. The researcher will showcase a practice-led, artistic project which develops a corpus of three …

Memes as Critique of Daily Life: A Study on “HomeDesign369” TikTok Videos
The rise of interior design short videos on YouTube Shorts and TikTok has become favourable content, offering entertainment and practical solutions for daily life problems. Recently, the popularity of these videos has surged, particularly due to the viral phenomenon of “Little John”. The narratives of “Little John” and his interior problems were popularised by a …

“Political Fairness” in Japan: A Comparative Analysis with the US Legal Framework
Guided by Social Responsible Theory, the research employs a qualitative media content analysis to compare political fairness regulations towards the press in the US and Japan. While the US abolished the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, Japan has long discussed an expansive interpretation and potential removal of the political fairness clause Article 4 of the Broadcasting …

Women’s Voices: An Analysis of Arab Women’s Poetry and Its Role in Empowerment
This paper explored the content and poetic style of Arab feminist poems that interact with race, class, sexual orientation, etc. The analysis featured three Arab poets namely Souad Al-Sabah, Ghada Al-Samman, and Fadwa Tuqan. They used poetry to empower women and challenge societal norms. This research used literary qualitative content analysis. Fifteen (15) of their …

A Comparative Study to Evaluate the Impact of Using the SOLO Taxonomy in Preparing Exam Questions
Evaluation is a complex task that requires clear and transparent criteria, ensuring all involved understand it as credible, with educational and social responsibility. However, as evaluation is not an exact science, it is naturally subjective. Do teachers prepare questions covering all levels of complexity? Do they reflect on the knowledge and complexity required for each …

Collaborative Work at School as a Tool for Demedicalization
This text is an excerpt from ongoing master’s research entitled “Collaborative work as a demedicalizing tool,” which aims to problematize how collaborative work can contribute to the production of possible demedicalizing/depathologizing practices in the school context. As postulated by Capellini (2005), Viralonga (2014), Zerbato (2014) and Zanata (2005), there are many studies that discuss the …

Bridging 21st Century Skills and ICT Integration in Physics Education: A Bibliographic Analysis
The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education has the potential to significantly enhance teaching and learning. While existing studies offer numerous recommendations for using ICT in education, they often lack a clear description of the didactic purposes and the specific 21st century skills that can be developed through these technologies. Moreover, many …

Interpreting P. Mérimée’s “The Bear”: From Silent Film to Media Performance
The aim of the research: to apply theoretical insights from adaptation studies and analyze the perspectives of selected adaptations of works by Lithuanian and foreign authors, focusing on P. Mérimée’s “Lokys,” to reveal intermediate and intercultural dialogues and intersections. P. Mérimée’s work, the short story “The Bear,” reflects 19th-century Lithuania by combining fiction and reality. …

Fanfiction: Mode of Storytelling or Marketing Device, Analysed Through Uses and Gratifications Approach
Fanfiction is an evolving literary genre that happens in a fictional world, combining the elements of beloved characters and alternate scenarios. It is a technique of world-building with retellings of stories catered to the preferences of audience practiced in the contemporary world. In the recent times with the coming of the Marvel Comics adapting their …

The Importance of Practice in Pre-service Teachers’ Development: An Analysis From Zone of Proximal Teacher Development (ZPTD) Perspective
Currently the importance of teacher training emerges as a central theme in Brazilian educational scenario. With the aim of understanding one of the vertices that make up the complex kaleidoscope of a teacher’s training path, this research presents the impact of teaching practices throughout two undergraduate courses – in Languages/Literature and Mathematics. To accomplish this …

Unveiling the Dissonant Narratives of Mintal, Davao City As the Philippines’ Little Tokyo
This study presents the complex heritage narrative of Mintal, Davao City, dubbed as the “Little Tokyo of the Philippines.” It critically examines the dissonant heritage claim that contrasts the celebratory Japanese influence with the marginalized Filipino contributions in historical accounts. Drawing from an extensive literature review encompassing 236 sources, including works by Japanese writers in …

Insights Into Student Self-Assessment Within Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning
The literature indicates that university programs often fail to provide students with opportunities for interdisciplinary and project-based learning, which are essential for developing new skills, including professional ones (Reverdy, 2013). It is crucial for students to master their field and be capable of working in interdisciplinary settings. Reflective practice has been proven to be a …

