Month: December 2019

Table with a Half-oval Hole as Individual Treatment Table of ABA Therapy for Autistic Children in Indonesian Autism Therapy Center as an Effective Design to Overcome Behavior
ABA (Applied behavior analaysis) therapy, introduced by Ivar lovaas, is a widely used method for autism therapy in the world due to its success rate. In this therapy, a table is used during individual treatment as a medium for giving instruction and performing tasks between a therapist and an autistic child. In general, this table …

Boost Sight Reading Skills of Students Using Melodic Ostinato
This study aims to boost the sight-reading skills of the inexperienced grade six students through the use of melodic ostinato patterns as a strategy. Prior to the demonstration teaching, information about the current status of music education in the provincial setting was gathered and generated through field observations and interviews with the students and music …

Designing Experiential Learning Activities for Primary Schoolers
Experiential learning is now deemed a crucial part in primary education in almost all learning contexts because it helps develop and cultivate children’s cognitive and life skills. It functions as a bridge linking the knowledge that children acquire in regular classroom and their experiences built up by participating in real life activities, especially beyond classroom. …

Perceived Benefits and Challenges of Flipped Classroom: Voices From Teachers in Hong Kong’s Higher Education
Flipped classroom is increasingly being adopted in higher education institutions worldwide. Many studies on flipped classroom focused on evaluating its impact on students’ learning outcomes. Relatively little is known about the perceived benefits and challenges of flipped classroom from the teachers’ perspective. The present research conducted in-depth interviews with 21 teachers from diverse academic disciplines …

Balinese Young Organization as Building of National Character to Counter Asymmetric Warfare in Indonesia
Bali is an Island that has a diversity of cultures and traditions which is the reason for the rapid development of tourism on the Island. However, one of the negative impacts was the penetration of foreign culture into Bali. In an effort to ward off foreign penetration in Bali, the community uses a youth organization …

Chinese Music, Difference and Inter-community Relations in a 19th-century New Zealand Gold-mining Setting
The socio-cultural milieu of colonial New Zealand changed significantly in the 1860s as a result of the discovery of gold and the subsequent immigration of Chinese miners at the invitation of the Dunedin Chamber of Commerce. At first, Chinese miners arrived from the Australian goldfields, where they had earlier migrated, and later from southern China …

Theatre in Vietnam as Critique of the Environmental and Social Crisis
Halfway through the 2010s, Vietnam started to face major environmental and social problems in the race for globalization. Vietnamese people have experienced a growing sense of anxiety and discomfort about the state of economy and started to realize that their priorities may include responding to wider environmental issues. Since 2003 a special satirical comedy named …

Dilemmas on Lithuanian Energy Issues: From the Aspect of Nuclear Energy
This paper discusses post-Soviet Lithuanian nuclear energy issues from the viewpoint of political dilemma. The author examines post-Soviet Lithuanian energy policies and relevant movements primarily on Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) and Visaginas NPP. Although Lithuania once had a NPP—Ignalina NPP—in the east of the nation, it ceased to work in the 2000s. First, when …

Managing Small Institutional Portfolios: ETFs as a Viable Alternative
Institutional portfolios provide necessary income for the efficient and effective management of the non-profit entities they are affiliated with. Many (most) colleges have an associated endowment (institutional portfolio) or investment management company. The larger the portfolio the more the resources available for managing the portfolio. Large portfolios (defining large as at least $2 billion) usually …

The Multifaceted Relationship Between ESL, Special Education, L2 Reading Disability Potential Risk Factors and Neuroscience
Purpose: To analyze and integrate current research connecting neuroscience imaging, K-12 second language acquisition, special education, and risk factors for a L2 reading disability, with the goal to identify potential new educational strategies. Introduction: An extensive literature exists addressing second language acquisition, special education, and risk factors for a L2 reading disability. However, literature for …

Mapping Circumstance: Human Security, Marginality and Precariousness in Southeast Asia
A central problem in examining multiple insecurities in Southeast Asia is that each country confronts a different context of human security and faces a set of specific challenges embedded in people’s daily-lived experience. The ambiguous ways in which the ‘invisibility’ of their situations are conditioned and configured are neither readily recognized nor understood. State-led action …

Japanese ESL Students’ Willingness to Communicate in English: The Effects of L2 Self-Confidence, Acculturation, and Motivational Types
This study aimed to identify the factors that affect English learners’ willingness to communicate (WTC) in the second language (L2) (L2 WTC) and particularly focused on self-confidence in the second language (L2 self-confidence), acculturation, and motivational types. L2 self-confidence was hypothesized to predict L2 WTC and to mediate the correlation between acculturation and L2 WTC …

