Month: July 2015
Socio-Demographic Predictors of Occupational Stress Among Secondary School Teachers in Anambra State, Nigeria Counselling Implications
The study examined socio-demographic predictors of occupational stress among secondary school teachers in Anambra State – Nigeria. Five hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The population of the study was six thousand and thirty six (6,036) teachers from public schools in the state. The sample of the study consisted of one thousand teachers, made …
Performance of the Kindergarten Teachers and Its Relation to Pupils Achievement in Different Learning Areas
This study aimed to determine the performance of the kindergarten teachers and its relation to pupils’ achievement in different learning areas in the Division of Kabankalan City. Using the standardized assessment and evaluation of the Department of Education secondary data, 100 kinder teachers and 2901 kinder pupils were investigated to determine the performance of the …
The Opinion of Media Entrepreneurs towards Thai Mass Media
The purposes of the research are to study the roles of today’s mass media and to gather media members’ opinions on media reform via qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Quantitative findings show that television is the medium media entrepreneurs have used the most. The next most used media are email and mobile phone respectively. Media entrepreneurs …
The Persuasive Power of Person Deixis in Political Discourse: The Pronoun ‘We’ in Obama’s Speeches as an Example
Politicians resort to ‘soft power’ to influence others and to convince them to support their attitudes about given issues through the use of language as a persuasive power. Among the linguistic tools adopted to achieve specific goals is the pronominal system. That is why the present research tries to investigate the use of person deixis …
Understanding Malaysian Twitter Users Behaviour Using Hans Eysenck’s Three-Trait Model
The study seeks to understand Malaysian Twitter users personality using Hans Eysenck’s three-trait model; that entails of extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. This theory proposes that individuals possess certain personality traits which partially determine their behavior of usage. Data was randomly collected using Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) from 400 Twitter users in Malaysia via Google Docs. …
The Influence of Online Social Communication Networks on the Agenda of the Front Page of Thai Newspapers
The research found that the online social media services of Facebook impacted the news agenda items of both Thairath and Matichon newspapers. Analysis of Facebook was conducted throughout the year 2011. In addition, extensive interviews were conducted with sub-editors and reporters from said newspapers. It was also found that the online media services examined helped …
The Power of Traumatic Loss in William Faulkner’s the Sound and the Fury: The Quentin Section as an Example
This paper examines the theme of the power of trauma in Quentin Compson’s section in William Faulkner’s novel The Sound and the Fury. Throughout his section, Quentin is portrayed as a traumatized character, whose loss of his sister Caddy’s virginity and the decadence of the Southern mores and values affected him psychologically. That is why …
Power of the Linguistuc Choices
Slave narratives have always been the source of multifarious examinations and the subject of so many pieces of research that it would seem at, first sight, futile to attempt to come up with other discoveries about the field understudy. However, the rationale behind undertaking this research is that the previous studies have mainly been preoccupied …
Can the Subaltern Be Heard: Subalternisation in the Context of the God of Small Things
Colonialism and Post-colonialism are theoretically speaking two mutually entangled but conflicting terms. Colonialism prospered on exploitation, hegemony, control, and deprivation of the colonized; creating an aura of its “otherness” for the specific goals. Spivak’s “Can the subaltern speak” draws attention to the “ general attribute of subordination in the south Asian society” and “oppressed subject”position …
Women at the Edge: Crimes of Power against Women in the Context of Nadeem Aslam’s Novel ‘The Wasted Vigil’
This paper aims to give a clearer perspective of the reasons of crimes of power committed against women in the context of Afghanistan and talibanization, as represented in Nadeem Aslam’s novel ‘The Wasted Vigil’. Through an analysis in the broader framework of socio-cultural and religio-political background, perceptions of the mindset of perpetrators of hegemony and …
A Deranged World through Structural Disarray: The Power of Narrative in 1980s Chinese Fiction
China under Maoist totalitarian extremity is a deranged world. In literary works by critically acclaimed authors Yu Hua, Can Xue and Chen Chun, the nightmarish reality is represented through narration strictly through the viewpoint of the male or female protagonists. In Yu Hua’s story, the teenage protagonist is an individual with the mental disorder of …
The Procedure of Nationalism in King Rama VI’s Play: A Case Study of Hua Jai Nak Rob