Comparative Analysis of the Political Message Strategies and Transmedia Storytelling Techniques in the 2022 Philippine Presidential Elections
The 2022 Philippines presidential election has been among the most divisive and digitally active in the country’s electoral history. Numerous political messaging strategies have been used to create a compelling and persuasive message to engage the electorate. This study contributes to the growing global literature on message and platform studies focusing on political message strategies …

Educational Equity in the State and Municipal Education Plans of Northeastern Brazilian States: A Documentary Analysis
This study deals with themes related to Brazilian government policies with a focus on basic education. It aimed to analyze the use of the term educational equity in the State and Municipal Education Plans of the Brazilian Northeastern States and their respective capitals. This is a documentary study. Three stages were carried out: 1) searches …

The Concept of Educational Equity: A Study of Brazilian Scientific Production
The “Observatório de Equidade Educacional: da pesquisa à inovação” carries out an investigation into the construction of the concept of educational equity. This digital platform evaluates, monitors and tracks public data on brazilian education, a proposal linked to the Núcleo de Excelência em Tecnologias Sociais, the Instituto de Psicologia of the Universidade Federal de Alagoas, …

Traditional Knowledge, Culture and Ecology of the Kajang Custom Area: An Ecosemiotics Study
The modernization of society may corrode and influence the culture prevalent in general, but it will not have the same effect on the culture of the Kajang traditional community. The urgency of this inquiry is prompted by the fact that Kajang remains unaffected by the passage of time. This research aims to explain (1) the …

Mediating Effect of Metacognitive Awareness on the Sense of Efficacy of Pre-service Educators
The pre-service educator preparation period is crucial in developing the competencies for highly effective educators who succeed in the classroom. In this regard, pre-service educators’ metacognitive awareness and sense of efficacy beliefs about their profession remain critical determinants of their success in teaching. Developing pre-service educators’ metacognitive awareness can promote their sense of efficacy when …

The Overlooked Cases of Female Hikikomori: Visual Representation in Manga
A large amount of Western and Asian consumers has started to watch anime (Japanese animation) and read manga (Japanese comics) resulting in them thinking of Japan as ‘exceptional’ and ‘relaxed’. It has also resulted in Japan possessing soft power globally through visual mediums leading to several debates and discussions from various perspectives. One such debate …

Cultural Specificity in Nollywood Comedy Films
Noel Carroll, in his seminal work on humor, posits the notion that comedy is inherently bound to the cultural milieu in which it originates, suggesting that its resonance may be confined to specific societies and struggle to transcend national boundaries. This assertion invites exploration within the context of Nollywood, Nigeria’s vibrant film industry renowned for …

Mapping Sense of Belonging ‘Moments’ on University Students’ Journey
Arriving at university can be a confusing and disorientating experience; a world away from sixth form and college. Educators, researchers and policy makers within higher education, agree that developing a sense of belonging is fundamental to students’ settling in, engaging and achieving academic success. This paper examines undergraduates’ university journey and their perceptions of what …

Print to Screen: Analysing Film Adaptations – a Critique and Writing Course on the Process of Re-imagining Literature for Cinema
Films adapted from books are a recognized genre popular among moviegoers and sometimes, one that draws controversial responses among literary fans. Cinema started adapting literature onto the screen by bringing canonical works read by educated and predominantly middle-class individuals to the mass public in the early 1900s. The direct comparison between the two media was …

Research Trends in Accounting and Accounting Education Over the Past Decade: A Bibliometric Analysis
This study aims to examine the trends and developments in the field of accounting and accounting education over the past decade using a bibliometric approach. The data analyzed includes publications from 2013 to 2023, focusing on research trends, contributions, and impacts. The analysis was conducted using Publish or Perish and VOSviewer tools. The results from …

Mapping the Landscape of Educational Laws, Regulations, and Policies: A Bibliometric Review for New Research Insights
This research aims to evaluate the development of research on educational laws, regulations, and policies using bibliometric mapping methods through the VOSviewer application. The articles were obtained from the Google Scholar database by searching for keywords such as “education law, education regulation, education policy” using Harzing’s Publish or Perish application with the aim of identifying …

Mental Health Consultation Through Telemedicine, Does it Work? A Case Study of Psychologists and Patients in Online Consultation
The advancement of technology has brought a significant impact to our lives, including in the health sector. The presence of telemedicine allows us to access health information and health services very easily. It enables users to communicate with doctors virtually via chat consultations and video calls. Halodoc, a telemedicine platform from Indonesia has been providing …