Glycoscience Augmented Reality Application Demonstrated with Merge Cube
Popular science education of biomedical knowledge can be monotonous and beyond understanding, so it is necessary to involve fun elements and to harness the suitable demonstration tool to make it more approachable. Merge Cube, a cube-like object trending on the Internet, has an iconic design of pattern recognition which is suitable for augmented reality (AR) …

Self-compassion Buffers the Negative Psychological Impact of Stigma Stress on Sexual Minorities
The present study aimed to test the associations of stigma stress with negative cognitive outcomes (i.e., self-stigma content and process), affective outcomes (i.e., depression and anxiety), and social outcomes (i.e., disconnectedness and loneliness) among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals and to explore whether self-compassion would moderate these associations. Cross-sectional questionnaire data were collected from …

Early Childhoods’ Cooperative Behaviors through HighScope Learning Activities at Kindergarten Demonstration School
The objectives of this research were to study the trend of early childhood’s cooperative behaviors through HighScope learning activities which includes plan, do, review activities. The target group consist of 42 children, male and female, 5 – 6 years of age, in Kindergarten 2, the first semester of the 2019 academic year at Khon Kaen …

What does the Policy Formulation Process of East Lantau Metropolis and Lantau Tomorrow Vision Policy Imply Hong Kong Policy Style
East Lantau Metropolis, a Hong Kong reclamation plan of 1,000 ha in the Central Waters, appeared to have reached consensus in a territory-wide consultation. However, the Government did not move forward to policy execution, but introduced a more aggressive and enhanced 1,7000 reclamation proposal of Lantau Tomorrow Vision. Such a move received even more grievances …

Cultural-Communicative Styles: The Case of Indonesia and India
The present study examines, defines and evaluates the cultural-communicative styles of Indonesia and India. The analysis presented in the report is based on Hall’s theory (1959, 1966, 1976, 1983) of high-context (HC) and low-context (LC) cultures and Geert Hofstede’s (1997) cultural dimension of collectivism versus individualism. The report also suggests how potential gaps between members …

Human Value Creating Global Citizenship: International Perspectives
This study mainly aimed to explore the suitable conceptual frameworks of Human Value Creating Global Citizenship and the related school administrative tasks to support development of students’ characteristics to become human value creating global citizens. The population consisted of elementary and high schools under supervision of Soka (Value Creating) University in Japan. Respondents were 3 …

The Comparison of Industrial Behaviors of the Students of Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
The objectives of the research were in comparison of industrial behaviors of students of Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi classified by the experience of part-time job, faculty, and GPAX. The stratified random sampling method was governed so as to select 492 senior students of Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi of the academic year 2018 as …

Can Mental Health Be Predicted? A Study About Anxiety Degree, Impulsive Behavior, and Mental Distress of College Students
As more and more college students have impulsive behavior and even cause mental distress because of depression or anxiety. The study explored the similarities and differences in Anxiety Degree, Impulsive Behavior, and Mental Distress across six groups of faculty in different gender. Self-Description questionnaire was employed, and there were 1,010 college students participated in this …

Roles of Core Components in Emotional Awareness to the Severity of Anxiety With the Moderator of Sleeping Quality in Youth
The aim of this research is to examine the roles of six core components in emotional awareness in the severity of anxiety in youth in order to provide early identification and training in Hong Kong. In this research, 4647 local students (N=4647, M=1982, F=2350) aged from 12-18 (M=15, SD=1.88) are invited to participate voluntarily. They …

Benefits of Smartwatches on Health-Promoting Lifestyles
Smart wearable devices are new tools for promoting healthy lifestyles in modern society. Health-promoting lifestyles are a multidimensional pattern of actions and perceptions that contribute to maintaining and enhancing an individual’s wellness. Smartwatches have various features, such as self-monitoring, goal setting, just-in-time feedback, and rewards. They may help individuals have health-promoting lifestyles through interesting self-regulation …

Adapting Orphan Migrants in Japanese Elderly Care Services: A Diversified Model for Ishikawa Prefecture
In Japan, the growing number of senior citizens requires prolonged medical care and other supports. There is no immediate route to increase the population growth rate instantly or a technological revolution that could serve the increasing number of senior citizens fully. On the other hand, millions of orphan children throughout the world are dying without …