In the reign of Phra Mongkut Klao Chaoyuhua — King Rama VI who is known as King Vajiravudh, Thai were confronted with many profound difficulties, especially colonization from western countries. “Hua Jai Nak Rob” was written in 1913 by His Majesty King Rama VI. The purpose of this play was to suggest and arouse Thai …
Michael Chabon’s ‘the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay’ Re-Presenting the Historical Novel
Can literature represent reality? And, if so, is the novel the best genre to do so? Although these questions are not new in the field of literary studies, a number of postmodern authors – and subsequently literary researchers – have drawn attention to the mimetic potential of literature on the one hand and the problematic …
The Power of Literature in African Development Since the 1950s
African history has been described as a hero in African literature. In this paper I argue for the reverse: that African Literature is not only a hero in African history but also a powerful actor in African development. The contribution made by African literature constitutes the academic arm of the continent’s struggles and achievements to …
The Ethical Dimension in Citizen Journalism Practice: A Study of the 2015 Presidential Election in Nigeria
Media can set agenda which can positively or negatively affect the society. Beyond the setting of agenda the media can and do act as agents of checks and balances of the other powers in the society. Social media have greatly increased the power of the media and have produced what may be called the ‘fifth …
The Personal Story as the Message: A New Approach to Health Communications
Health is a topic that affects everyone, either through their own personal experiences or those of their family, friends or work colleagues. Yet, for a long time, reporting health consisted largely of statistics on the number of deaths and cases of disease, or reporting on epidemiological data that affect people we do not know. While …
The Web of Signification in Journey to the West
Journey to the West, one of the ancient Chinese classics, is an imaginative narration of the historical event of the buddhist monk Xuanzang embarking on an arduous journey to India for Buddhist scriptures in Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). While advocating mainly Buddhist beliefs, such as the concept of karma, as conventionally understood, the novel also …
The King and His Queen: Henry VIII’s Verse and Katherine of Aragon as Center of the Chivalric Court
This essay examines the ways in which Henry used poetics and performances to establish the iconography of his court and the relevance, within this context, of Henry’s specific choice of Katherine as queen to preside over his chivalric court. Though analysis may now often interrogate the possibility of underlying insecurities motivating Henry’s actions, the king’s …
Handsome Is As Handsome Speaks
The presented work is a multi-year project of defining essential lingual characteristics for building up a Gestalt of a positive political figure. The paper presents research into psychological and linguistic correlations between the social image of a political leader and his/her speech. Our goal is to shed light upon the interdependence of the person’s oratory …
Impact of Motivation on Job Performance in Nigeria Broadcast Industry
This study was carried out to know the impact of motivation on job performance in a broadcast organization. The scope does not go beyond metropolis. Public and private broadcast media (OGBC and Rockcity F.M). The study highlights the design of the study, subjects, sample, measuring instrument and the procedure followed in establishing the impact motivation …
Hate Speech or Voice from Minority? – Media’s Dilemma under Multicultural Pressure
This research is both an effort to examine the mass communication discourse on hate speech incidents and to draw a rough map of some of the landscape of recent argumentation. This landscape may give clearer view on the complex structure of racism which is a compound of ethnocentrism fundamentally caused by jus sanguinis (Latin: right …
Campaign American Style? Facebook Activity of Presidential Candidates in Poland before 2015 Election
The Barack Obama presidential campaign of 2008 was the first of its kind to use social media in a positive and efficient manor. What was a new phenomenon back then, today seems to be standard protocol. In Poland the leading social network is Facebook used by 59% of internauts every day. The paper is part …
Propaganda in the Service of Genocide- Case of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
ISIS is considered as great threat to international peace. According to report by Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN Assistance Mission for Iraq Human Rights Office, ISIS politics on conquered territories meets statutory criteria of the crime of genocide- actions taken by ISIS are committed with intent to destroy, …
Classifying and Profiling Social Media Users: An Integrated Approach
The fast evolving business practice and the continuously changing users’ profiles attract researchers’ interest, such as Brandtzaeg& Heim (2010) and Brandtzaeg et al. (2007), Constantinides (2011), Hsuan (2008). However, the current classification studies allows for users’ segmentation in specific social media application and only one at a time (e.g. SNS, blogs). Thus, Van den Beemt …