Causal Factors, Academic Motivation, Academic Coping and Performance of Students in the “New Normal”
Public elementary and secondary schools in the Philippines face a significant challenge with high dropout rates. While factors such as family problems, poverty, peer pressure, juvenile delinquency, and student vices contribute to this issue, other factors such as school facilities, learning atmosphere, and teacher influence may also play a role. This study examined the relationship …

Transforming Vocational Education Through Cybergogy: Research Trends and Impacts Over the Last Decade
This study aims to analyze the application of the cybergogy concept in vocational education through a bibliometric approach. Using data from 2013 to 2023, this study identifies trends, contributions, and impacts of related research through bibliometric analysis using Publish or Perish and VosViewer tools. Based on the analysis using Publish or Perish, there are 157 …

Toward Inclusive Education: Establishing Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers’ Self-efficacy and Their Multidimensional Attitude
Even with the right to equal education set for all learners through inclusive education, it remains elusive in the Philippines. Teachers play a vital role in the success of inclusive education, highlighting the need to understand their self-efficacy and attitudes. This research aims to determine the self-efficacy of pre-service teachers and their attitudes toward inclusive …

Influences on Critical Thinking Skills Among Indonesian Secondary Students: An Empirical Analysis
This study examines the factors influencing the development of critical thinking skills among Indonesian secondary students, with a focus on teaching methods, school leadership, and socio-economic factors. Despite the introduction of student-centred learning in the 2013 curriculum, traditional rote learning continues due to insufficient teacher training and inconsistent implementation. The research identifies several key influences …

The Dynamics of National Identity Among Students in the Entikong Border Region: Decolonization, Rationality, and Kinship Ties
The issue of identity has become a hot topic at the Indonesia-Malaysia border, especially amidst the culture of transnationalism. Students in the border region of Indonesia-Malaysia in Entikong, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, face challenges in forming a national identity influenced by decolonization and rationality in choosing citizenship. Kinship ties and ancestral land are the main drivers …

Exploring the Cultural and Historical Evolution of Siluo, Yunlin in Taiwan Through Feng Shui Theory
Siluo Township in Yunlin County is located in the mid-western region of Taiwan, with the Jhuoshuei River marking its northern boundary. The area boasts abundant water resources, flat and fertile land, and a mild climate. Since the 17th century, the reclamation efforts by local indigenous people and settlers from Fujian and Guangdong provinces in mainland …

Performing Microcelebrity: Analysing Kairos, Modes, and Practices in the Era of Breaking of World Record in Ghana
Ghana was shaken when Afua Asantewaa Aduonum attempted to break the Guinness world record for the longest singing marathon by an individual dubbed the “sing-a-thon”. Drawing inspiration from Hilda Bassey in Nigeria who broke the world record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual dubbed “cook-a-thon” which lasted only for a while. Ghanaian social …

Unraveling Themes of Feminism and Postmodernity in “And Just Like That…”
This essay examines the feminist and postmodern themes in And Just Like That… (2021–), and examines the malleability of their portrayal in its prequel, Sex and the City (1998–2004). Since its initial broadcast, Sex and the City has been the subject of several media and academic critiques, which argue that it inadequately addresses feminist themes, …

Computational Modeling of Morphologically Rich Languages – The Case of Nouns in Albanian Language
The Albanian language, characterized as synthetic-analytical, presents a rich system of inflection that poses significant challenges in developing computational models for morphological analysis. This study aims to construct a computational morphological model for the nominal system in Albanian, with a focus on nouns, which exhibit various grammatical categories and forms including number (singular and plural), …

The “Classroom Academia Community” Model to Promote Active Learning Among Arab-Bedouin Female Students in the Role of Teachers
The current study examines the extent to which the “Classroom Academic Community” model contributes – both in the personal context and the professional context to Arab-Bedouin Arabic-speaking teachers’ role students specializing in Hebrew and Arabic in pre-primary schools. The current study was based on interviews with approximately 20 Arab Bedouin female students who are practicing …

Listeners’ Participation in Community Radio: A Case of Radio Grahamstown, South Africa
This paper aims to look at the role and importance of listeners’ participation in community radio using Radio Grahamstown, a community radio based in Grahamstown, South Africa, as a case study. While radio has proven itself as a very important developmental tool, it is also important to note that listeners’ participation is important for development …

Online Course Implementation Project at the College of Sciences and Humanities (CCH-UNAM): Facing New Paradigms in Education from Scratch
The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) serves over 370,000 students, with a third in high school. The COVID-19 health emergency significantly impacted this population, causing educational setbacks due to the absence of a strategy for remote learning. To address this crisis, we initiated the development of an educational platform to ensure the continuity of …