The Structure Underlying Japan’s Soft Power Tangles in Thailand: Influences and Foreign Policy Directions
The pursuit of Japan’s cultural diplomacy in Thailand holds unique changes after the end of World War II. Amid the shifting politics in the region, the term ‘soft power’ has started to become a crucial component of Japanese foreign policy towards Thailand. Looking at the issue comparatively provides the current limitation of the existing scholarship …

Double Consciousness in British Asian Writing
My father’s work took us all over the world, then to a British boarding school. The result was a duality that ran through me; this was a sensibility that was very British but at the same time very Indian. This sensibility impacted the way I wrote my novel Begums of Peshawar (Hachette, 2018). Focusing on …

Being at Home in Transnational Spaces: Conceptualizing the Lifeworld of Chinese Migrants Abroad
In the scientific discourse in China, overseas Chinese are usually represented as constitutive elements of the Chinese nation-state. In contrast, Western migration studies tend to analyze Chinese migrant’s identities only in the context of their relation to the host country. In a way, both approaches fall into the trap of methodological nationalism and thus fail …

Course Redesign & Student Learning: High Impact Practices
Course redesign can enhance the student learning experience by emphasizing real-life application of learning, transversal learning outcomes, and authentic assessment. An increasingly common platform for this is the high impact practice of ePortfolios, which entail students creating artifacts that represent their learning. This presentation focuses on the processes and outcomes of a course redesign project. …

Without Dictionaries: Translating Indigenous Oral Literature From Greece
The field of Translation Studies tends to overlook the extensive indigenous linguistic diversity of Europe and the particular issues that translators of marginalized and endangered languages face. The European Centre for Modern Languages counts 225 indigenous local languages spoken in Europe, most of which are at risk of falling out of use. In Greece alone …

Serving More Than Two Masters: Contextualization of Christianity in Contemporary China and the Changes of Christianity in Translated Texts
The publication volume of translation works of Christian literature from English to Chinese soar recently with the contextualization of Christianity in contemporary China. The translation approach that the translators opt for, serving the standard of Christianity – to preserve the message, or serving the standard of translation studies – to find the dynamic equivalence, is …

“Saving Our City”: Christian Perspectives on Mediating Controversies and Conflicts in the Anti-extradition Movement in Hong Kong
The anti-extradition movement has already persisted in Hong Kong since early June 2019. There have been frequent violent confrontations between the protesters and the police in public spaces. Nevertheless, divisions and arguments between Christians who support the protesters and those who strictly disagree with violence are emerging. Many Christian churches and the ministers in Hong …

The Digitalisation of Alternative Means of News Gathering and Dissemination in Southern Hinterlands of Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects
Nigeria is the largest country in Africa with over 70% of its population dispersed in the hinterlands that are characteristically insecure, inaccessible and isolated. Information gathering and dissemination in these areas are highly limited; most of them do not access national and international news. Notwithstanding arrays of print and electronic media activities; newsgathering and dissemination …

De-radicalization Style in Indonesian Pilot Prisons: Classification Scheme to Support Risk Reduction Theory
In order to tackle radicalism and terrorism phenomenon in the 21st century that become a more serious threat for national security, countries in the world have been implementing various soft approach methods and techniques that adjusted to domestic wisdom of the respective countries. In Indonesia, the so-called de-radicalization program has been designated for its terrorist …

Confucian Values and Public Service Motivation: The Mediating Role of Paradoxical Leadership
Although research of leadership and public service motivation (PSM) has been conducted in diverse cultural contexts, it remains understudied in Confucian Asia. The current study aims to examine how Confucian values influence PSM in Vietnam and also attempts to investigate the mediating role of paradoxical leadership in this relationship. Drawing mainly on the institutional theory …

Teacher Professional Development Program in an Indonesian Disadvantaged Region
This quantitative study examines the effects of a mandatory teacher professional development (PD) program on the sources of teacher self-efficacy beliefs, and Indonesian teacher self-efficacy beliefs. Instruments used in this study were the Teacher Professional Development Scale (Main & Pendergast, 2017), Sources of Efficacy Information in Professional Learning Environments (Dellinger, 2001), and Teacher Efficacy Beliefs …

A Comparative Analysis of Unique Characteristics, Conditions, and Challenges of Lifelong Education in Four Major Asian Countries — China, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan
The authors conducted a comparative analysis of unique characteristics, conditions, and challenges of lifelong education in four major Asian countries, namely China, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. A documentary analysis of comparative education research and a context, input, process, and product evaluation model of educational policy research were used to systematically analyze the lifelong education …