Social Media as a Voice to the Voiceless: The Nigerian Experience
Social media as a communication tool has some advantages over the traditional media because of its ability to bridge the gap between the privileged and the less privileged. The study looks at how the social media was used to give voice to the voiceless especially in the 2015 presidential election in Nigeria which led to …
K.J.Yesudas: The Discursive Formation of the Cult of a Playback Singer in the Kerala Public Sphere
K.J. Yesudas, the popular film singer, has been a central figure in the realm of popular culture constituted by Malayalam cinema for more than half a century. The singer’s voice is often accorded the status of ‘the representative modern voice’ and the singer could excel in the dual spheres of Carnatic and film music traditions. …
Deconstructing Gender: Laurence Anyways and the Mise-En-Scene of a Transition
Can the cinema, in 2015, contain the rejection and ostracism that suppose the non-representation of the difference? Basing the analysis on Xavier Dolan’s third full-length film Laurence Anyways, and its mise en scene of the main character’s odyssey to become a woman and the struggles she had to overcome in order to find his true …
Cultural Peculiarities and Equivalents : A Perspective of French and Igbo Proverbs
Every culture has its mode of expression. This is true for its various aspects including social, material, political or religious aspects of culture. As culture varies with time and space, so its mode of expression varies too. One way culture is expressed is through the use of proverbs. The peculiarities of culture are seen in …
Exploring Power: Aboriginal Artefacts and Records in Australian Libraries and Archives
Knowledge is power. By extension, the language utlised to control, disseminate and record knowledge can actively challenge, or sustain, existing power dynamics. In libraries and archives across Australia the power over Aboriginal artefacts and records is complicated by competing interests, various approaches to collection development and management as well as a constantly changing political context. …
A Critical Study of Mahfouz’s Representation of the Oppressed ‘Intellectual’ During the ‘Nasserite Experiment’
An intellectual can be defined as “someone able to speak the truth, a courageous and angry individual for whom no worldly power is too big and imposing to be criticized and pointedly taken to task. The real or “true” intellectual is therefore always an outsider, living in self-imposed exile, and on the margins of society. …
The Ethnopoetic Study of Igbo Oral Funeral Poetry: A Case Study of Edda Dirge.
This study is an analysis of Igbo oral funeral poetry with particular reference to Edda. The principal objective of the study is to analyze oral funeral poetry performance of the Edda people with emphasis on the form and structure of Edda dirges, belief of causes and effects of death, themes and significance of oral funeral …
Social Media as a Game Changer in the 2014 Indian Parliamentary Election: A Study of the Indian Diaspora Society in Canada and Oman
India is the seventh largest democracy of the world. Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Press are its four pillars. So, media and politics have been cheek by jowl from many decades. Since Britishers till now, media is playing its significant role. Its role becomes more powerful with the advent of social media, because people got a …
Supporting 21st Century Learning & Teaching; Who’s Got the Power? Academic Libraries: At the Heart of the University
In the higher education (HE) sector there has been increasing interest in delivering a range of support services within a single physical space. It has become noticeable that this space is to be found within the library, and has been termed converged or super-converged services (Bulpitt 2012). These service models have taken precedence over other …
Typography and Iconography: Influential Tools in Visual Communication
Graphic design is the most effective art form to quickly communicate a message to the viewer. People are influenced by skillful storytelling, which can provide both logic and an emotional investment [1]. A visual communication craftsperson can efficiently stir the emotions in his or her audience through various tools of storytelling such typography and iconography. …
The Convergence of Aesthetics and Politics in the Poetry of Yasmeen Hameed: A Voice from Pakistan
The paper looks at the mystique of the poetic process and the manner in which the subterranean cultural and primal patterns of the mind of the poet – Yasmeen Hameed interact, operate and manifest themselves in the lyrics. Contrary to the western paradigm of duality such patterns are studied in the light of the oriental …
Development of Appropriate Knowledge Cultivation and Production of Para Rubber for Farmers in Loei Province, Thailand
This research aimed to study on 1, To create and promote participatory learning in the field of knowledge management of the para rubber in the community . 2, To develop a set of appropriate knowledge of cultivation and production of para rubber for farmers in Loei province, Thailand .The research methodology were both quantitative and …
Public Service Announcement for “Public Interest”?