Toward Automating the Classification of Films’ Narrative Structures
Traditional methods of analyzing film narrative structure typically involve qualitative analyses of script and film elements as well as quantitative assessments of editing patterns. These approaches are limited by scalability and efficiency due to the extensive manual human labor required, making them impractical for analyzing large datasets. This paper examines how machine learning techniques can …

Collaborative Hospitality Design Study Linking Academia and Industry: Understanding the Shifts in Guests’ Preferences for Innovative Design Models
The hospitality sector is facing considerable transformation leading to changes in guests’ needs. According to studies, innovative design solutions are in demand for distinctive experiences. This investigation identifies current hospitality guests’ expectations for advanced design responses. Several data validate the research including the results of the Hospitality Design Challenge incorporated in a design course at …

Spatial Emergence of Ethnicity: Korean Identification at the Protestant Church in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
The field of Korean Studies is dominated by the diasporic framework, which sees post-soviet Koreans or Koryo Saram as a bounded group with blood-based connections, common culture, and homeland orientation. Constant reapplication of such a perspective results in the replication of existing research findings, which reflect the essentialist understanding of Korean ‘identity’ and ‘ethnic group’. …

A Look At The Current Society Through The Prism Of Absurdity, Surrealism And Black Humor: Quentin Dupieux’s Film Cases
The aim of this presentation is to present and analyse the films of Quentin Dupieux, an exceptional, yet little explored contemporary filmmaker. The research methods used are narrative content analysis, genre analysis and cultural studies approaches. Q. Dupieux is a French filmmaker and electronic music producer (known as Mr. Oizo), known for his unique and …

Hop, Step, and Jump: The Art, Craft, and Music of Transforming Traditional Education in the North Rift Region of Kenya
Education for promoting ethnic and social cohesion can be challenging in a multicultural country like Kenya, where strong traditional beliefs and practices form the core of an individual culture’s social norms. One such practice is Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), a traditional initiation rite of passage for girls that the Kenya Government outlawed in 2011. Despite …

Co-creating Media Innovation for Social Value: The Thai Media Lab Model
This research explores a collaborative approach between academia and media professionals for media innovation with social value. The data collected from the “Thai Media Lab” process (2021-2023) served as a model for this “co-creation media innovation research network.” The lessons learned from the media development process between academia and media professionals were analyzed. The study …

Fantastic: Exploring the Intermedial Productivity of the Fangirl
Fandoms serve as a rich site to examine intermedial play in modern culture, with fans engaging with and creating new, media-hybrid products that honour, subvert, and/or expand source material. While the body serves as both site and tool for this work, such productivity is only considered valuable and legitimate if conducted by a certain type …

Exploring the Dynamics of Violence and Power in School in Thai Teen Series “Girl From Nowhere”
Exploring the Dynamics of Violence and Power in School in Thai Teen Series “Girl From Nowhere” is a qualitative research. The objective is to investigate and analyze the issues of violence and power in schools portrayed in the series ‘Girl From Nowhere’. The study found that ‘Girl From Nowhere’ presents various forms of violence—physical violence, …

Rural Narratives and Media Convergence in Thai Cinema
The year 2023 marked a resurgence for Thai cinema, highlighted by the successes of The Undertaker and Death Whisperer, which brought rural narratives and socio-cultural themes to the forefront. Produced by Thibaan Studio, The Undertaker became Thailand’s highest-grossing film of the year, while Death Whisperer engaged audiences with its haunting portrayal of family and community …

The Reflection of Society in Udom Taephanich’s Stand-Up Comedy
This mixed-methods research investigates the social reflections and audience perceptions in Udom Taephanich’s stand-up comedy show, “Deaw 13” or “No. 13”. Content analysis of the show reveals 13 topics of social, cultural, and political themes domains, predominantly employing humor based on reality. Quantitative findings showed that the audience most frequently recalled issues related to the …

Task-Based Instruction (TBI) to Motivate Elementary Students in Ghizer, Gilgit-Baltistan to Improve English Language Speaking Skills
Public sector schools in Pakistan experience difficulties in teaching English, particularly spoken skills, owing to instructors’ unfamiliarity with current language teaching techniques. This research, done in Gilgit-Baltistan, investigates the use of task-based instruction (TBI) to motivate and improve the English-speaking abilities of sixth-grade pupils. Pragmatic action study consisted of three data gathering phases: reconnaissance, intervention, …

Transformative Design: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Furniture Design –A Comprehensive Analysis of an Immersive Learning Experience
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are advanced technologies in continuous development. They are already involved in different fields including Academia, for immersive and interactive learning experiences. They are mainly applied to STEM disciplines such as Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Medicine. This qualitative study aims to examine the integration of VR and AR in …

The Perception and Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Among Non-English Majors at HUTECH University
The study investigates students’ perceptions and students’ use of vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) among non-English majors at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH). Three main issues addressed are (1) to determine students’ perception in terms of their awareness and the level of the importance of vocabulary learning strategies; (2) students’ use in terms …

Stakeholders in Industry Oriented Learning: Developing Specific Professional Skills for Design Management
In 2022, the end of quarantine gave way to a hybrid teaching model. Despite increased face-to-face contact, the conflicts of virtual education became more evident about specific professional competencies. These include isolation, lack of social interaction, problem management, difficulty maintaining discipline, motivation and autonomy. Therefore, this study aims to reinforce the learning of the theoretical …

Deconstructing Complex Abstraction Through Context in Science Education: Comprehensive Review on Research Development, Approaches, and Articulation
There has been significant attention on context-based learning in science education in recent times, challenging conventional paradigms and fostering more inclusive and authentic learning experiences. However, research has shown that there are no simplified definitions of context, and without proper articulation, context becomes anything and everything. Evidence of what context is in science education has …

The Integration of Cross-Cultural Communication in Performing Arts: A Short Video Making Project
Recently, under the influence of the internationalization of universities, many international students have been attracted to study in Taiwan. Therefore, the opportunities for students to interact and communicate across cultures on campus have gradually increased; however, most Taiwanese students still have insufficient cross-cultural experience when facing international students. Due to the above problems, the purpose …

The Development of Kindergarten Teachers’ Identities as STEM Teachers: A Hong Kong Case Study
This study explores the development of kindergarten teachers’ identities as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) educators in early childhood education. Six teachers were chosen as case studies, representing diverse experiences and exposure to STEM education. The research found that personal interest, professional development, and supportive environments significantly shape teachers’ identities as STEM educators. Teachers …

Literacy and Digital Citizenship in Public Schools in the Sisal Region: Challenges, Resistance, Strength, and Beauty.
Brazilian education has faced a prolonged crisis, particularly in public schools. This situation worsened with the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and its variants since March 2020. School closures exacerbated inequalities among teachers and students lacking access to technological resources necessary for the continuity of the teaching and learning process. Research conducted by non-governmental organizations …

Strategic Innovation to Enhance Kurikulum Merdeka at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Indonesia Through E-learning Content Production
E-learning Content Production (ECP) is an elective course the Film Department at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) offers. Students learn to develop asynchronous content for academic and non-academic purposes. This research aims to develop the course’s strategies to enhance the implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka at UMN. Kurikulum Merdeka, initiated by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, is …

Unpredictable Box Office Performance of Franchise Blockbusters: The Fading “Magical” Appeal of the “Fantastic Beasts” Series in Mainland China
To achieve success in the box office, many filmmakers attempt to regroup the factors from the previous successful films into subsequent productions. The Fantastic Beasts series exemplifies a combination of multiple factors seen in the past successful formula, such as well-known intellectual property, famous stars, appealing spectacles, and less culturally specific genres. However, the box …

Cultural Symbolism in Vietnamese Horror Films
Vietnamese horror cinema has carved a niche in the global film industry, distinguished by its use of cultural symbolism to evoke fear. This study scrutinizes the intricate ways in which Vietnamese horror films incorporate indigenous beliefs, customs, and folklore to instill a profound sense of dread among local viewers. It revolves around three pivotal questions: …

From Clever Rain Tree to Cosmic Metaphor: Toru Takemitsu’s Musical Interpretation of Nature and Emotion
Toru Takemitsu’s Rain Tree Sketch series, inspired by Kenzaburō Ōe’s short story “Clever Rain Tree”, exemplifies the composer’s deep connection to nature and his masterful use of music to express emotion and metaphor. This paper explores Takemitsu’s musical journey from the clever rain tree to the cosmic metaphor, investigating how he interprets and transforms natural …