The public service announcement or advertising (PSA) is conceptualized as “public spot” in Turkey. The term is used for short films or announcements which are produced on behalf of public institutions or non-governmental organizations. The aim of the PSA is to inform or educate citizens about the subject on public interest. Turkey has witnessed the …
Beyond Genre: Black Elements in Radiohead’s “Bloom” Or Black Music/White Music, What’s the Difference?
Today’s music scene, rather the industrial marketing mechanisms orchestrating the music scene, perpetuates segregation in music. However, such marketing belies the more permeable boundaries between genres or that elements of “black” music still exist in rock or that “white” elements exist in hip hop. One example of black musical elements in a “rock” song is …
Revitalising Indigenous Resistance and Dissent through Online Media
Indigenous peoples continue to experience exclusion from mediated mainstream public sphere debates. In Australia, recent government funding cuts suppress opportunities for Aboriginal resistance and dissent. Long-standing Aboriginal print media have ceased publication. Public broadcasters have cancelled Indigenous news services, and a 2014 Commission of Audit recommended culling the community broadcasting sector. This is in direct …
Organizational Culture as a Primary Driver of Organizational Success: The South African University Experience
The new business paradigm foregrounds accountability, transparency, sustainability and good governance as the pillars on which organizational success is built. It demands attention to a range of strategies that have until recently been treated as “soft issues” deserving of inclusion into organizational scorecards, but having peripheral value only. These strategies include the identification and realization …
The Way of Music: Phraya Phomeesewin
This study aims to explore the path of becoming Thai traditional musician expert of the notorious Phraya Bhumisevin,the royal court musician and composer. Praya Bhumisevin, also known as Jiit Jittasevi,(13 June 1894-5 January 1976) was a master of Thai classical music, particularly of the saw sam sai (three-stringed instrument), during the Rattanakosin period. He was …
Intercultural Communication through an Anthropology Approach
This paper probes some key elements of cross-cultural issues in international business communication and provides a framework for creating competitive advantage for firms engaged in international business. Culture affects many aspects of international business communication. It impacts free trade policies, localization and standardization strategy decisions, advertising, brand effectiveness, business relationships, international business management, international marketing, …
Peacebuilding in Information Technology Age in Afghanistan: E-Solha
Violence is the greatest challenge for Afghanistan in particular and the world in general. Both Afghan government and people want to promote peace and tranquility which could be possible with the tools offered by information communication technology (ICT). This study proposes an ICT solution for peace building and conflict mitigation namely “e-Solha”. The purpose of …
Thai News Cultural Landscape in Digital TV Era
This research titled “Thai News Cultural Landscape in Digital TV Era” studies Thai news and current affairs landscape in Thai News television programmes in respect of Thai reporters, their ways of life and digital between April 24, 2014 and April 24, 2015. This period has particular significance because it is the transitional period for Thailand’s …
New Turkish Documentaries: The Tools to Raise Public Awareness with Their Narrative Structures and Discourses
Undoubtedly, NGOs, different ethnic and religious groups, political dissidents, and sexual orientations and identities convey the unseen images, unheard voices and unknown stories or buried narratives to the public sphere in the face of the mainstream media. Documentaries about buried narratives remind and recall people’s history against the conventional or mainstream one, and contribute to …
Illegitimacy of Capital Punishment: Its Unethical Contemporary Resurgence in Igboland, Nigeria.