Forum Theatre as a Tool for Peacebuilding: Participatory Approaches to Conflict Resolution in Jos Metropolis
This study explores the application of Forum Theatre as a participatory tool for peacebuilding in Jos Metropolis, a part of Nigeria deeply affected by religious and ethnic conflict. Drawing from Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, the research employed Forum Theatre to engage Christian and Muslim communities in co-creating and performing an “anti-model” – a …

Analysis of Hospital Environments in Resident’s Medical Training
Hospital environments are mainstays in education of medical specialists, providing Clinical Learning Environments (ACA), essential for resident’s medical training. Consequently, instruments like ACA-UNAM-MEX have been developed to analyze educational processes in Mexico’s healthcare services. Evaluate ACA in 8 medical units using ACA-UNAM-MEX, aiming to identify areas for improvement and strengthen resident’s medical training. A cross-sectional …

“Shanghai in the Night”: A Study of Urban Memory on Ballroom Dance Culture in Republican-Era Shanghai Cinema (1920s-1940s)
In the rapid process of modernization, Chinese metropolises like Shanghai have gradually tended towards a homogenization – the city’s identity formed by its semi-colonial history, vernacular architecture, and local’s habits has been largely replaced by modernist design, culture and lifestyle. To retrieve the vanishing urban memory, this study aims to use film as a method …

The Role of Mass Media in Political Stability
Social media have caused significant changes in interpersonal relationships and relationships between political systems. The masses and media have become such powerful tools that various societies and political systems cannot ignore them in their affairs and strategic planning. From a different perspective, political order and stability remain the most fundamental issues of human societies. The …

Atmospheric Composition and Tonal Values in Piranesi: A Study of Depth in the Carceri Series Drawings
In the Carceri´s series, Piranesi draws imaginary labyrinths of wonder and mystery. We are captivated by the dark environment, full of architectural elements, low-key lighting, strong contrasts defining staircases, bridges, tunnels and ornaments. The linear perspective, drawing these crossed paths and structures of this fictional maze, is generally defined here by two vanishing points, creating …

Exploring Instagram Advocacy for Citizenship Rights of Children Born to Malaysian Mothers Overseas
Social media has become a crucial tool for advocacy efforts as it has the power to connect individuals and communities globally and amplifying voices for crucial issues. On 9th September 2021, the High Court in Kuala Lumpur ruled that children born overseas to Malaysian mothers who are married to foreigners are automatically conferred Malaysian citizenship. …

South Korea’s Rising Presence in the Middle East: Analyzing the Drivers and Consequences
South Korea has been one of the active players in the Middle East. South Korea as a Middle Power has increased its presence in different spheres. Although economic interests and securing energy imports have been the main drivers of South Korean involvement with the Middle East, the ongoing regional dynamic in East Asia has added …

Aesthetics and Sustainability in Textile Design
Since the publication of the Brundtland Report in 1987, which defines sustainability as the capacity to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, sustainable development has increasingly focused on achieving a balance between the human environment and nature. Sustainable design plays a critical role …

Exploring Inter-island Cultural Narratives: Transcending Boundaries With Resident-Based Performances and Authentic Storytelling
Matsu Island served as a frontline for Taiwan and was under military administration from 1956 to 1992. After the end of military control, the island gained local autonomy and began developing its tourism industry and public infrastructure to attract visitors. More importantly, Matsu Island has actively promoted cultural development through art and culture-driven policies and …

Appraising the Integration of Training and Education in Masters-level Apprenticeship Courses
The advent of Level 7 (L7) apprenticeships over the past decade has presented a number of challenges and opportunities to the UK Higher Education sector. Whilst new market(s) were opened to universities and other educational establishments, the differences between apprenticeship training and ‘standard’ masters-level education needed exploration and quantification and a means had to be …

Further Development of Framework Training for Managers in the Field of Risk Management According to the Requirements of Sports Clubs
The importance of risk management training continues to grow in direct proportion with the need to increase the resilience of organisations. This implies requirements for managers’ abilities to cope with threats and risk factors. With this in mind, a modular training framework for sports club managers has been developed and presented based on the specificities …

DK-PRACTICE: An Intelligent Educational Platform for Personalized Learning Content Recommendations Based on Students Knowledge State
This study introduces DK-PRACTICE (Dynamic Knowledge Prediction and Educational Content Recommendation System), an intelligent online platform that leverages machine learning to provide personalized learning recommendations based on student knowledge state. Students participate in a short, adaptive assessment using the question-and-answer method regarding key concepts in a specific knowledge domain. The system dynamically selects the next …