Murder was proscribed even as a retaliatory measure as Gen 4:15 cautions: if any one kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over. This divine injunction was re-enforced by the Decalogue’s You shall not kill (Ex 20:13) as handed to Moses. Igbo ancestral heritage preserved a similar ethical value as it made Igbo hospitality …
Towards an Inventory of Best Practices for an Efficient Gypsum Recycling Value Chain
In Europe, increased use of gypsum plasterboard began in 1960s – 1970s, especially growing popularity since the mid-1980s. A large proportion of gypsum waste is being landfilled and backfilled worldwide, including building plaster, gypsum blocks and plasterboard, being the later the most common recyclable gypsum waste generated in Europe. Considering a reference service life of …
Baby Factories in Nigeria: Implications for Education and Women Empowerment
The growth of Baby Factories has added a new dimension to the incidence of trafficking in persons in Nigeria. The main purpose of baby factories, also referred to as �baby farming�, �baby harvesting� and �baby manufacturing� is the production and sale of babies for commercial purposes. Because of poverty, illiteracy and stigmatization occasioned by unplanned/unwanted …
Case Study on the Business Performance of Suppliers to the Portuguese Health System During the Period of International Financial Assistance
A multiple linear regression model and corresponding inferential analysis were used to study the business performance (Y-sales) and impact of the strategies implemented on suppliers of medical devices to the Portuguese health system during the period of economic crisis and international bailout provided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Commission EC (2011-2013). Specific …
An Impact Assessment of Green Initiatives of the Central Bank on the Environmentally Sustainable Banking in Bangladesh
Environmental concern is at the centre of Green Banking policies and strategies. Policy makers in many economies have been undertaking initiatives and formulating rules to support green banking activities by the financial sectors throughout the world. In response to various legislative and regulatory bindings and incentives, a good number of banks in developed countries have …
Development of a Solar Cooling System Based on a Fluid Piston Convertor
Solar water pumping and dynamic water desalination has been developed at Northumbria University during the last few years. These systems are built around the fluid piston converter with a simple design and made of low cost materials. In water pump and desalination systems, the fluid piston converter works as an engine driven by solar thermal …
Rainwater Harvesting in Nigeria: A Survey of Common Water Supply Practices
Rainwater harvesting systems in Nigeria vary in terms of design and operation. To better understand common practice and motivation for collecting rainwater, a questionnaire survey was selected to achieve a representation of the population of Ibadan. A sample size of 1067 was calculated for household respondents (using a population of 2,555,853). 950 households responded to …
Magnetic Separation of Fine Particles from Process Water Circuits in the Steel Industry
Within a European collaborative research project aimed at reduction of fine iron containing particles (0.5-m – 10-m) in steelmaking process water circuits, a new magnetic separation system using permanent magnets has been designed and tested. Hot rolling mill process water for descaling and cooling can accumulate large amounts of suspended solids that can cause spray …
Gypsum to Gypsum (GtoG): The European Life+ Project That Aims to Transform the Gypsum Waste Market
The GtoG project is working for creating a recycling culture of gypsum products, changing the way this waste is usually treated in construction, renovation and demolition works, with the aim of achieving higher gypsum recycling rates in Europe and promoting selective deconstruction practices. For this purpose, five demolition companies, one demolition consultant, two gypsum waste …
Perception of the Resident Population towards Tourist Presence: A Survey Research in Alcossebre, Castellón, Spain
This empirical research has as main objective to analyze the perceptions of resident population of Alcossebre, on Spanish Mediterranean, in order to design and enrich a set of material flows indicators for the thesis “Sustainable Planning for tourist coastal places”. The impacts that presence of tourists has on their personal lives and in natural and …
The Semiotic of Bangkai-Bangkaian: A Special Space for the Spirit
The major purpose of this paper is to offer a brief ethnographic description of death ritual among the west coast Bajaus in Sabah, by stressing more on matters relating to the preparation of bangkai-bangkaian after burial of a dead person. This cultural artifact is perceived as a resting place or ‘special space’ for the spirit …
Virtual Water Trade as a Tool of Managing Water Resources in Egypt
In regions, which suffer from water shortage or potential water shortage like the Middle East, water policies and different mitigation measures are formulated. Egypt is one of the states in the Middle East that have a potential water shortage. Different water management water policies have been applied in Egypt. During the past water sufficiency periods, …
Language as a Discourse of Legitimate Power
Every state must legitimize itself with a discourse of legitimate power. The state of Pakistan was originally imagined as a homeland for the Muslims of India. Religion, thus, served as the discourse of legitimacy for this state. However, its Bengali speaking eastern wing East Pakistan soon grew restive as Urdu was declared the sole official …
Development of Holistic Creative Learning Skills for Elderly People in Rural Area of Thailand: Career Dimension
Thailand is entering the aging society because the elderly population is increasing rapidly and the elderly population, living in the rural area, still has insufficient income and learning skills for careers. Thus, they still need care and learning skills in the rapidly changing society. This article presents the results of the study on the situation …
The Relationship between Gambling Behavior, Emotional Intelligence and Self-Esteem in Adolescence
Accumulating research suggests that gambling can negatively affect core domains of development, particularly among adolescents. The present study sought to explore the relationship between gambling behavior, emotional intelligence, and self-esteem in a sample of 324 Greek adolescents (x=13.9). Measures of constructs included the South Oaks Gambling Screen-Revised for Adolescents (SOGS-RA) (Winters, Stinchfield, & Fulkerson, 1993), …
Stages of Consciousness Formation
The purpose was to describe the basic stages of formation of the personality: A. On the basis of development of the informational processes in Consciousness. B. For the purpose of reaching the highest results. The basic questions are the qualitative changes and their conditions. Stage 1. External programming: accurate statements form operating programs of Consciousness, …
Hearing Filipino Journalists Side of the Story: A Mixed Method Approach
Journalists have the power to relay important information to the public, sometimes endangering their own safety and health in order to cover stories. The researchers studied the experience of Filipino journalists covering wars, conflicts, natural disasters, police reports and accidents. The study used content analysis to analyze the semi-structured interviews and multiple regression to analyze …
The Difference of Perception of Facial Emotions for People with Different Ages
Emotions are an incredibly important aspect of human life and basic research on emotions of the past few decades has produced several discoveries that have led to important real world applications. Facial emotions are perceived by different people in different way. Possibility to read facial expressions is getting hard with the age. According to previous …
Exploring the Mediating Role of Employee Motivation in the Relationship Between Post-Selection Human Resource Management (Hrm) Practices and Organizational Performance
The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to explore the meditating role of employee motivation in the relationship between post-selection Human Resource Management (HRM) practices (training & development, performance evaluation system, career development system, extrinsic and intrinsic rewards) and perceived performance of Islamic Banks operating in Pakistan. This study was based on primary data collected …
Sustainable Design Practices, Analysis and Assessment Tools for Students Using Openstudio
Integration of sustainability and its vision across multiple disciplines has become standard in many industries. The vision for sustainability embraces the goals of environmental, social, and economic vitality with the understanding that the needs of the present be met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability promotes interconnectivity of …
Experiencing Desired Outcomes of Adult Education Through Participatory Practice Design
The need for direct relevance, be it for academic, professional and/or self-actualisation purposes, has added impetus for higher education institutions focusing on adult education to ensure its programmes enable lifelong employability in order to achieve economic and social goals. As such, the desired outcomes of a programme cannot remain lofty, but be actualized in the …
Attitudes and Behavior of Ajman University of Science and Technology Students Towards the Environment in Light of Some Variables
This study examined the attitudes and behavior of Ajman University of Science and Technology (AUST) students towards the environment according to their gender and college. The sample consists of (375) students (230 males and 145 females) from different colleges. A survey investigated the attitudes and behavior scale towards the Environment (ABSTE) and environmental sciences course …
Utilisation of Resources As Correlates of Undergraduates’ Academic Achievement in Cataloguing and Classification in Library Schools in Southern Nigeria
Cataloguing and classification is still a compulsory course in library and Information Schools in Nigeria. Despite the importance of the courses in library profession and schools, it was observed from educators and students that there is apathy for the course in library schools. Some graduates in library and information science are not interested to work …
Reflections of Ab English Students on Their English Language Learning Experiences
This study seeks to investigate the language learning experiences of the thirty-nine AB-English majors who were selected through fish-bowl technique from the 157 students enrolled in the AB-English program. Findings taken from the diary, questionnaire and unstructured interview revealed that motivation, learners’ belief, self-monitoring, language anxiety, activities and strategies were the prevailing factors that influenced …